Izzah Khairul Amir, muah :D

This is specially for my dearest Izzah :)

Aku dah bca dh entry dia tuu yg dia nk spread to everyone psai hg. Aku bukanlaa pandai sgt kan tapi every human beings on Earth patut katup aib orang no matter how ugly they are. So my opinion about her is, shes not that ALIM or baik. Serious, sbb kalau dia seorg yg baik, dia akan stay silent and berdoa or what. Bukannya hbaq kat satu dunia apa yg hg buat kan. Hurmm. Dia pun belum tentu nak lepas dari apa yg hg buat. Well, shes just 13, panjang lg perjalanan hidup dia. Betuuiiii pannnnnjaaaaannngg. So tak payah la risau weh. Klau dia bukak aib hg, Tuhan pun akan bukak aib dia akhirat kelak. God always there for you Izzah. Don't be a pussy about it.

If she hurt you, I'll hurt her twice. Or even triple. Tapi, hang jangan la risau sgt psai ugutan dia and stuff. Dia buat mcmtuu kt hg, insyaAllah akan ada hmba Allah balas balik. Izzah, biaq ja dia. Biaq dia jadi bodo sorg2. Aku tau hg mmg ckup kental untuk face ni. You're the chosen one, God pick you to face this kind of hard time. Its okay, I'm here and you could always tell me. I'll be a good listener. I know that you're a tough girl and yet, you're prettaayy. I love you Izzah Binti Khairul Amir. Let them be, haters make you even famous. So don't give a them about any bulu puki that they talk about you. They're just jealous of you. You should know that. You got EVERYTHING that they don't and yeah, they should be jealous of it. Well, that is all I think. Whenever you need me, I'll be there for you. I swear to God. Yeah. And please be strong stop hurting yourself by thinking about this major shit. Babaiii <3

I love you so damn muchie Izzah binti Khairul Amir <3
Me leb yuh ah lohtt. Careself babygirl :D



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