★ Torturing

Hello :D
You say you love me but why. Do you keep making it so hard for me?What is it exactly that you're upset about. Recently your increased interference and meddling is wearing me out. Ey, like that, I've been avoiding your phone calls for the past few days again.
I tell you what's going on, your promise to make only me happy, boy. Tell me what's up, what's up, you've changed a lot. You're trying to overcome this easily. But it seems our time's already up. Time to say good bye, don't pretend like you can't hear me. I'm singing a break-up song, bye my love.
Err, he left his wallet in Angah's car. Well wallet and his phone. Tak kisah. Then saja2 sukapuki pi bukak wallet dia. Jeng3. Mana bebai pun kan. Dia lukis dia and ex dia versi komik and then nama dia and ex dia dan love2 bagai. asdfghjkl -.-
Speechless, taktau nak kata apa. Diam takmau kata apa. Sabar dan sabar dan mengalirkan air mata. LOL whut xD Aku dah penat betoi nak emo ni. It ain't worth it. Really do. And then sbb aku confuse, aku hurm, aku sujud kepadaNYA dgan penuh rasa keliru dan menyesal dan sedih. And aku tertidur lepas tuu. Hurm, dlam sujud tuu. Aku minx Tuhan tunjukkan betul2 apa yg terbaik untk aku. Berikan aku kekuatan. And aku minx Tuhan tunjukkan whether he's being real with me or not.
Dlam mimpi tuu, tiba2 aku mimpi balik conversation aku dgan dia. Aku tanya dia, dia syg aku dak. Then dia ckap ' Saya sayang awak betul2 Raihan :') ' Then aku ingat balik yg psai mesej2 dia dlam phone lama aku. Yaa, msj sweet dia. Aku taktau kenapa, aku tetiba rasa mcam tawar hati tapi aku still nak go on dgan dia. Aku taktau kenapa. Still wondering and wondering. Hurm. I'm not the type of person that forget people easily. Its just not me. It takes time to heal. It takes time to let go or move on. Its just simply me. I was born this way. But still, aku confuse, but its okay, aku dah boleh ketepikan dah. Cuba membusykan diri dan yeah, aku dah tak pkiaq sgt :'D
Everytime I'm thinking about whatever we've been thru, I just couldn't leave you. I miss you. Stop being this way and tell me that you did loved me. Setiap kali kawan saya cerita pasai dia, saya sakit, sebak rasa mcam nak hentuk kepala dekat meja or dinding. What is so special about her? Okay takmau ckap psai physical looks. Mmg saya kalah T,T
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