Its already 2011 but I couldn't forget you YET. Dammit, its freakin' hard. Awk buat guna2 eh kt saya? Haaaaaa. HIHIHIHI. Act, aku sedih tp aku tktau psepa aku duk gelak. Rei gone mad doesn't she? HAHA xD Kesahnyaa. Takpa2, saya cuma mencintai G-Dragon / Kwon Ji Yong / Bong / JiYong / GD. Bnyak kn nama dia. Woah. So guys, better back-off. Lgpun, aku tkmau bercinta. Seriussss dudeee. Ummm, Imma PMR VICTIM ! Hellz Yeah. So, Tuition, Horsing, Family and friends. Did I mention any guys? So, there's no-no time for guys :) Completely BUSY. Freakin BUSY lah. So, cellphone tuu letak tepi, FACEBOOK/BLOG lglaa kna tndang truih. MIAHAH >,< Berangan pun tkleh dh. Alaaa, jem kn. Or aku yg buat teruk? ~,~ WEEEEK :P
Azam Tahun baru Cik Siti Nur Raihan Bt. Ahmad Zabidi ;
a) Siapkan H/W
b) Takmau tidoq dlam kelaih
c) Solat Fardu 5 waktu yaaa.
d) Takmau ada BF. BD saja di hati :P
e) Extra STUDY.
f) Less time for fun
g) Berjimat dan jgan boros. (Isn't it the same?)
h) Attend to every tuition that mom paid.
i) Don't scold mom and be a good girl/daughter
j) Keep a distance dgan FB, MS, Blog, Cellphone and PORN ( Dh lama aku tk tgk semua
tu oke)
k) Baca Yasin every Khamis and Jumaat.
l) Study dgan kuda yg sama bnyak.
m) Less dirty words such as ORGASM, FUCK, Lil Puss or anything.
n) Less gossip.
o) Stop acting childlish.
ILMU aku sbb gelak bnyak)
r) Stop tell lies :)
s) Jgan duk buat musuh dan minx maaf kt semua org :)
t) Dh kot noh. Kalau bnyak2 sgt stg bkan raihan laa jdinya :P
Okay, so ni laaa Azam aku. Bkan Azam Kon yee kwan2 Addin. Yaaah. Boleh kee saye buat cumuew tueyh? Tmbah2 bahagian gosip, ronda skolah, less dirty word. HUHH. Susahnya. Eh, yg siapkn semua h/w tuu aku letak atas sbb tu azam aku tiap2 taun but tk pnah2 jd. Tdoq dlam kelas pun laa. HAHA xD Biasa laa, saya kn pemalas. HAHA xD Okay, I hve to end it here. ByeBye ols.
Lots of love from rei :D
★ I'm feelin' so HIGH
Damn, I'm so in love. He's such a hottie. Momm, can I marry him? Sukanyaa dkat that guy. Auuuum. I'm so madly in love. Dayyyuuuum, I rather wait for him :)Boys, I'm sorry. He's my heart. You can't be hotter than him cuz he's the hottest. Believe me. Boy boy boy, I do adore. HIHI. Every second of my lifeeeeeeee, I wanna love this guy. The planta for my bread. HAHA xD There's no way to forget him. I'm tied. He makes me orgasm every minute of my life. Pretaaaay ~ ( Eh wait, I'm only 14 and I shouldn't say that. PS ; Sorry ) His smile makes me feel awesomeee. You can't beat him. He's my number one in my heart. Chu~ He's my addiction cuz I'm so addicted at him. He's like my ninja. HAHA. High High, I'm so high. Weeee ~ Baby, be mine please. You're my everything next to God, Family and Friends. You're my sunshine. The one that shines my day and makes me feel warm. I'm always loving you and thinking of you. This feelin' is so SUGOI. You're my inspiration. You had changed the way I am. You makes me forget all the tears and pain. The bitch and her man. You're my medicine that cure my heartbreak. The only person who can cure the wounds. I can't lose you. No matter what. Even the time passes by, the feelin' towards you will never changed. Never and ever. You're the perfect guy for me. Yeah. So perfect than all the rest. The stars of my nights. The sun of my day. The sweetheart of mine. Baby, I love you.

HIHI. My baby BONGG :D
★ Love at the first sight
The first time I saw you, my heart beat fast and faster. I couldn't stop staring at you. I love the smile on your lips. The way you ride the horse really impress me. I never felt this way. Really. I never been in this situation. Time passes by so fast. I really wanna meet you again. You drive me insane. Thinking about you is the most happiest thing to do. You can call me a stalker cuz I stalked you just now. HAHA. I adore you silently. I hope that we're gonna be the perfect two. Oh Penang, Thnks. And Thank You God :)There's a lot of memmories at Penang. I really enjoyed myself there. Being with friends really makes me happy. But sometimes I do miss my family. But they keep calming me. Thnks to Aida Amalina, Aida Syafiqah, Aifaa Shafia, Akmal Amir, Haziq Luqman, Luqman Sanim, Amir Asyraf, Mohd. Khairi, and all of Kedah-an :)
And boy, I heart you. Wanna you. Hello, can you be mine ?
★ I'm already 'muak' with you :)
Yeah. Muak. Muak dan meluat. I don't want to be this way. But, tah. Stop begging. Its not your fault. Just live on your life with the love one. I don't want to talk about it. Aku cuma nk hg happy. Setelah sekian lama hg single. Skrg hg kpel, aku tmpang gembira. Yeah. Hg kwan ngn aku dh lama. Tp aku tktau sbb apa aku jd mcamni. Aku tk bermaksud. Serius aku ckap. Even sometimes, I'm missing you. But I realized that I should forget about you. If I keep bothering him, his GF gonna be sad and mad. So, I've to sit back and fuck off. He's belong to someone else now. Aku perlu jauhkn diri dari hg. Aku minx maaf. Salah aku. Ummm.
P.S ; Even though rmai org yg tnya who is he. But, I've to remain silence. Aku tkmau dia tau. Biaq aku belah slow2. Oke :)
★ It hurts.
Okay, Hi there :)Umm, you know. You're my BFF. We've promised to share everything. Tp, serius aku ckap, klau aku tk on FB, msti aku tktau yg hg dh taken. Aku tk penah berahsia dgan hg. Semua bnda aku critaa. Tp tkkan kot yg tuu pun hg tkleh nk hbaq kt aku? Hah? Aku bukan jeles kah apaka. Aku sakit hati. Sbb suma bnda psai aku, aku hbaq kt hg. Cerita sedih ka cerita happy kaa. Suma aku ceritaa. I love you. I love you from the bottom of my heart. Eerrggh. Mybe, I'm not so important in your life. Mybe it just me who felt this way. You're not me, so, you don't understand. I really wanna meet you today cuz, on your birthday, I'm not here. But, you don't need me as I do. What can I do :)
I'm just a friend of yours. Now, you've been with someone else that better than me. You don't need me anymore kan? Yeah, I'm fuckin' jealous of her. It admit it. I've just realized that I'm in love with you. I wanna tell you about it. But, I guess that I'm too late :)
My bad Fi. I'm not good enough. Klau hg bgitau pun, aku tkdk la heartbreak smpai mcamni. Aku dhlaa terasa sbb hg tk hbaq. Paihtuu hg dh jd kepunyaan dia. Aku tk suka dia. Yeah. Bkan sbb dia awek hg. Cuz, I think that she take you away from me. You've promised me that you'll always be there for me. It hurt so bad. Badly.
Just, a words from your friend, I hope that you're gonna be happy with her, always. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry cuz I keep deny the fact that I love you. Aku takmau hg gduh dgan dia. Sbb aku rsa hg happy dgan dia. So, biaq aku p jauh2. Stg dia jeles pulak kn :)
So, this is the last day we're BFF :)
★ I love you? Again?
I don't know how can I love you again. You know, everytime you stand near me, I could feel my heartbeat, beating fast and faster. I used to hate the smell, but somehow, I love it, again. I love to talk with you, but, I couldn't spill it out. I want to be the best in your eyes. I want to own that smile. I want to own you. I don't wanna your number one, I wanna be your only one. How can I have you? How? Can you please tell me? I miss you. I miss 'Us'. I'm a dumbass. I leave you for a person that I don't even know. I don't know how to get rid of you from my life. Maybe, you're too precious for me. Don't you realize about it? I love you though.
★ I love you, Ainnur Amani Rozahani.
Thanks for everything. For the advise, the talk and everything. You makes me feel better than before. I owe you. You're my best friend. The best damn thing I've ever had. We're always agreed with each other. I like what you like. I laugh at what you laugh. I'm afraid of what you afraid. I believe in what you believe. We shared everything together. We makes everything in our lifes better than before. You teach me what life is. You teach me how to be a human. You teach me to become stronger. You inspired me. Eventhough I always called you bangang, bodoh, bahlul, weirdo, freako or any worst shit. I'm still loving you. You're my friends. You makes me smile. You makes me feel comfortable. I've realize that I'm not alone. I've you and all of my BFF. I know that you won't leave me cuz you're not a coward. I knew it. From the beginning. I hope that this friendship would never end. I really need you and loves you. I knew you since I'm in grade 4. We're still a lil kid. Hahha. I love you friend. Its already 4 years we're together as a friends. This life is meaningful with you by my side. I love you bestie <3
★ I'm feeling - not okay.
Okay laa, totally benci dgan def kakak aku. Tk kisah nk bubuh. Tp facebookers2 mmg celak*. Duk kutuk2 org psaipa? Punya psai laa aku nk edit gmbaq pun. Dh gmbaq yg lain nmpak kurus. Nk buat cmna. Thts me. If you hate it, it means that you hate me. Thts the real me. No one is perfect. Okay laa, I'm not that preety. Aku dh ckap kn, aku tk cntik. Hmpa yg duk kta. Paihtuu duk ckap aku fake. Arghh, I'm not a hot stuff like you. I'm not good enough. Byebye.
★ K-on !

Totally into this ! Freakin' in love with K-on ~ Azuka's lovers. They're bloody cute. Love it ahhh-lot. K-on is my addiction. I'm so addicted to it. Mereka mmg gempak dan sgt sgt comel. Kalau awk tak suka, lantak aaa. Ni blog saya bukan? If you hate this entry, close the tab please. Okay, saya perlu cabut dulu sbb saya sakit perut. Really. Hahas. Byebye >,<
Weeeeeek :P
★ Confusing.
Umi, hg ja kn yg boleh tlg aku. Tlg laa. Mcamna ni? Aku tkut dia main2 jaa. Stg tk psai2 aku sedih pulak. You know what to do. Hg jaa yg paham aku. Hurm, or, should I forget him? Come on lah Umi. Aku takut laa. Aku tkut depa bet jaa. Erggh.

[From left, Junsu( Xiah ), Jejung, Yuchun ( Micky )].
Totally in love with this ! HAHAHA xD
Jaejong, he's better and better and better from before. I love this guy so bad :)
But My Jiyong baby still the hottest. I lovee Jiyong more than everything <3
Micky, ummm, he's getting sexier. Uwwwaaa, he's hot plus sexy. His voice impress me :)
Xiah, his voice is so yummy. If I could eat the voice, then it would be cool. Dayyyummm, he's like a baby. Cuteee.
Xiah Xiah, I love you. Mickky, I love you. Jaejong, I love you more than I love them. But I'm already MARRIED to Kwon Ji Yong. Sorry <3
★ Huhhhh !
I thought that this pain is because of DH. But I'm so wrong. Hurrm. Its you actually. Tah laa, bnda dh lama kn? Tp, dia dh mcam tkmau kt aku. So, what the heck? Mcam aku hegeh2 kt dia pulak kan? Klau bkan sbb Bff aku suruh tggu. Aku mmg tkkan tggu dia dh. I'm giving up. I couldn't find the way to get back with you. Its kinda hard to remove you from my life cuz you're like a tattoo. I couldn't stop thinking of you. I don't know why. What is so special about you? Why am I being this way? I'm going crazy. Really. If you can'r accept me back, just tell me. I won't mad at you. Its not your fault. Its mines. Sorry.
Okaylaa, if awk dh tak boleh terima saya. Just say it okay? Saya takkan jd org bodoh marah2 kt awk. Sbb takdak guna untk saya marah kt awk. Thts not your fault. Okay :)
Byebye ~