Hello people! (ahyat buhdak bahjet cool!)

Hihihi, so alhamdullilah, I'm selected as the Delta~ Oyeyeyeye. Tapi, kita tak start blajaq lg kan. Jgan nak eksaited sgt :P

Okay, today I was humiliated by Pakdin. Damn you. Okay, aku tgh dahaga. Dan mencapai air. And takpa mcam biasa. Langgah ayaq buat dunno. And cikgu minx bg cadangan untk penolong ketua kelas. And suddenly, Pakdin ckap ' Saya cadangkan Raihan cikgu '. Pfft -,- kau buat lawak eh mat? Aku tersedak laa. Nasib tak tersemboq jaa ayaq tuu. And cikgu asked which one is Raihan. I raised my hand up but she didn't saw me and she repeated it again. And Pakdin yelled ' Yg pendek2 kecik2 pipi tembam2 merah2 comel2 tuu cikgu '. And again, aku maluu. Semua org duk gelak2. Ishhh, kalau takdak cikgu tadi, dah lama aku cekik si Din tuu. Serious.

And Nadia, Afifah and Farah were selected too. And I don't know about how they select it. But bila masuk. Aku nampak dah muka jahat Din Boya tuu. And cikgu umumkan aku as Penolong Ketua Kelas. And I was like o.O SERIOUSLY?! Terkejut terharu ter ter lah. HAHA xD Meluat lah aku dgan hg Din. Dah laa cakap aku jalan mcam Wataniah. Fuck fuck. Tema aku AYU DAN LAWA la weh taun ni. Taun lepas cerita lain. Taun lepas aku tak dpat teruskan azam tuu. Sbb ihikk. Weh weh classmate aku tuu hnsem weh weh~ Opss sorry :P

Oyeah, and today is a good day but wasn't that good. But Alhamdullilah Ya Allah, for giving him back. A better new him. Hihihi. He's nicer than before and I'm glad to death and I promised myself that I'll take a good care of him. Alhamdullilah again :')

So akulah penolong ketua kelas 4 Delta. Don't mess the shit up with me! Ah and to budak tuu. Aku sikit pun tak takut dkat hg. SIKIT PUN TAK. Marilah marilah. Mari ~ I don't give a flying fuck on anything about you. So don't talk like I'm stalking you. I ain't one. Whats the point are you trying to say?! Better get the shit out from my life before I cut those fucking pussy into pieces. You're such a little wiener! You're not my standard at all. A fucking hoe with a fucking horrible attitude. Don't blame me for being rude, you blame ur fucking self!



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