★ A M B H

You know, you hurt me real well this time. I never feel this such of pain. I hate it. Ya Allah, I wish that I could take this away. Please, send me an angel. I don't know how should I forget it and him. I never knew how to live without him. He's everything to me. And I know, I would be nothing if I lose him.
I hate it when its about to compare me and her. I hate it. He didn't treat me the way that he did toward her. If she gone mad, he would calm him. If she walk away, he would catch her. If she ask for a break-up, he will make her not to. But when I ask him for that, he just say 'Knapa ?' and I said ' Saya benci awak. Saya sakit hati! ' And he said back ' Okay , sorry . Bye . ' Ya Allah, aku sakit. Sakit sngt. Bila time dgan ex dia, dia pujuk. Dgan aku, aku yg akan mengalah. Aku yg akan pujuk. Aku yg akan buat smua bnda tuu. Dia akan mengalah tuu pun kdg2 jaa. Why did you being this way? Why should you treat me the way you did? Who the fucking am I to you? I'm not a bloody puppet. I have hearts and soul. I'm not priceless.
Awak, boleh tak awak berhenti layan saya mcmni? Awak, saya tak pernah ada perasaan mcmni. Ni first time. Dan saya harap awak boleh layan saya mcamna saya layan awak. Please, grow up. Maybe bila dgan awak saya tak boleh nak marah2. You know why? Bcuz I love you so much and hell yeah, I'm bloody serious with you. Nak marah boleh, tapi saya takut awak tinggalkan saya. Saya cuba untk sabar. Sentiasa bersabar. Saya cuba. Tapi awak tak pernah hargai saya. Awak sayangkan dia lg bukan? If that so, just say it before its too late. SHE'S FUCKING BEAUTIFUL AND YOU KNOW, BEAUTIFUL GIRL HAVE LOTSA LOVERS. Saya kan dah ckap ' I would sacrifice my love toward you if that would make you happy. Your happiness is everything to me. ' I will let you go if you let me know about it. Surely :')
And right now, I couldn't even eat. I couldn't even stop crying. I couldn't stop reading our messages. I couldn't stop hugging your shirt. I couldn't stop it. You're almost perfect to me. You're my perfection. I know, its too soon but really, I'm serious. It hurts me when I read all of her older posts, between both of you - love story. I shouldn't stalk her. I shouldn't. But jealousy ftw! Fuck it. Just go away you fucking BITCH - well I mean jealousy. Okay, lets stop before I went mad. I think that, I have to stop before its too late. Maybe farewell is the best. Maybe fullstop is better. Maybe it hurts me, but I know, it won't hurt me forever as I am a strong girl. In every rain, there must be a rainbow. Have faith Siti Nur Raihan :')
' Loving you isn't about to own you in reality, but in heart, its eternity, A.M '
I won't mention his name cuz he ask me not to show to public about our relationship :')
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