★ Happy Deepavali :)
Terimalah warkah ini dgan keceriaan. Muehehehe xD
Watever, aaaaa, Happy Eid Mubarak everyone. Sorry for any annoying action that I've made. Muehehe. I hope that your Syawal was a blast and thanks for everyone that visit my house. Yeah, taun ni ekonomi blerghh sikit so, no angpau for you guys :)
And yang buat terkejut beruk tuu, shadap laa. Janji rumah sudah laa :P
I am excited when HE, told me that he wanna visit my house on Saturday.Yada yada, my boyfriend is freakingly tall and white. HAHA xD And Angah loves him. Muehehe. Saya malulah nak cerita pasai Boyfie saya. Diamlah -,-
I am excited when HE, told me that he wanna visit my house on Saturday.Yada yada, my boyfriend is freakingly tall and white. HAHA xD And Angah loves him. Muehehe. Saya malulah nak cerita pasai Boyfie saya. Diamlah -,-
Okay watever, abah beli mercun *Piuuu piuuuu. Gila best, cantik kot firework dia. Auwww, dgan ada sepupu2 yg lama bertegang urat, everything turns great now. Syok lah Syawal ni, sbb semua org baik balik. Ya laa, dlu kan mcam apa lg. Bila skrg siap nak lintaih jalan pun pgg tgn, what next? Me likey ^,^
Okay, aku nak mandi ni, nak p rumah Fisha Ani, yeay yeay di mana ada Hazman Arlonsy Miraldi and underOWN. Muehehe. Babaiiii :D
'Lets the time passes by, but the love towards you won't be faded away like a tattoo'
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