Shit, terkejut aii tauu. Hahaha, just sometimes, aku jadi emo haa. Aku tak marah pun hg hacked aku pnya bloggggg. Hehehhe, umm, but anyways, I misss youuu likeee hell. Hihihihihihi, and, Fark you again bishh ~You're my BFF. The one that always turn my life upside downn. And you're my gayyboo ~ Well, I lovee youu babayyy ~.~ Jangan risauu, nanti aku tnjuk kat hang ehh :D
★ Its Amani Bishes.
feeling like a spidermonkey for doing this.lmao
Qurl,who's that bish hurting your heart huh?
Im just bored with your heartbreaks entry.(I know this is your blog,and you fuckin mutufugha can do anything you like but.uh well.)I tired of seeing you sad all day.You know that I care for you (romantic music please!).Im you gaybo afterall.jk.jk.
And stop being sad okay.You look more hideous when you're sad.kalah babun nak habaq kat hang.jk.jk.
And one more thang qurl,
i am so happy to tell you that im your daughter gaybo.sobs.sobs.JOKE!
hope you have a blasting birthdayy parteyyy.Semoga panjang Umur dan Murah LEZEKI.
Raihan.jangan dok sedih dah.
dont sad
dont be sad
aku buat Sup Raihan zabidi special.hehe.
bai bai bishis.
-Amani.your hansem gaybo.
★ I'm me, Nigga !
Here we go again. Ummm, still being sad about that thing. Don't want to think about it that much. I'm gonna forget you when its about the right time but I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHEN IS IT ! But, its definitely the hardest thing I would ever do. But for my own sake, I've to. If I've forget about you, pretend it's not forever, I'll pull myself together. I'll say that I'll forget her,I'll breathe.And I'll say she never hurt me, and look at it as learning, and laugh about the good and the bad. Because I won't live forever. We don't belong together, I know I'll feel better, one day when I can make it through. But I know that wouldn't do it. I'm not that strong anymore :)
★ I'm sorry

I hate to know this, a harsh truth. What can I say now? I'm kinda regret for letting you go. Seeing you happy with another girl ain't cool for me. I miss you. I'm terribly hurt by you. I love you since I'm in form 1. Really. A true love can't bloom in my cold heart. I'm sorry cuz I've done a terrible thing. I couldn't find the word to say. I'm still searching. Forget me, forget us while I'm still searching the best word for you. You've stolen my heart. Please don't walk away after you've take my heart away.
Don't give me that smile anymore. It means everything for me. The smile that always melt me. Don't, no more. You're my nightmare. I just can't hold this anymore. I'm tired and fucking sick. I even can't manage my anger. I can't be the old Rei after I saw your default. I never seen a smile that could light my world. I've tried to forget you but umm. I couldn't find the way out.
Why can't we be happy? Why can't we ?! You're everything before this. I've lost everything and there's nothing to be lose anymore. I never trust a guy more than you. I always miss you and I couldn't stop thinking about you. Call me crazy. Stop messaging me. Stop it. Wtf with FF? I thought it was ur Firdaus Fauzi. But not. Its Firdaus Fara. HAHA.
GREAT isn't? Jangan buat macam happy. Sebab aku tak happy okay? Kalau hang nak happy, hang sorang sudah laa. Aku dah tak boleh nak happy happy lagi. Aku sakit hati. Aku sumpah sedih. Kenapa perlu bagi harapan lagi?! Aku tak perlukan. Okay? Jangan cakap hang call aku saja-saja. Hang mesej aku, bila tak reply, hang call. Why?! Just enough laa. If you can't love me, just say it. I don't mind. Really.
"Love isn't about to own him in reality but in heart, its eternity"- Siti Nurnadzurah.
I want to smile always, even this pain are killing me. Can't you see? I'm dying. I'm lying without a sound. Its killing me again. Don't turn back sayang. Past won't be repeated. Don't worry. I won't bother your relationship. Just remember this, I love youu always. Aku tak berani nak cakap ni bila hang tanya aku, kalau hang baca, hang tau laa okay? Hurmm, bye
★ Bini
Impian aku bila lepaih kawenn ! Weheee ~
Secondly, bila laki aku dh belah, aku psg radio kuat2, mstilaa BB kan :) Then kemaih rumah. Masak untk laki aku. Pehtuu tgk DVD. Haaaa, senang. Then aku mndi buat kali kedua. Pehtuu tggu laki aku balik lunch. At 1.30 sharp ! Aku tggu dpan pntu rumah. Melambai2 ke arah laki aku smbil senyum. Salam ngn laki aku, ajak dia mkan. Wachaaa ~
Thirdly, aku akn tlg bubuh mkanan kt laki aku, then mkn. Bla bla bla. Laki aku nk p qeja balik. okay, belah.
Fourth, msak dinner, so, laki aku smpai mkan. And laki aku caring then ajak aku tgk TV, okay laa, mlam2 msti laa cerita romantik kn. Aummm. Pehtuu laki aku letak lengan dia ataih aku. He stared at me for a while and besalaaa, I fall for him again. Yawwww.
Okay laa, takmau dh crita apa jd lepaih ni sbb malueww nyewww ai. Hihihi. Wakakakaka. Aku pnya impian nk bahagia. Dgan laki aku, aku nk jd bini mithali. Hurmm, best auwww. Kakak Wani dh nk kawen. Aku lmbt lg ni haaa ~ :(
Tp laki aku tuu yg aku ckap just now, aku mksud kn G-DRAGON. Nyiawwww.