★ Waitin'

Ah wokehh! Actually, I'm waitin for 12am ! Weeeeee, 5 months already! This is my first time being in a serious relationship. Huwaaaa, yang paling bertahan ! Hihikkkk :* thanks sayang ! Thank youuu. Saya sayang awakkk sangat2. Terima kasih sbb melayan saya, sabaq dengan saya, BUAT SAYA SAKIT HATI, BUAT SAYA MENANGIS, buat saya senyum, buat saya bahagia and the most important, thanks for being the reason why I'm living this life bombastically ! Muahh, love you much much and muchier ! HAHAHA x)
Okay ignore about that stuff. Well, abah just bought us a Bengal Kitty Cat :)
It was named as Angus, because it loves to scratch me and kinda err fierce. But I love to kiss him and bite him ! Yawww, I'm so into it. Wiwiwiwiw, and I don't even text my BF. Because I'm too busy playin with it ! Hihihi, sorry cupcakes, Angus just replaced you. You ain't cute like him. Booo you :P Okay naw, me have to go. Me wants to write an essay hahaha x) okay dope, shit ass or whatever dipshit, me gotta go. Byebye, lep yuhh gangsta !
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