Huhhhh !
I thought that this pain is because of DH. But I'm so wrong. Hurrm. Its you actually. Tah laa, bnda dh lama kn? Tp, dia dh mcam tkmau kt aku. So, what the heck? Mcam aku hegeh2 kt dia pulak kan? Klau bkan sbb Bff aku suruh tggu. Aku mmg tkkan tggu dia dh.

I'm giving up. I couldn't find the way to get back with you. Its kinda hard to remove you from my life cuz you're like a tattoo. I couldn't stop thinking of you. I don't know why. What is so special about you? Why am I being this way? I'm going crazy. Really. If you can'r accept me back, just tell me. I won't mad at you. Its not your fault. Its mines. Sorry.

Okaylaa, if awk dh tak boleh terima saya. Just say it okay? Saya takkan jd org bodoh marah2 kt awk. Sbb takdak guna untk saya marah kt awk. Thts not your fault. Okay :)

Byebye ~



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