★ Syed Rafique Adha

' Ayann ! Hurry up aku dah dekat luar rumah ni , dgan Xan and Amy ! Fiacckkk hurryyy upp ! >,< '
Hahaha, ni mesej Rafeq ! Suka kejan2 aku. Dgan baru bangun tidoq apa semua. Then about 15 minutes later *aku bukan perempuan tepu yang bersiap lambat k!* Then p amik apple dekat dlam peti ais dan keluar. Rafeq punya muka baik punya duk senyum2. HAHA and aku lari p kat dia and jerit2 ' Woii punnndeeekk I miss you so babi damn much woiii ' and jerit2 mcam org kena histeria. HAHAHA x)
Then naik kereta otw p Penang katanya then I said, no way ! Almost 7 dah. Takmau balik lewat sbb nanti letih blablabla then went to SP. Lebih kurang jaa ==' Then mcam biasa, p starbucks. Hikhok Rafeq treats me some Caramel Ice Blended and Donut ! Erghh aku benci kau sbb buat aku gemuk wahai Rafeq !!! Then naik kereta nak p cari port hat best. Balik AS. HEHE. Then aku tertidur. Rafeq duk check gambaq. Then dia menjerit ' Woii Xann kau tgk ni, Ayan si hidung babi wehhh! ' then terbangun. Cibeii kau mat ~
Time dekat Gurun, aku bangun, then lagu 'All That You Need by Ay Cad' dimainkan. And I knew it was him. Actually I was mad at him. Then Rafeq larikan phone aku -,-' Then sbb geram aku tumbuk perut dia. Hmm tak sempat angkat and bunyi HIKHOKKK means msj dari dia. HAHA x) ' Sayang , angkt laa phone pliss ? Hmm takmau laa mcamni :/ ' Then I called him back. And blablablabla. Done, aku bukannya merajuk sangat pun. Tapi aku malas nak layan org jaa :P
Then p Gemilang sbb Rafeq lapaq burger. Hehehe, makan apa semua then PERGI TGK PONDAN ! AKTIVITI MALAM AKU YANG PALING ERGHHHH WICKED ! HAHAHA x) Then pondan tuu ckap Rafeq hensem blablabla then Rafeq nak tngkap gmbaq. So jeng3. JANGAN SAMPAI AKU PUBLISH EH RAFEQ :P Amy and Rafeq sebok bermesra. Bergedik2. Aku dgan Xan boleh tgk jaa. HAHAHA x) Then I wipe Xan's face and said to him ' Aww, when you grow up someday, don't forget that I love you ' ACTUALLY DRAMA PERLI AMY AND Ruff-eq. HAHA. Okay, we're kinda close and always teasing each other and dulu2. I got that sort of weird feeling towards Xan. HAHA. But no not anymore ;)
I got my sweetcherryblossomsweetcandymarshmallowheartbeat Ahmad Muzaffar ;)
And Ruff, Amy and Xan didn't believe that we've been thru the relationship for 5months and almost 6 :)
They said that Muzaffar feed me Nasik Kangkang. HAHA. That is so typical guys. Haha, no its me that Kangkang him. Err not that such of kangkang. NASIK KANGKANG OKAY ! And I hope that our friendship lasts forever ;') And thanks to Xan for singing those beautiful songs. Iloveyouuuuuuguys more than I love my ownself. Please note that and believe me, you guys are seriously the bestest human being that I've ever known. Lots of love from me, your dearest Ayan ;)
★ Waitin'

Ah wokehh! Actually, I'm waitin for 12am ! Weeeeee, 5 months already! This is my first time being in a serious relationship. Huwaaaa, yang paling bertahan ! Hihikkkk :* thanks sayang ! Thank youuu. Saya sayang awakkk sangat2. Terima kasih sbb melayan saya, sabaq dengan saya, BUAT SAYA SAKIT HATI, BUAT SAYA MENANGIS, buat saya senyum, buat saya bahagia and the most important, thanks for being the reason why I'm living this life bombastically ! Muahh, love you much much and muchier ! HAHAHA x)
Okay ignore about that stuff. Well, abah just bought us a Bengal Kitty Cat :)
It was named as Angus, because it loves to scratch me and kinda err fierce. But I love to kiss him and bite him ! Yawww, I'm so into it. Wiwiwiwiw, and I don't even text my BF. Because I'm too busy playin with it ! Hihihi, sorry cupcakes, Angus just replaced you. You ain't cute like him. Booo you :P Okay naw, me have to go. Me wants to write an essay hahaha x) okay dope, shit ass or whatever dipshit, me gotta go. Byebye, lep yuhh gangsta !