★ Tak Faham BAHASA!

Janganlah tanya aku marah kat sapa. Dia bukannya nak baca pun. Mampus pergilah anda. Pergi cari perempuan yang boleh bersabar dengan anda. Makin lama anda makin berubah. Makin lama anda berbalas sistem pesanan ringkas dengan saya, saya semakin sakit hati dengan anda. Tolonglah, macam mana nak bagi anda faham? Saya tidak mengerti anda. Tolonglah fed up dengan saya sebab saya sangat fed up dengan anda. Berubahlah sebelum kasih sayang ini bertukar menjadi benci, pahit, dan tragis. Pergilah anda, pergilah melayan mana2 perempuan yang anda mahu. Saya sudah tidak mengambil peduli kerana saya semak perut melayan period saya yang begitu sakit dan pedih dan tidak menyelesakan. Tapi tidak mengapa, saya masih bersabar dan berdoa untuk a better you. Yeah, you'll appreciate me when I'm deadly gone. Take my word :)
★ The One That Got Away

*please abaikan gmbar di atas. tiada kena mengena dgan hidup dan mati anda. itu suami saya. itu itu!
Okay just now tengok vidoe The One That Got Away. Hmm, I cried and suddenly ada orang naik atas. Memandangkan komputer tepi tangga, makhluk Tuhan sorg tuu nampak aku tengan menangis and dia mcam tercenggang. Then dia cuak. HAHA x) Actly, I'm cuak too. I don't even know why I'm crying. Takdak motif kay. Terasa rindu someone but that someone is gone. Hmm.
All this money can't buy me a time machine (Nooooo)
It can't replace you with a million rings (Nooooo)
I shoulda told you what you meant to me (Woooooow)
Hmm, part tuu yang paling touching. It hurts when you didn't appreciate that someone and today you realize that you really need him/her. You know, we can't predict things. So please, treat that SOMEONE nicely or you'll lose that SOMEONE later.
Well love thingy is just fine. But selalu sangat ni bergaduh. Dia penat kerja, aku penat kat skolah. Sama2 jadi devil. Sama2 takmau mengalah. But in the end, mestilaa aku yang mengalah -..- Tradisi dah tuu. Hmm, apakan daya. I'm the only one that couldn't live without him. But whatever I have to be patient cuz I really need him. Hewhew, I'm being so selfish \m/
Eh me need to mandi and finish some homework. Ah, what a mess.
★ Rafeq and Amy :D

Okay sbb dah tak tahu apa yang nak dibuat dan terlalu bosan sampai separuh mati, and I call Rafeq like 5 times and haqammm tak angkat ! FUCK FUCK -____- dia nia bila tidoq ckup susah nak bangun. Haip haip~ Then okay about beberapa minutes kemudian Amylia Qistina call and cakap kalut2 yang dia nak pick up aku. Wuahahaha happynyeeewwp shayeww :D Then about an hour later, Rafeq BBM me ' Ponen hurry the shit up , kteorg ade kat luar dah ni -..- ' and jyeahh lari laju2 kat cermin, set rambut sat hahaha then SIAP. Rafeq buat muka hnsem jaaa ~,~ Okay then tak cakap banyak dah, teruih p kat diaaaa peluk2 cium2 dan rosakkan rambut diaa. Wuuuyeaaaahh. Aku tak suka bila dia hnsem aku jealous. K aku gila .______.
And sampai dekat Alor Star Mall, hihihikk, Rafeq dgan Amy nak melayan kan. Haa padan muka. Ajak tgk Underworld. Tapi tapi tiket habis T_____T hmm hopeless kay :'(
Then jalan2 dekat2 deret kedai tuu and I saw a very big fat cutie thingy. Wuarghh comel. Makan saya terus menarik tangan Rafeq and Amy! Jyeahh
Raihan : Woiii babi comel lah menatang ni. Daisukiii dayoooo :>
Rafeq : Sissy please, you're 16 already. Grow up a bit!
Amy : Ha'ah Rei pleaseeee, be a woman not a girl.
Raihan : Ah both of you jahattt. Takmaaaaauu cakap okay bye! *And tetiba aku nampak Rafeq angkat menatang tuu dan pergi kat kaunter. Wuarghh dia beliii :D Yeah yeah yeah :D
And he gave me while smiling at me and he said ' Tell me the price, I'll buy it *kenyit mata* ' Wuarrrghh sukaa :D And all of us berenti dekat Gunung Keriang, serious takdak motif gilaa. HAHA xD Then tetiba Rafeq keluarkan gitar sambil menyanyi lagu The Ay Cad - All That You Need. My all time fave song :') And Amy keluarkan bracelet, ada empat semuanya, Untuk Amy, Rafeq, me and Adi :') How I missed him :'( And I cried hard and harder. Rafeq hugged me and he said ' Its okay love, he's waiting for you on the other side. He surely did :') ' Then terus pergi Camy punya party ! :D
Okay takmau cerita anything about party. Sbb tak sesuai kat sini. Hewhew and aku benci tgk budak2 Melayu yang bodoh yang drunk yang tak ingat Tuhan. Having sex in front of me. Sangat tak best! And thank you to my dearest love, Rafeq and Amy :'D Aku sayang both of youu :D
★ The one that I miss the most.
' Due to the fact that your lips on my lips. Just might as will be your foot on my throat. Holding back the hidden . "I love you"'s in all the songs that I've ever wrote '.
Ah, I miss this person so much. He used to sing me this song whenever I felt dumb or sad or down! But I know, you won't sing this anymore. Since you've left this world forever. I miss you so much. Even more than the sand in the desert. Even more than the tear that I'm having right now. I just don't know why. But you keep appearing in every dream, every night. I kept seeing you in the crowds. I really hate this. Eventho' I'm with AM right now but still, you're still inside me. Still. I couldn't erase you. You were always there, like a tattoo. It hurts so much when people talks about you. I saw your mom this morning. She kissed my forehead and told me that she missed me that very much. She missed me like she did toward you :')
If you're still here, I won't let you away. I will always love you and surely, I will never hurt you. Its not okay. I'm not okay. I barely have no words. Nothing could makes me feel okay. SAKIT!
And his swells have come to suck you
In and steal you away from me yet again.
To drown everything important
To assure you forgot about me.
I will.
So it won't hurt so bad to see you love again.
So it won't hurt so bad to watch as you forget about me.
Before he left me, he sang this over and over again. I don't know why. But I didn't understand him at all. I even yelled at him. I said that he's the most dumbest guy ever and I'm the dumbest girl for accepting him. I even said to him 'motherfucker'. But he kept smiling and acts like nothing is happening.
Ah yg ni fave ni. Slalu sgt menyanyi lagu ni atas kereta, while Sara * kakak dia * is driving :')
I am a dreamer and when i wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.
No one ever treat me this way. Tak pernah sekali pun terasa begitu istimewa :')
He said that he would never touched me. And yes, he DIDN'T. Dia pernah pgg tangan jaa. Tuu pun sekali ja. Time last jumpak dia. He knee down and kissed my hand. He said that nothing could ever replace me. He will love me till his last breath. And so he did. I'm the first and the last person in his life. The only girl that ever he fall for. The only girl that makes him cry. The only girl. Everything :')
And smpai skrg, saya tak boleh lupa awak. Kdg2 jaa saya boleh, kdg2 saya lemah sgt. I don't know why. But janji ttp janji kan? Saya akn lupakan awak dan saya berjanji untuk berhenti menangis sbb awak. Awak paksa saya untk buat mcmtuu. Awak paksa saya! Tapi, I'm not the type of person that breaks promises. I have to :')
Whatever happens, you'd be the best :'D
★Hello, hai, hey, moshi moshi, annyeong and whatsoever on Earth that related to this~BFF
Well I don't really have that much of BFF. But surely, they rock my world! Woof woof ~
Ainnur Amani Rozahani : Well nothing much to describe about this asshole but seriously, she's the best in this fucking mother Earth. She's just there whenever I need someone to curse it out. She's certainly nice, beautiful and yet, very brilliant. Well this bitch totally cool enuff. She didn't talk that much. Really, but when she did, fuh fuh, sgtlah samseng mulutnya Y,Y Tapi its okay, I'm getting used to it. Hihihi, and Kae seriously, you MEANT the world to me. Eventho' I'm nothing that good, you're still here for me. I just miss you baby. We didn't talk like an age :'( But she would never be replaced.
Wan Nadia Atikah Bt Wan Mohd Nor Ariff : Ah this crazy chick aaa, always stand by my side no matter how bullshit thing goes. She's the coolest 'neighbour' ever. She's totally beautiful plus I kinda envy her skin - fair complexion and very nice. Whatever happens, I won't ever leave you, NEVER! And do be afraid cuz I'm nothing like them - the person you used to call as BFF. Well that's totally rude Nad. But I've promised you that nothing could separate us. Only death! You're so understanding and whenever I'm sad, you're the first one that I'll tell. There's nothing better than seeing you smile and acting crazily. I love you to death baby. And thanks for everything that you ever gave :D
Umi Fathimatuz Zahraa Bt Abd Sukor : Ah this lady, she's beautiful. Seriously. But right now, dah tak sekelas kan. So kurang baik. Tapi kalau jumpak still mcam dluu. I don't know why, but I do miss you that very much. Really. Umi, wherever you are, please take a good care of yourself. I know, that nothing could make you shut the fuck up since you're too hyper and yeah, she talks too much. Well, sbb tuu boleh baik, sbb both of us have so much in common. Hihi. I love you and yeah, thanks for everything that we've been thru for the past 3 years and now :D
Haziq Adam : Well mamat ni mmg kawan baik aku since form2. Maybe sbb dia gilaa dan suka bercakap, sbb tuu laa dia kamching dgan aku. Hewhew, Haziq, I know, hg dah jauh but I would never ever forget you. WOULD NEVER! And that's my fucking promise and you know, I never break promises :D You know me very well. Well, aku agak terharu sbb tadi hg mmg dapat memujuk aku. ' Raihan, hg lawa. Serious lawa. Hg full package. Lawa, pandai dan baik '. Dan sebaris ayat ni buat aku hampir menangis. Aku tak pernah tau aku LAWA. Serious, walaupun kdg2 aku sebut aku ni comel ka apa ka, tapi aku tau, its nothing more than a word. And harini, budak ni dgan ikhlasnya ckap mcmtuu :'D Dari dulu dia suka puji aku. I miss you, I couldn't stand it when you're being this far from me :'( Come back please T,T
Amirrudin Yahaya : Ah, yg ni dah mcam boyfriend aku dah ni. HAHA xD Bila nak p mana2 jaa, mesti dia jalan dgan aku. Even time nak balik pun dia tggu aku kemas bag then bru ciao. HAHA xD So please, don't get me wrong. This Pakdin is nothing more than a friend. He's the nicest little guy ever. Whatever happens, he's the best~ Serious, dia selalu buat aku gelak smpai merah muka2. Then suka ckap aku comel T,T aku agak malu bila org puji. Aku taktau kenapa~ But Pakdin, please don't trust HER that much. She's being unfaithful. Please, I hate it when you're being hurts. I dislikes her. Since that day, since she gave me that such of smirk. Since she cheated on you. I HATE HER! I'm sorry. Aku tak suka org buat mcam2 kat hg. Sbb hg slalu ada bila aku susah. Hg tau aku mcam mana. Hg tau aku lansung tak mcam yg org ckap. And thats why, I love you the most. Hg dah start ganti tempat Haziq :P
And that's all. HAHA, aku mmg tak bnyak BFF. Serious. Tapi, depa ni dah ckup untuk aku. I need no quantity, I just need some qualities :) Tak kisah laa apa yg org ckap pasai aku, aku tau aku tak mcam tuu. Sbb depa ni slalu buat aku berasa senang dan wild! Bila depan depa, I'm totally me. Nothing to be hid. Nothing to be ashamed of. And yeah, aku mmg tak sopan dgan depa ni. Aku mencarut, aku sepak-tendang. Aku mmg aku dpan depa. Tapi aku tak pernah kentut lg depan depa sbb aku still malu2 :P
There's nothing could replace you guys in heart. I need nothing. I just need you guys - your presence. Even aku ada masalah negara, you guys always cheer my ass off. Nothing could break us all - death is the only exception. And truly, I don't give a damn on anything that people talked or said about any of you. I know you guys that very well. I LOVE YOUUU WOIII~
Hello :D
You say you love me but why. Do you keep making it so hard for me?What is it exactly that you're upset about. Recently your increased interference and meddling is wearing me out. Ey, like that, I've been avoiding your phone calls for the past few days again.
I tell you what's going on, your promise to make only me happy, boy. Tell me what's up, what's up, you've changed a lot. You're trying to overcome this easily. But it seems our time's already up. Time to say good bye, don't pretend like you can't hear me. I'm singing a break-up song, bye my love.
Err, he left his wallet in Angah's car. Well wallet and his phone. Tak kisah. Then saja2 sukapuki pi bukak wallet dia. Jeng3. Mana bebai pun kan. Dia lukis dia and ex dia versi komik and then nama dia and ex dia dan love2 bagai. asdfghjkl -.-
Speechless, taktau nak kata apa. Diam takmau kata apa. Sabar dan sabar dan mengalirkan air mata. LOL whut xD Aku dah penat betoi nak emo ni. It ain't worth it. Really do. And then sbb aku confuse, aku hurm, aku sujud kepadaNYA dgan penuh rasa keliru dan menyesal dan sedih. And aku tertidur lepas tuu. Hurm, dlam sujud tuu. Aku minx Tuhan tunjukkan betul2 apa yg terbaik untk aku. Berikan aku kekuatan. And aku minx Tuhan tunjukkan whether he's being real with me or not.
Dlam mimpi tuu, tiba2 aku mimpi balik conversation aku dgan dia. Aku tanya dia, dia syg aku dak. Then dia ckap ' Saya sayang awak betul2 Raihan :') ' Then aku ingat balik yg psai mesej2 dia dlam phone lama aku. Yaa, msj sweet dia. Aku taktau kenapa, aku tetiba rasa mcam tawar hati tapi aku still nak go on dgan dia. Aku taktau kenapa. Still wondering and wondering. Hurm. I'm not the type of person that forget people easily. Its just not me. It takes time to heal. It takes time to let go or move on. Its just simply me. I was born this way. But still, aku confuse, but its okay, aku dah boleh ketepikan dah. Cuba membusykan diri dan yeah, aku dah tak pkiaq sgt :'D
Everytime I'm thinking about whatever we've been thru, I just couldn't leave you. I miss you. Stop being this way and tell me that you did loved me. Setiap kali kawan saya cerita pasai dia, saya sakit, sebak rasa mcam nak hentuk kepala dekat meja or dinding. What is so special about her? Okay takmau ckap psai physical looks. Mmg saya kalah T,T
★I don't know how many time I should treating him that way but seriously, I felt so bad for everything that I've did. I'm sorry. I wish that I could move on. I wish that he could be the old him. This awkward thingy is so not cool at all. Ya Allah, I really miss him. I really do. Eventho' he's texting with me, but still, I'm missing the person he used to be. The person that always cheer me up and always make me feeling happy all over again.You :'(
My ego keep growing and it almost end us up. Dammit! I have to change of I'll lose him. Why am I being this way? What a pathetic person I've been! Stop this stop it right now. Okay, mmg awai tuu salah dia, tapi part last tuu salah aku. Aku telah menuturkan perkataan yg begitu kasar. Kasar sgt bila dibaca sekali lg. Aku tahu dia sakit, tapi aku lg sakit. Sakit yg tidak tersebut. I wish that someone could understand me. I wish :'(
You know, I need you. I really do. I just regret of everything that I've deadly said yesterday. And now, because of my bitchy horrible fucking mouth, our relationship is seems like done. But its okay, I won't ever give the shit up on you. I'll never giving up. Saya akn terus bersabar in order to be with you. I just doesn't want to know about your past, I just want your presence. The most sweetest smile. The strength of mine. And lastly, I love you and would always be one. The only superman. The only guy in my live. I love you since the first moment when you hold my hand and gave me the most sweetest smile ever. And would always love you :')
★Is it easy for someone to make you smile?-Yeah :)Stupid -..-
I smile like alwaysss ~
Tell me why you like the last song you listened to?
-Because it meant a lot to me :)
What color are your eyes?
- Technically, brown :D
Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed?
- In front of the TV!
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
- 4 :P
What would your name be without the first three letters?-
Last thing you touched not computer-related?
- Mama :D
What colors are you wearing right now?
- Pink and brown~
You currently in a fight with someone?
Nobody :)
Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?
- I don't remember :)
Do you have an older brother?
- I don't have any, too bad :)
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
- Yeah, cuz everyone that I loved are being silly :)
Do you look at the keyboard when you type?
- No, I constantly know it without even looked at it :)
What are you listening to right now
- Sempurna by Andra and the Backbone<3
Do you laugh a lot?
- Yeahh, the laugh gas is everywheree ~
Are you ticklish?
- Ahaha, hell yeah man !
What always makes you feel better when you’re upset?
- My boyfriend :D
Have you ever been on a boat?- Hahaha, always :)
Last person you gave a hug to?
- My lil Bro !
Tell me about the shirt/shirts you’re wearing?
- Plain pink~
When you are home alone do you still close the door when you shower?
- Fo sho, NO ! Hee ~
Do you have plans for today?
- I planned to smile all day long~
When is the last time you took a nap?
- Just now xD
What was on your mind most today?
- Ahmad Muzaffar B. Hussin. LALALALA xD
Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
- Nah, I rarely talk about it cuz I'm a good listener ~
What instant messaging service do you use?
- Blank !
How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
- I am certainly not fucking sure :D
P.S : nasib awak tak sempat baca apa yg saya tulis. Haih, kalau tak, I'll be dead. Dead dead! Carelesss!
Yo, whaddup people?!
So mari kita start cerita. On Wednesday, I broke up with him. Sbb melawak jaa okay. Tapi he takes it serious. So umm umm, teriak tak berlagu. HAHA xD Okay me dah tak brutal di situ T..T And saya terus mencabut battery phone sebab terlalu geram serta menendang2 kerusi lembik tu. Saya sgt baran yee harituu. Even adik saya pun saya belasah. Fuuu fuuu -,-
So sbb anxious, aku on baliklaa. Risau stg abah or mama yg call. Naya jugok ni kalau tak pick up. Demo luku kawe pueh. Then ada msj masuk. Aku tau dah, bunyi dia ni Si AM yg msj. Sbb aku set bunyi dia lain sikit. Hihi. So aku bca, but both of them mcam boring. Yg satu 'oh haa okay' and another 'dok buat apa ni raihan?'. Biasalaa, me still sedih kan, so just letak phone tepi and menjadi seorg emo slut yg berjaya. Weeepy ^..^
Later, lagu BABY LOVE dimainkan and aku dupdapdupdap aku tau dia call aku. Ceyy, aku mestilaa jual mahal kan? Malas nak angkt. Padahal, fuh fuh, aku mmg ikat dah tgan aku. HAHA xD Then dia call skali lg. Aku tak sempat nak angkat. Lagi sekali, puii teruih angkat. Iman tak kental ni!
Him : Hai sayang. Buat pa tuu?
Me : erk, tak buat apa. Awat?
Him : Rindu, sangat sangat rindu *suara manja dia start dah
Me : Oh haha, hrituu kan dah jumpak.
Him : Sat jaa harituu. Baby dah mandi?
Me : Not yet. Stg laaa.
Him : Oh ucuk ucuk, eeeee.
Me : Erk, bg elok sikit. Mana adaaa. Wangi laa. Raihan kot!
Him : Meh sini nak bau * and yeah, si bengap ni bau betui2. Aku dngaq dia duk inhale.
Ah, aku teruih dupdap. Sbb aku rasa meremang bulu roma.
Me : Ish, menakutkan aih!
Him : Emmm, baby saya ni wangi laa. Ish sayang aihh!
Me : Gedik weh gedik. Ah, saya ada kerja ni. Later okay? Eh jum msj laa.
Him : Yeay dah tak merajukk! Muah, sayang awak :*
Okay, aku mmg bnyak kali cair cair cair melebur! HAHA, I'm glad sbb dia cari aku balik. Yeye, saya sayianngg awak! Then hrituu, aku ckap yg aku terasa dgan dia. The way he treat her is definitely different if compared the way he did toward me. Okay and dia ckap dia minx maaf sbb slalu layan aku kasaq and yeah, dia tersgtlah nais dan sewitt to death. Ah I'm so excited. Pehtuuu yesterday jumpak dia and yeah, dia mmg berubah. Yeay yeay. Idk why but yeah, aku rasa dia appreciate aku. Dan aku happy yg dia bertukar 360 darjah! Dah takdak dah perkataan kasaq, dah takdak dah bnda hat aku meluat, dah takdak dah nak buat aku qeyau. Dah takdak dah perangai pelik2 dia. Bnyak betul berubah. And since that day, he treat me better and fine. Pehtuu galak tuu mmg bnyak galak. Dah malas dah nak melayan. Suka dok kenyit2 mata. Suka duk muncung2 mulut. Hihihi, omelzzz.
I love you more than I did yesterday. You own my trust and you're the only guy I need. My super addiction, My only perfection. You're everything next to Allah, Rasul and Family. You're like the oxygen that I breath. You're something that I couldn't love without. You're something that I couldn't bare to lose it. You're something that I couldn't but. Your smile, your laugh, your kisses, you hugs, your eyes, your breath, I just simply love all of it. Seeing you smile is my only medicine. You keep me breathing. You make me strong. Your love is pure. I know, I couldn't find someone better than you. Never, and you know. You're the only guy I wanna live with. Thanks for always there thru thick and thin. Forever didn't seem long enough when it comes about you. Now, always, forever and eternity, A.M
So till then. TTYL ^^
★Ah, what a tiring day. But seriously, HAPPY!Couldn't spell cute without E
Just went back from Ciknini's engagement. Great. Then lepas tuu teruih p tasik sbb malas nak buat kerja. Ah, Man dgan Kak Nina, Angah dgan Iqbal and me?! Dgan Muzaffar. Mcam biasa. Awek saya kan :3
Agak bebai di situu apabila dia jumpak Amar dia lari. Sbb takut kena kata. Why?! Then dia tau kot aku bebai kat dia. Haa, reti pun. Pehtuu dia buat baik, aku just buat heran tak heran ja. Tapi sbenaqnya, I was so kesian at him. Yalah, aku mmg jenis cepat kesian pun. Standard lah :P
Then dah nak ciao. Depa empat org mmg suka tinggai aku pun. Suka biaq aku jalan dgan Apat saja. Aku dah laa malu T.T Then okay depa couple kan, so hurm hurm. Jlan kepit2. Me sangat malu. HAHA xD Okay dgan certain people jaa aku malu. Then hihihi. Malu nak cerita. Mentang2 aku pendek, dia suka beratkan bahu aku dgan tangan dia hat takdak muscle sgt tuu. Hewhew. Ah, so sudden dia sweet. IDK WHY! Maybe sbb dah lama tak jumpak kot. HAHA. Well, its kinda awkward when he gave me that filthy looks. Aku paling malu bila org renung aku smbil sengih2 gatai. Haih haih.
Then sbb terlalu KEMALUAN *erk?* Aku menumbuk dia. HAHA. Err aku mmg layan dia kasaq. Takdak chance laa nak geli2. So kita skip sbb tak sesuai nak cerita :P Muah :*
Actually, me shangat boring dan shangat letih menunggu mamat perasan tuu hbeh tgk cerita. Cik Muza-APAT ni suka buat aku tggu dia. Mentang2 laa dia awek. Dia buat ceni noh! Ah menantoknyewps.
'Kau begitu sempurna, di mata ku kau begitu indah. Kau membuat diriku akan selalu memujamu'
IDK why but I seriously love this fucking song. How sweet. How unpredictable love could be :) I love you sayang. Serious :)
★Hello people! (ahyat buhdak bahjet cool!)Delta
Hihihi, so alhamdullilah, I'm selected as the Delta~ Oyeyeyeye. Tapi, kita tak start blajaq lg kan. Jgan nak eksaited sgt :P
Okay, today I was humiliated by Pakdin. Damn you. Okay, aku tgh dahaga. Dan mencapai air. And takpa mcam biasa. Langgah ayaq buat dunno. And cikgu minx bg cadangan untk penolong ketua kelas. And suddenly, Pakdin ckap ' Saya cadangkan Raihan cikgu '. Pfft -,- kau buat lawak eh mat? Aku tersedak laa. Nasib tak tersemboq jaa ayaq tuu. And cikgu asked which one is Raihan. I raised my hand up but she didn't saw me and she repeated it again. And Pakdin yelled ' Yg pendek2 kecik2 pipi tembam2 merah2 comel2 tuu cikgu '. And again, aku maluu. Semua org duk gelak2. Ishhh, kalau takdak cikgu tadi, dah lama aku cekik si Din tuu. Serious.
And Nadia, Afifah and Farah were selected too. And I don't know about how they select it. But bila masuk. Aku nampak dah muka jahat Din Boya tuu. And cikgu umumkan aku as Penolong Ketua Kelas. And I was like o.O SERIOUSLY?! Terkejut terharu ter ter lah. HAHA xD Meluat lah aku dgan hg Din. Dah laa cakap aku jalan mcam Wataniah. Fuck fuck. Tema aku AYU DAN LAWA la weh taun ni. Taun lepas cerita lain. Taun lepas aku tak dpat teruskan azam tuu. Sbb ihikk. Weh weh classmate aku tuu hnsem weh weh~ Opss sorry :P
Oyeah, and today is a good day but wasn't that good. But Alhamdullilah Ya Allah, for giving him back. A better new him. Hihihi. He's nicer than before and I'm glad to death and I promised myself that I'll take a good care of him. Alhamdullilah again :')
So akulah penolong ketua kelas 4 Delta. Don't mess the shit up with me! Ah and to budak tuu. Aku sikit pun tak takut dkat hg. SIKIT PUN TAK. Marilah marilah. Mari ~ I don't give a flying fuck on anything about you. So don't talk like I'm stalking you. I ain't one. Whats the point are you trying to say?! Better get the shit out from my life before I cut those fucking pussy into pieces. You're such a little wiener! You're not my standard at all. A fucking hoe with a fucking horrible attitude. Don't blame me for being rude, you blame ur fucking self!
★A M B H
You know, you hurt me real well this time. I never feel this such of pain. I hate it. Ya Allah, I wish that I could take this away. Please, send me an angel. I don't know how should I forget it and him. I never knew how to live without him. He's everything to me. And I know, I would be nothing if I lose him.
I hate it when its about to compare me and her. I hate it. He didn't treat me the way that he did toward her. If she gone mad, he would calm him. If she walk away, he would catch her. If she ask for a break-up, he will make her not to. But when I ask him for that, he just say 'Knapa ?' and I said ' Saya benci awak. Saya sakit hati! ' And he said back ' Okay , sorry . Bye . ' Ya Allah, aku sakit. Sakit sngt. Bila time dgan ex dia, dia pujuk. Dgan aku, aku yg akan mengalah. Aku yg akan pujuk. Aku yg akan buat smua bnda tuu. Dia akan mengalah tuu pun kdg2 jaa. Why did you being this way? Why should you treat me the way you did? Who the fucking am I to you? I'm not a bloody puppet. I have hearts and soul. I'm not priceless.
Awak, boleh tak awak berhenti layan saya mcmni? Awak, saya tak pernah ada perasaan mcmni. Ni first time. Dan saya harap awak boleh layan saya mcamna saya layan awak. Please, grow up. Maybe bila dgan awak saya tak boleh nak marah2. You know why? Bcuz I love you so much and hell yeah, I'm bloody serious with you. Nak marah boleh, tapi saya takut awak tinggalkan saya. Saya cuba untk sabar. Sentiasa bersabar. Saya cuba. Tapi awak tak pernah hargai saya. Awak sayangkan dia lg bukan? If that so, just say it before its too late. SHE'S FUCKING BEAUTIFUL AND YOU KNOW, BEAUTIFUL GIRL HAVE LOTSA LOVERS. Saya kan dah ckap ' I would sacrifice my love toward you if that would make you happy. Your happiness is everything to me. ' I will let you go if you let me know about it. Surely :')
And right now, I couldn't even eat. I couldn't even stop crying. I couldn't stop reading our messages. I couldn't stop hugging your shirt. I couldn't stop it. You're almost perfect to me. You're my perfection. I know, its too soon but really, I'm serious. It hurts me when I read all of her older posts, between both of you - love story. I shouldn't stalk her. I shouldn't. But jealousy ftw! Fuck it. Just go away you fucking BITCH - well I mean jealousy. Okay, lets stop before I went mad. I think that, I have to stop before its too late. Maybe farewell is the best. Maybe fullstop is better. Maybe it hurts me, but I know, it won't hurt me forever as I am a strong girl. In every rain, there must be a rainbow. Have faith Siti Nur Raihan :')
' Loving you isn't about to own you in reality, but in heart, its eternity, A.M '
I won't mention his name cuz he ask me not to show to public about our relationship :')
★Dearest Addin :')
Seriously, I missing you guys that bloody fucking much. You guys are the coolest friend I ever had. The best damn thing that always make me strong and stronger day by day. Aku tau yg kita takkan duduk satu kelas lg. Takkan bising sama2 lg. Takkan kena marah sama2 lg. Betui aku ckap, aku rindu hmpa semua. Paling aku rindu time form 2. Sbb taun tuu, aku rasa aku complete sgt. Yeah, I'm so childish and not matured at all. I'm crying right now. I miss everything that ever happen~ You guys always there when I'm not in a good mood. Well semestinya, aku akan merindui budak2 ni :
Nad : Jiran aku yg bising dan gila dan suka buat aku happy
Umi : Okay yg ni slalu round satu skolah dgan aku, suka bising dgan aku dan sama2 gila dgan aku
Cityah, Dalila, and Erin : those three slalu jd peneman aku kutuk org :)
Pakdin : Thanks weh, sbb hg aku dpat B Math. Sbelum ni aku E dan hg tak pernah letih mengajaq aku :D
Haziq : ni geng aku, suami aku, KEKASIH aku. Hikhik, aku akan rindu hg sgt2 :')
Shikin, Izzati, Ieda, Muna, Afaf, and Amirah : oh mereka slalu buat saya ketawa yg sgt cool. Slalu curi budak form1 punya gerek :D
Syazmeer : My Masked Rider. Aku ingt lg time awai2 dluu :')
Abg Bun and Aniq : Hehehe, geng ni suka sakat aku ni! Eh Afnan sekali :D
Atika : si budak tinggi ni sgtlaa ganas dan menakutkan <3
Husna, Bubu, and Iman : Depa ni tak ckap bnyak sgt, tapi bila ckap, msti bnda tuu boleh buat aku gelak 3 hari 3 malam xD
Aku tak list semua sbb ni yg rapat dgan aku ja :D
I know that I would never meet someone like all of you. And yeah, no one could ever replace it. And there's nothing could erase all of our memories together. Thank youuu for always bringing joys in my life. I never get bored of you guys. NEVER!
Aku ingt lg, aku plan dgan Umi untk kenakan Izzati. Then aku suruh Umi p tuang gam dlam poket dia while aku rakam. HAHA xD Sorry cikTi, it was a harsh joke. But I love you :D
And every year kita buat makan2. Mesti akan jadi bnda bodoh2 xD Aku ingt lg yg kita buat pekerjaan budak2 kelas Addin. HAHA, funnay. Serious nnti aku rindu hmpa. Aku rasa mcam nak kembali time form2. Sbb time tuu aku bahagia sgt2. Kita dah lalui segalanya2nya bersama. Kita kena banned dgan semua cikgu. Kita kena kutuk bersama2. Tapi, aku tak pernah menyesal untuk dduk dlam kelas tu. Tak pernah. Walaupun org mengata kita, aku sentiasa percaya yg kita semua akn jd something nnti :)
Percayalah, aku sayang hampa semua dan aku snggup buat apa saja untk ulang balik setiap masa, jam, minit, saat dan detik kita semua bersama. Hampa selalu ada untk aku susah dan senang. Ada untk aku bila aku bebai, merajuk dan segalanya. Hulurkan kaki untk aku lepaskan geram. Dengaq aku menjerit2. Tahan dgan perangai aku yg sgt kebudak2 kan. Terima Kasih Semua, thanks for giving me this such of memories. So tggu lg sepuluh tahun, aku akan buat reunion. Aku nak bersama hmpa lg :D
Aku tak pernah marah hmpa, benci hmpa or whatever. Yg aku pernah cuma menyayangi, menyukai dan merindui hmpa. No matter how devilish we're, I know that I always have fun when it comes about my dearest Addin. Its time to be separated, but you know, I wont ever forget all of you. Not even a single fuck. Never. So thats all from me. Please don't ever forget me. Lets live on and fighting till the end.
I am Siti Nur Raihan and promised to my dearest Addin that I would never forget nor stop loving you guys. Have fun in life. Just take the good memories and live with it :')
★Hip hip horray! Those fucking annoying feeling is bloody gone! Ooo em jay! You know what, I'm deadly happy. Finally, I could let him go. I could live on this life happily again. Yeah, his mom is right about this. I should forget and live. Its something that we can control. Thanks Puan Azizah, you're the best. And yes, you have the coolest son ever! Thanks for everything that you ever gave. Its time to live and be cool! Chill!Its gone
Well, right now, I'm fucking tired. So lets not think about this anymore. May him rest in peace, amin. Alhamdullilah everything is duper cool. I don't cry for the same thing anymore. Ah, I'm glad.
Syed Muhd Adi, seriously, thank you for everything that you ever gave. You gave me hope, dream and strength. Forever, you'd be the man. Forever. And you know, no matter what happen, you will always be the best. Takkan pernah ada lelaki yg dapat faham saya mcm awak ! Tapi, mcam awak ckap, ajal dan maut saja yg dapat pisahkan kita. So, yeah. Betul. Saya minx maaf. Saya sayang awak. Tapi, DIA sayang awak lg kan :')
Okay bye <3