★ Letter to Romeo :')

Tonight, I felt lonely and even lonelier. What can I do now? I'm sorry dear heart for hurting you all over again. I don't know how can I still living this life even without you. I have to keep on living so you could always be with me again. That is just a HOPE.
I read you messages on FB and my other cellphone. Oh gawd, it hurt me real deep. I don't know why but it keeps me hurting my heart. I didn't ask for you to accept me as your lover, enough as your BFF like the old time. I don't want to hurt anybody's feeling by this thingy. This is the place where I express everything. Pity you Rei :)
You, you have mess up. Turn my life upside down. But its okay, I love you. Its saddened to see we're not the old us. I miss how you always makes me feel good again. I never appreciate you when you're mine. I never do. But when you're gone, I've learnt how to appreciate people that we love. Well thanks, how will I forget you? Even if I tell everyone - the world, that I hate you, but never ever. But I hate the part when you compare her with me. I am not her ! Please, don't do that. You said to me that you won't accept her if she hates me. But now, its the same. You said that you'll leave her for me. What is going on? Where is all of your promises? Those sweet words that became my lullaby.
'If you call me at all
Don't tell me that I'm ordinary
Cause I won't be passing you, please don't leave
And if you tell me you're listening to everything you read'
If my BF have a BFF that is a girl, I wouldn't ask him to leave her cuz it hurts a lot even the jealousy try to kill me. I won't. I don't want that girl to face what am I facing right now. Well, I am not the type of person that easy to forget someone if I love him/her real tight. Its not that easy for me.
Me ; Dia tak suka aku kan?
Him ; awai2 dlu aku dh ckap if dia tak suka hg, aku takkan trima dia. Tp dia ckap dia dh tau kita mcm mana.
To that girl, stop hating me. He loves you. What do you want more? Ain't it fucking enuff for you? Don't you feel good after you hurt my feeling by deleting and blocking me from his acc? Well, what do you want from me? Why are you spreading rumors about me? You don't even hella know me. Please, I am getting tired and sick of your bloody attitude. I am sorry if I've hurt your feeling. I truly do. But why are you keep bothering my ass off? Just leave me alone. You got everything that you want. Us to be apart. Bravo, you're fucken good at it. I never hate you. You're the one that hates me. Always pray for me and Umi to fight all over again. Well, I'm tired of crying because of you and him. I am deadly done. But don't ask me to keep posting about him. I couldn't and why should I? Stop bothering me. Yeah, I am talking about you. Stop calling me bitch. I am not BITCH. I am a virgin and I don't flirt with others' BF. So I am not one of it. Bye :')
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