★ Izzah Khairul Amir, muah :D
This is specially for my dearest Izzah :)
Aku dah bca dh entry dia tuu yg dia nk spread to everyone psai hg. Aku bukanlaa pandai sgt kan tapi every human beings on Earth patut katup aib orang no matter how ugly they are. So my opinion about her is, shes not that ALIM or baik. Serious, sbb kalau dia seorg yg baik, dia akan stay silent and berdoa or what. Bukannya hbaq kat satu dunia apa yg hg buat kan. Hurmm. Dia pun belum tentu nak lepas dari apa yg hg buat. Well, shes just 13, panjang lg perjalanan hidup dia. Betuuiiii pannnnnjaaaaannngg. So tak payah la risau weh. Klau dia bukak aib hg, Tuhan pun akan bukak aib dia akhirat kelak. God always there for you Izzah. Don't be a pussy about it.
If she hurt you, I'll hurt her twice. Or even triple. Tapi, hang jangan la risau sgt psai ugutan dia and stuff. Dia buat mcmtuu kt hg, insyaAllah akan ada hmba Allah balas balik. Izzah, biaq ja dia. Biaq dia jadi bodo sorg2. Aku tau hg mmg ckup kental untuk face ni. You're the chosen one, God pick you to face this kind of hard time. Its okay, I'm here and you could always tell me. I'll be a good listener. I know that you're a tough girl and yet, you're prettaayy. I love you Izzah Binti Khairul Amir. Let them be, haters make you even famous. So don't give a them about any bulu puki that they talk about you. They're just jealous of you. You should know that. You got EVERYTHING that they don't and yeah, they should be jealous of it. Well, that is all I think. Whenever you need me, I'll be there for you. I swear to God. Yeah. And please be strong stop hurting yourself by thinking about this major shit. Babaiii <3
I love you so damn muchie Izzah binti Khairul Amir <3
Me leb yuh ah lohtt. Careself babygirl :D
★ Middle Finger please
Hello-lo :)
Okay so seriously meh you wanna fight? Well, I don't even give a damn lah weh. Serius, apa la sangat kau kan? Setakat kau, mmg aku tak kisah pon. Aku tak pernah pun benci kau walaupun kau talk shit about aku. Eh why don't you dig your own grave darl? Betullah, kau budak hot gila kan. Aku jalan sbelah kau pun kau tak nmpak. Kau YM! dgan Eman then ckap psal aku kan? HAHA. Whaddupp dearr? Wanna mess up with me eyy? Kalau Ben tuu, aku tak kisah la. I could get even better than him. Kay?
You said that I lost my virginity when I'm 14 aite? Well hell yeah, if yeah pun, ada aku kacau pantat kau? Ada?! Tak kan? So, apa masalah kau? Aku kiss pun tak pernah tambah la nak M.O. Kau la kot kan? Tak payah la nak put blame on others. Sendiri buat, sendiri tanggunglaa. I trust you a lot. I told you about Bei and you told everyone about it. Kau ni dahsyat betul la. Hrituu baik ja kan? Macam kucing tau. Gesel2 kat kaki aku. Penyepak mau?
I'm sick of your 'talam dua muka' attitude. Well, tadi aku call kau en? I asked you about it and you said sorry and tetiba ja kan bila bukak blog kau. Kau dh block aku. Shitlah. Eh lupa ka? Most of your fucking follower are friends of mine. Eh ex boyfriend aku pun kau nak eh? Well silakan lah. Tak lama lagi, rosaklah kau. Apa kau ingt dia baik? eee ~ Simpang malaikat 44 laa doooo. He's nothing to me. So you think that I'll be jealous of you? Sbb dpat BF hnsem dan dan hot? Ceh ceh. Aku dah ckap, slagi aku takdapat HIM, aku takkan kapel :)
★ G.O.O.D Luv
I miss that song. I cried when I heard it. Currently listening to it :)Oh, aku minx maaf sbb aku tak pernah nak dngar cakap kau en. Takpalah. Kau dah ada apa yg kau nak. Untunglaa kau. Its okay, aku tumpang gembira untk kau. Aku taktau kenapa tp kau asyik nk melenting ja bila aku ckap apa2 pun. Apa aku dah buat kat kau? Kau benci aku eh? Its okay. You got everything that you want so its okay for you to leave me like this. Kheeen? Eh tak payah la susah2 nak tnya aku kan apa masalah aku. Kheeeen? Fkiuu lah.
When you start dating her, you started to be this kind of bitchy. Perlu ka bila nmpak aku kau lari2 mcm babi? Eh serious aku tnya. Perlu? Kau ingt aku tak nmpak kau eh harituu? Kau pergi Family Day The Bevy kan? Oh sbbtuu laa harituu gathering Prankstar haram kau cakap kau tak sempat berbagai. Ooo, sekarang dah kawan dgan budak femes ya? Oh takpaa. Pergi lancau lah kau sial. Apa kau ingt aku taktau kau asyik menganjing belakang aku time kau duduk dgan geng Sneak? Oooo, dah kawan dgan budak2 deck oo. Woah leng chai, kau dah kawan dgan org hot2 dahh. Yalaa, aku, Rafeq and the rest kan noob. Okay aku faham betullah dgan prangai kau. Tayah la kan nak mention2 nama kau tuu kan. Sendiri paham la deyy. Sorrylaa, me couldn't give you any NAME like the Sneak and The Bevy boleh kasi. Sorrylaa. Yalaa, Maysarah kan budak hot sentap gila babi kann. Pergilaa kawan dgan dia. Pergilaa. Dan nanti mesti stts kau kt fb ' Woah dudes, really Pavillion sendat gile doh dgan budak2 BAJET '. Okay bajet tuu merangkumi aku and the rest. Yalaa, kitorang mana pakai seluar sndat2. Pendek smpai nmpak bulu puki kan.
HAHA. Lawaklah kau. Dlu bukan main lagi kutuk. Haaa. Sukasukipuki kau ja kan main petik2 nama aku. Kau dah puas hidup? Kau tau tak, si Asha tuu mulut tempayan. Ah, dialah dalang yg cerita pasal apa yg kau kata dkat aku cibeii. Marilah marilah. Kau dah puas hidup en? Okay set. Mari aku sipakk buntut kau smpai ke MARS. Eh nama lebih kurang lah. Eh nama kau MARS apa entah? HOHO. Shit lupa.
Okay Rafique. Aku dh siap menoture kwan baik kau. Kamonn. Cepat cepat. Lepas dia bca blog aku msti dia bukak blog kau pulak. So dude, hurry upppp ! Kau torture awek die eh :)
Eh actly, aku torture dua2 ni. Acane?
★ Old crush. Say Hi.
Heyyyooo baby and babi. HEHE. Okay, nak jadi romantik sat nah syg2 :)
Okay firstly, I am deadly like that boy so muchhh. Hurm well. He's pretty for me. His smile could melt me inside and out. Oh boy, she don't deserve to be with you. She don't love you like I do. If I am that girl, I won't ever dump you. I don't love you for your fucking physical looks. I just love you cuz you're nice and you cried for a girl. *kuasa stalking laa kan* Its hard to explain. Loving you without a reason. Thats it. I want you and I swear that I'll take a good care of you. You make me forget mrAA. And I am so happy cuz I met you again. Cinta zaman mespes enn. And now, tggu lepas PMR. I'll hehehehehe with you. Eh tggulaa. You jangan nak menggedik lagi tauu.
Okay yeay aku SS lagi. Dah dua kali aku mimpi dia. Ber-ua. Aku susah betuii nak mimpi2 org ni kan. Tapi dgan Si S ni, fuh fuhh. Okay nama dia start dgan huruf F. Tapi nama glamor dia S. Character cartoon Japanese. HEHE. Yo baby boy, please be mine cuz I don't see any better guy more than you. You makes me forget all about him and I am happy for it :)
*last update and I'll be back after PMR. I love you S :)
Bila zaman myspace kembali, mulalah nak rindu life dulu kan. Hurmm. Things change and so am I :(
★ I don't know why :')
I don't know why but I have to figure this out. A guy that I hate the most yeah he's my ex Babyy. Okay, urm its start when I ask him to post me his trial paper. I need it really. Okay then he ask me my number. And I said ' Eh bukan dh ada? I still guna yg lama lah '. And he called me. I almost burst to tear when he said that he's still stalking me. He still love me. Whatever :)And I know, I still love him. He makes me forget Adi. He makes me forget this pain for a while. I wonder why I hate him so much. I don't know why. But what I know is, he's still waiting for me. Auw :) Aku mmg slalu gduh dgan dia sbb dia ego sgt sgt dan terlalu sgt. But when I need someone to cuddle with, there he is. Heee. D d d d d. How I miss you :) The most coolest ex BF evaaaa. Okay tak jd nak amik kertas trial dia sbb dh ada :)
Ching a ling baby. I wanna be single for a while. I'm tired of being hurt by a guy. I have to. I don't feel lonely at all. Okay I'm lying. But its okay, I got you. I got everybody. Even my most enemy, cik Gendut. She's being nice with me all the time. How cool is that huh? And he said that I improved my English well :) Woah woah. Amazing. Kehkeh. Yalaaa bila asyik merapu mstilaa boleh improve kan? heee :)
Jaaa neeeee. Oyasumi and also, Aishiteru yo DH :)
★ Lagu.
Somehow, I miss you. Your smile always haunt my night. Can I have you back? Just one last time and please dump me again. Hurm. Yet, I miss those cheering voice. Oh, why should guys treat me this way? I guess that this the last time for me being in any serious relationship. Well, marilah kembali ke zaman dahulu. Di mana, aku bermain dgan setiap kepal perasaan.Hah, perlukah aku menunjukkan rasa belas kasihan walhal mereka tidak pernah sekali pun mengasihani aku. Aku tidak ingin melakukan sedemikian. Wahaha. Tetapi hati jahat ku tetap berbisik. Oh Raihan, KARMA. Takmaulaa main2. Biaq ni last kapel. So my next BF, please don't put too high hope on me cuz I am not ready for any of this shit. Well, being me is hard. All I need is perfection. Ceh. Okay aku tipu.
You break my heart TWICE. First when you compare her and me. Second when you said ' I'm not ready for a serious relationship. I guess we should broke off '. It hurts me a lot. No matter how many time you said sorry. But this piece of heart couldn't forget those meaningful words. I'm sorry. I am not her. I can't be her. Really.
Time heals baby. Thats what sis told me. I guess so. Cuz I feel better than before. I'm relieved. I still have God :')
He would always hear me. He could always take this pain away. He's my Creator aite? A friend said to me ;
Ayan ; Raihan dear, kenapa kau tak ubah sayang kau terhadap sesama manusia kepada sayang Tuhan.
I promise you by doing that, kau boleh lupa dia :)
Me ; Oh, I'll try. So I have to leave everything.
Ayan ; No gigs, no more those loud band. NO MORE.
Me ; Well.
Tak senang nak tinggal WHOLE LIFE untk something NEW like this. Aurat, gigs, and whatever. Serious aku cakap. TAK SENANG. Rmai org nmpak mcm aku just a normal teen. Well I'm not. I'm a bit wild and yeah loud. Wild bukan mcmtuu okay. But bnda pnting skali, aku still VIRGIN. So don't ever say that I'm a bitch :)
★ Its over :')
Pish pish. Hehehe. Okay here I'm typing just to let you know that I AM ABSOLUTELY CRAZILY FASCINATINGLY SINGLE. Huehuehuehue. I'm back again Nadzurah and Najwaaa. A lil bit sad but yada yada. I still got that boy and BFF by my side. Hehehe. Okay sang lelaki di atas tu bnyak bagi smngt jugak. Alhamdullilah. I am relieved when I know that there are people who still care about me.
' Its okay. Guys are all the same but me, I am not them '- Rafique.
' Alah Raihan, nnti aku tau hg dpat pgganti '. - Apat.
' Laki bkan sorg la weh '- Umi
' He'll be regret of this decisions, trust me baby '. - Nadzurah
Okay bnyak lg si pemberi smngat but on that night, Rafeq save my sanity again. All over again. Oh baby, thnks. That is why you're the best best and best. I need no guy but I need you guys :)
Its a bit awkward when he dumped me. But its okay, haha.. I don't really give any flying fuck on that thingy. Hesh. So maybe he's not the one. Heeee :)
So welcome back DH. Okay okay. To all of the Prankstar. Aku single mingle twingle ni :)
Marilah kita bergomol2 yeah? Hehehe. Muah muah.
To whom it may concern, I am sorry cuz I couldn't be the one.
Its okay, I would never hate you.
You don't need me at all :)
I just couldn't accept it when you start to compare me and her.
I am not her. I am not that perfect.
I am just Raihan, I am just Rei, a normal human being.
Farewell love :')
★ I love you :)
They're the reason why I stay this strong. They know me real well. You know nothing :')Umi Zahraa ; whatever you do , i will be with you :) xoxo ♥
Rafique ( perlulah dlam dialog sbb mcm2 smngat dia bagi :D )
Him ; I know that you're very strong inside and out. Thts why you're
the one that I want. Forever and always :)
Me ; Aku :( Will you say I'm strong if you know what am I doing
right now?
Him ; I'm here. Cry it all out sugar.
Me ; I am.
Him ; I syg you Raihan. Idc if you end it up with him or na.I still
want you. I nampak you je skrg. Takde org lain
better dri you.
Me ; What with our language? Kau aku? To I You?
and bla bla. He told everything that he kept silent all of this while.
I'm happy and I'm shock.
Its okay for me if you stay with him. But one last time,
do you want to fulfill your dream? To be with
someone that would always appreciate you, 24/7?
Lets finish this up Rei. Even if you don't love me that way
we could always try. We're gonna make it. So, yes?
Yada yada, the answer is, haha. Aku dgan dia jaa tauu :P
Takmauu hbaq lah kt hmpa. Buek buek.
Well, I hardly say, NO
It aint about IDONTLOVEYOU. Okay I did. I have crush on you. But its all gone now. My feelings toward you won't be that way. But now, there's no more kau aku. AAAAA, sedih. Jum la kau aku balikk naa? Heee. I love you so fucking damn muchie, dearest baby pumpkin sweet pie, Syed Rafique Adha b. Syed Khalil Syah :)
Muah muah muah muah. A million kisses on you. Jgan laa cubit2 pipi saya lg. Sakit tauu :P
★ My most sweet lover
I am so lonely. Deep inside me, I could feel the fear. The part when I think that I'm gonna lose you. I don't want any goodbye from you. Just say what you wanna say. I am right here, ready to hear every single thing that you're gonna spill out. Eventho it hurts me high and low. I am barely ready for it. Do you still love her? I know, even if you keep denying it. I'm a girl, even I always look strong and cool but still, I am a girl. I'm cruelly sensitive.But when I ask about her, you always felt comfortable with it. You always deny the feeling towards her. I'll set you free if you willing to tell me the truth. You kept on posting about her. Always say that you're too late. No, you won't be too late if you tell the truth. I love you. But I'm a type of person that will do anything for others happiness. I saw her wall post about you. I cried bcuz I felt so bad. I think that I'm the third person of your love story. I'm the 'pengkacau' and stuff. It hurts me well. That is why I become this such of thing. Bila message just balas sikit2. You, is it necessary for me to dump you? Just to be with her? This is killing me. Just talk to me. What is happening? You tak boleh lupa dia, cakap lah. Tak payah la nak simpan2. I am not your barbie doll.
'Where I'm tossing and tortured till dawn
by you, visions of you, then you're gone.
The shock bleeds the red from my face,
when I hear someone's taken my place.
How could love be so thoughtless, so cruel?
When all, all that i did was for you '
★ When I need someone, he's the one that I'll call :')
Him ; You're not the one yg kcau BF dia.
Me ; But aku rsa cheap gila doh. Dia ckap aku bukan BFF dia dkat awek dia. So, aku ni siapa?
Me ; Let me sleep forever so she could stop hurting my feeling. So that she won't be hurt by me again.
Him ; Lets her keep hurting. But let me stop this thing for you. I couldn't lose you. Kan aku ckap, let me die first then you.
Me ; I saw someone like Adi yesterday. What with me?
Him ; Nonsense.
Me ; Deadly serious. Aku dh tak boleh keep on.
Him ; Aku taklah pandai bab2 agama kan. Tapi, Tuhan cuma menduga hamba-Nya yg betul2 tabah dan semua dugaan-Nya berkesesuaian dgan ketabahan hmba-Nya, Rei
Me ; Will you say I'm strong if everyday you notice that I keep on crying?
Him ; Crying is the best therapy for a happiness. Let the sadness flow thru the tears.
Me ; I need you right now Syed Rafique Adha. Kau ja yg paham aku.
Him ; If I am there, I would hug you and I'll tell you that everything gonna be fine.
Me ; Tell me. Please.
Him ; Adi tentu tak suka kau mcmni. Aku kenal dia Rei.
Me ; He's dead.
Him ; You're equal to D you know. Keras kepala, berangin, sejuk.
Me ; Fuck off shitz.
'In my memory I wrote you down in ink
I never wanted to erase your story
Even with the tragedy it brings'
-He whispers this to my ear lastnight. What a beautiful voice
Frankly speaking, he's everything. Nah, aku sayang sgt sgt sgt kat kau Syed Rafique Adha b Syed Khalil Shah.
Kau tak pernah tinggal aku walaupun sedetik masa berlalu. Akulah perempuan yang paling bertuah
untuk kenal kau, bersayang-sayang dgan kau, bertekak dgan kau, bergeletek dgan kau, mencapap dgan kau,
segalanya yg kita pernah lalui, satu pun aku takkan pernah lupa. Kaulah kawan aku
dunia dan akhirat. Its not easy to throw you away from my life.
Everything, every single thing, you :)
★ Capital D to H
Hell-oD ; Sihat tak sayang? Jum webbie :)
Me ; Erk, bukan hrituu you ckap nak stay away from me?
D ; too bad, i couldn't do it.
Me ; apa aku untk kau D? Kau faham tak aku tak suka kau? Kau faham tak kau tak hormat ex BF aku yg aku betul2 syg? Kau tahu tak aku dh ada boyfriend? boleh tak at least hormat aku? Kau nak apa? Kau tak puas? Aku sakit hati ni.
D ; Eh, nak melenting kenapa? You kenapa? I rndu you ni
I know that you'll read my blog so here, a little words for you. Kau dan aku, takkan ada apa2 lagi. Kau bawaklah kereta mahal mana pun, aku takkan pandang. Ayah aku pun boleh bagi laa stakat kereta mcm kau tuu. Woi, aku rsa mcm aku bodoh dlu sbb aku nk lupakan Adi untk kau. Kau dngar baik2. Kau dgan Adi mmg jauh berbeza. Aku tak suka kau sbb kau dh hina nama dia. Kau tahu kan aku syg dia lebih dri aku syg hrta bnda dan nyawa aku. Kau tahu kan betapa preciousnya dia untk aku. Dan skrg, aku dh ada Adif. Kau sapa hah skrg? Ada tak nama kau? And, kau jugak tak boleh gnti tmpt Rafique atau Muzaffar. Kau faham kan? Belah la sial. Aku dh tak boleh jd baik dgan kau. Thts all. Don't even say those loving and stuff. You know nothing about love. Cinta? Pergi matilah kau dgan kata2 kau ! Hormat org yg dh tkda kt dunia. Jgan berani kau sebut nama dia. Sumpah aku bunuh kau.
★ Well, finally :)
Hello dearest creature on Earth. Oh, deadly tired but I am shoo happy. Miao. Well, I am super duper fascinatingly in love :)
Oh yeah, that guy, with tiny little pair of eyes and fair skin. Yeah baby, he's my most precious beautiful loving boyfriend. *Oh Raihan, excitednyaaa. ~* Hurm hurm. Like seriously, its my first time to be in this kind of relationship. I am shoo excited of everything about you. Why did I fall for you, oh, well, because you're the chosen one. The one that always cheer my day. I love you and I never want to let you go. No :)
The most dumbest thing that I would ever done is, forgetting all about you. Your smile, piece of happiness. So tell me, why should I forget you :) I couldn't even mad at you even though you keep on hurting me. You're the type of person I wanna be with, Mr. Perfect. Well, Imma a type of person that hates to post this such of thingy cuz I am not the lovey-dovey type. You're not just the ordinary guy that I've met. You're something special that I want to be with. How can I describe about you? Its far way complicated than any essay that I've done.
A minutes with you is a miracle. A second of talking with you is too precious. Its all about you in me. Its always you in heart and mind. Thanks for always respect me as a girl. Thanks for always brought the happiness along with. Why am I without you? Why type of fool I'd be? Oh God, thank you. Thanks for giving me time to love him :)
So, who did you think this guy is? Oh lupa, he is the most superb amazing, Adif Asyraf Bin Azmi :)
Budak nama banyak A lah :)
Chanrakteur, hunny :))
' So this is it, the feeling that I've missed.
A subtle kind of pain that keeps me from sleep.
I try to explain how you love drive me insane.
And I can't spend a night without wishing I was with you.
When you say never, I'll say lie.
When you say always, I'll say true.
When you say love, I'll say you.
Would you believe me, if I told you that I want you, and everyday I felt this way?
Would you take me to the place you know the one that leaves me all alone?
Wait right here just for a minute we'll talk a little just about it, we'll take it slow, I won't let you go '.
Would you take me to the place you know the one that leaves me all alone?
Wait right here just for a minute we'll talk a little just about it, we'll take it slow, I won't let you go '.
I love you,
Rei BD
★ They're hot !

Kekeke, Syahmi Safri call her Mehan Fox. And he always say that I am his Megan Fox. Haha. That Fox is fucking hot you know. She's one of my fave girl. Wuhuuuu ~ Shes damn stunning you know. Oh, I hope that my body could transform into hers. Miaw miaw. If I have that type of body, I would get myself naked everyday o.O
Hehe, it's just a joke. If its I do it fo real, Ahmad Zabidi gonna kill me. Absolutely dead Rei :P
And here, another faveeee <3

And she is my most beautiful Amanda Seyfried :)
Auw auw hee~ Shes too sweet for any gossip or any rumors. Shes not that skinny or tall. She convince me that it ain't that important to look good :)
Last but not least :D

Kendall Jenner :)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah ! Shes the best of all <3 Shes damn skinny but she always look good. And I want that fucking perfect body. Tall and skinny. Okay the part that I say TALL, I need a really HIGH heel. HAHA. Oh Kendall, I love you so much like very the much. You're just too good and pretty. Me likey~ I adore her so much. There's no word could ever show the world how much I love her. HAHA. Okay okay. Thts all :)
★ Hohoho ~
Sakailah. HAHA. Bajet harini nak ayu jaa -,-'Tapi bilaa geng2 bising tahap noob sembang, truihh bising jaaa :P
Sapa lg kan kalau bukan cik Umi Zahraa, Cik Nadia sayang, Cik Farhana Dalila, Cik Nasrin dan jugak Encik Kembang Kempis Haziq. Ohhoi. HAHA. Mana laa nak boleh tahan godaan untk mengarut kalau ada mangkaq2 ituu. Shitttt. They're the laugh gas of mineee. Miew miew. Okay takmau ckap mat salleh ;|
Ada org cakap aku belagak sbb duk speaking. Nehh nehh. Mai mana cek oii? Dh mmg aku suka nak buat cemana? Aku perlu improve English aku. Tak begitu? Yalaa, begituu laa. Okaii, harini taktau laa makcik kantin tuu bubuh daun terup ka apa. Eh daun terup pulak. Daun ketom. Haha. Sbb bila duduk sorg2 pun boleh gelak. Tobat high tahap dewa ni. Hoho :D
Whatever whatever, I am happyy. Sukahatilah aku nak tulis apa kan. Ni blog aku. HAK AKU. Okay, and, tadi duk ckap psai nak ambik lesen moto bla bla. Aku punya birthday on November. Arghh. So, kira form 5 jugak laa nak merempit p skolah pun. Kalau abh mmg sah dh tk bg p :P
★ Letter to Romeo :')

Tonight, I felt lonely and even lonelier. What can I do now? I'm sorry dear heart for hurting you all over again. I don't know how can I still living this life even without you. I have to keep on living so you could always be with me again. That is just a HOPE.
I read you messages on FB and my other cellphone. Oh gawd, it hurt me real deep. I don't know why but it keeps me hurting my heart. I didn't ask for you to accept me as your lover, enough as your BFF like the old time. I don't want to hurt anybody's feeling by this thingy. This is the place where I express everything. Pity you Rei :)
You, you have mess up. Turn my life upside down. But its okay, I love you. Its saddened to see we're not the old us. I miss how you always makes me feel good again. I never appreciate you when you're mine. I never do. But when you're gone, I've learnt how to appreciate people that we love. Well thanks, how will I forget you? Even if I tell everyone - the world, that I hate you, but never ever. But I hate the part when you compare her with me. I am not her ! Please, don't do that. You said to me that you won't accept her if she hates me. But now, its the same. You said that you'll leave her for me. What is going on? Where is all of your promises? Those sweet words that became my lullaby.
'If you call me at all
Don't tell me that I'm ordinary
Cause I won't be passing you, please don't leave
And if you tell me you're listening to everything you read'
If my BF have a BFF that is a girl, I wouldn't ask him to leave her cuz it hurts a lot even the jealousy try to kill me. I won't. I don't want that girl to face what am I facing right now. Well, I am not the type of person that easy to forget someone if I love him/her real tight. Its not that easy for me.
Me ; Dia tak suka aku kan?
Him ; awai2 dlu aku dh ckap if dia tak suka hg, aku takkan trima dia. Tp dia ckap dia dh tau kita mcm mana.
To that girl, stop hating me. He loves you. What do you want more? Ain't it fucking enuff for you? Don't you feel good after you hurt my feeling by deleting and blocking me from his acc? Well, what do you want from me? Why are you spreading rumors about me? You don't even hella know me. Please, I am getting tired and sick of your bloody attitude. I am sorry if I've hurt your feeling. I truly do. But why are you keep bothering my ass off? Just leave me alone. You got everything that you want. Us to be apart. Bravo, you're fucken good at it. I never hate you. You're the one that hates me. Always pray for me and Umi to fight all over again. Well, I'm tired of crying because of you and him. I am deadly done. But don't ask me to keep posting about him. I couldn't and why should I? Stop bothering me. Yeah, I am talking about you. Stop calling me bitch. I am not BITCH. I am a virgin and I don't flirt with others' BF. So I am not one of it. Bye :')
★ Happy Deepavali :)
Terimalah warkah ini dgan keceriaan. Muehehehe xD
Watever, aaaaa, Happy Eid Mubarak everyone. Sorry for any annoying action that I've made. Muehehe. I hope that your Syawal was a blast and thanks for everyone that visit my house. Yeah, taun ni ekonomi blerghh sikit so, no angpau for you guys :)
And yang buat terkejut beruk tuu, shadap laa. Janji rumah sudah laa :P
I am excited when HE, told me that he wanna visit my house on Saturday.Yada yada, my boyfriend is freakingly tall and white. HAHA xD And Angah loves him. Muehehe. Saya malulah nak cerita pasai Boyfie saya. Diamlah -,-
I am excited when HE, told me that he wanna visit my house on Saturday.Yada yada, my boyfriend is freakingly tall and white. HAHA xD And Angah loves him. Muehehe. Saya malulah nak cerita pasai Boyfie saya. Diamlah -,-
Okay watever, abah beli mercun *Piuuu piuuuu. Gila best, cantik kot firework dia. Auwww, dgan ada sepupu2 yg lama bertegang urat, everything turns great now. Syok lah Syawal ni, sbb semua org baik balik. Ya laa, dlu kan mcam apa lg. Bila skrg siap nak lintaih jalan pun pgg tgn, what next? Me likey ^,^
Okay, aku nak mandi ni, nak p rumah Fisha Ani, yeay yeay di mana ada Hazman Arlonsy Miraldi and underOWN. Muehehe. Babaiiii :D
'Lets the time passes by, but the love towards you won't be faded away like a tattoo'
★ I miss you :(
'Dude, mcammana nak lupa org hah?'
Dulu ada ja org tnya aku, skrg, aku nak tnya balik. How?!
'Oh, I hear you breathing on the line
Oh baby girl, I'm not your type
I'll leave you hurting every night
So I won't be coming back
Who wouldn't let me be all alone
Who wouldn't let me be all alone
Who wouldn't let you scream ohh to a soft pillow'
Its strange to miss someone that didn't miss us at all :)
No matter how much you hate me, no matter how far you are, you know that you had me at hello :D
No matter how much you hate me, no matter how far you are, you know that you had me at hello :D
Kau bencilah aku dol. Aku tak kisah. Betul ni. Why should I? Heee, tapi, jgan laa layan aku mcmni lagi. Purlease? Kan aku dh ckap, I won't ask my boyfriend to leave his BFF no matter that shes a girl or what. Aku bkan kejam untk buat mcmtuu. Aku dh pernah rsa dan aku takmau org rsa.Wokeh? So, aku sumpah takkan tinggal kan kau. Mati hidup balik pun. LOLOL xD
If he ask me to leave you, I would think twice and I'll say to myself 'BF or BFF? Got it :)'
Aku takkan ckap dkat sni sbb nnti ada yg terasa.Tp tp, kalau kau tnya aku, aku ckap laa. Sbb yg nak skit hti kau sorg ja :)
Okay laa. Aku nak update lg satu post pulak. Hue hue :)