★ I love him more than ever

OHMAIGODDDD ! You know what, I lovee this boy so bad. His smile just melt mee. What can I say about this preeetaaay boy? I wonder if he and me sleep on a same bed. Uwaaaa, I wanna I wanna. Just one night baby. It could change everything. I want you so bad. Kwon Ji Yong, you makes me orgasm all the day, baby :) Its not nice for a 14 years girl like me talking about something nude like this. HAHA xD Okay laaa, I love youu. I want you. You makes me happy. You makes me forget him. The stupid assss. Thank you. Thank you baby. Your performance last night really caught my attention. I can't stop starring at you. You're super duper fucking yummy. Can I eat you? HAHA. Your awesome-ness makes me look bad after all. I love you Kwon Ji Yong ;)
Rei <3 G-dragon ~
★ I want you

You know, I think that I'm already in love with you. I want you so bad. You're my future ;) You treat me like someone in your life. I'm so happy when you call me syg. Frankly speaking, you makes my life wonderful and happy again. I never expect to be in love with a guy like you. You're not the type of person that I'm dream to be with. But, you've changed me. I never trust someone like you. But, haha, I don't know. I really don't know. I just wanna say that, I wanna be yours. And you could be mine. Please don't ask me to forget about you. Please. And, lastnight was friggin great. I never thought someone like you gonna say ILOVEYOU infront of our friends. Wahh, it amazes me. It was so embrassing. Really. You're so right, I shouldn't wait for someone like him. I do love him but I'm so tired of waiting. You're damn gorgeous lastnight. I'm shocked. HAHA. You yell at me. Gilaaaa xD You're being so nice. But you know, I couldn't forget him yet. I'm sorry. Umm, I love you new friends. Thnks for everything. You're so sweet. Sapa2 yg dpat you mmg lucky terok. But I rsa, I tk bleh terima you lah. HAHA. I tktau lah. HEHE. Love you Comel <3
★ It felt so wrong
Howdiyy? Umm, I don't knoww. Really. I tk pernah kpel dgan EX kwan aku. Aduih. Rsa berslah pulak. She loves you lagi. Tp, aku kwan dia. Mana buleh. Prinsip aku, " I'll never being inlove with my friend's EX ". Mcamna ni? But Amy ckap, " Your happiness is more important . I'm sure that ur friend gonna understand . Eh , spe suruh die tak pndai jge BF die ? Ah , melantak je la TINY . Jgan kisahkn org sgt . Oke beby ? " Isn't that selfish? Alaaa, aku mna penah buat cmtuu. Mmg laa bukan crime. Tp, still rsa uncool. Kesian weh. Tah laa. Nnti aku pkiaq. Bg aku mndi dlu. Stg aku on lg nah ;)Amylia, you're so mean. Why are you being so mean. You're such A BEAN !
★ A Million Kisses :)
This song, inspired me. It makes me happy. I really wish that I'm gonna thru this. So, here is it. :)[Kasey]
I got a million dollars baby
tell me what you want to do
I can take you far away from here
I can take you to the moon
You might get sold out
Take you home
And lay a million kisses on you
I got a million dollars baby
Tell me what you want to buy
I'll buy you a big 'ol diamond ring
and every star up in the sky
but when your stars don't shine
I'll give you mine
and lay a million kisses on you
If you money you want I got it
got a ring down in my pocket
if you say I do I'll marry you
and lay a million kisses on you
[Mikellah Jordan]
you don't need a dollar baby to steal this heart of mine
you're heart is worth a million bucks and it's beating next to mine
if you've got the time I'll make you mine and lay a million kisses on you
you don't need a dollar baby to make my heart sing
you don't have to buy me stars or fancy cars but I'll be glad to wear your ring
take out that ring and put it on I'll lay a million kisses on you
if it's love you want I got it
take that ring out of your pocket
I'll say I do to marry you
and lay a million kisses on you
I'll buy your love if you name a price
[Mikellah Jordan]
boy your loving will suffice
if it's love you want then it's love I'll be
[Mikellah Jordan]
whatever you are is all I need
If it's money you want I got it
Got a ring down in my pocket
if you say I do I'll marry you
and lay a million kisses on you
[Mikellah Jordan]
if it's love you want I got it
take that ring out of your pocket
I'll say I do to marry you
and lay a million kisses on you
when your stars don't shine I'll give you mine
and lay a million kisses on you
[Mikellah Jordan]
if you've got the time I'll make you mine
and lay a million kisses on you
Submitted by: Nina
★ Its alreadry 1 years?
I'm already grown up. You told me if I could live on my life for 1yrs without you, I'm strong. Nah, I did it. You should say, WELL DONE :) I realize that this life doesn't so SYOK without you but I manage myself to entertain myself. Hey, I did it okay. When you're with me, I felt so damn awesome. I never felt this way before. Never. Its okay cuz you're no longer mine. And I've forget about you (?). Aaa, kinda :P Bkan lah lupakan terus but still ada skit2. HAHA. Takpaa, tklama lg, Im gonna be freee. I've erased you from my memories. The pain and the happiness that you brought. The words that you gave me " Raihan, if you could live ur life without me, then you're super duper fucking awesome lah. It aint a joke kay. If you love someone, its kinda hard to throw him/her out of your fabulous life. Tau tak bende tuu? You msti tawu kn? Haaa, so, here's the deal. You lupakan I. I lupakan you. I take this way and yours is another one. " I know that is just a PENYEDAP kn? Alah, who cares? Klau tk ckap cmtuu pun Im gonna did it jugak. Okay? Cheers ah with ur GF. :)
★ I love you more than you will ever know
Oh, I know that i am hereand you are there
but we still have our love
we move just like the moon and sun.
The sun comes up the moon rolls down
a world apart but they don't make a sound.
They know their love spins us round.
I've been to heaven , I've been to hell,
I've been to Vegas, and god knows where,
but nothing feels like home like you babe
I love you more than you will ever
ohh I've got my car and my guitar
a couple pills a couple scars.
I made a wish on a lonesome star.
Star oh star, you shine so bright
wont you grant me one small wish tonight
that i wont die on this destructive path of mine.
I've been to heaven, I've been to hell,
I've been to Vegas, and god knows where,
but nothing feels like home like you babe
I love you more than you will ever know
Than you will know ohhh
dear I love you more than you will ever know
★ I'm so fuckin sorry.

Syed Ali Wafi, how could I say this? I try to find a words to say how regret I am. I'm careless. I'm so sorry. I don't understand you. I never knew that you're hiding this from me. How can I be this dumb? Did I hurt your feeling? I'm selfish. Everything is about me. I never listen to anything that you're trying to say. What kind of friend am I? You're meant a lot to me you know. I'm afraid of losing you. You're so important to me. But, I never appreciate you as a friend. I'm so sorry. I don't know how to say this. I really meant this. I couldn't face this world without you. You're always be right here with me no matter what. I never realize that you're being so nice towards me. I'm a fool. You should mad at me. Yea you should. I wouldn't blame on you if you hate me. Its totally my faults. Wafi, aku minx maaf. Aku tk sedaq yg aku dh ada hg. Aku lupa yg hg slalu tlg aku bila aku susah. Tp aku jenih tk reti nk beterima kasih. Semuanya psai aku. Aku tk pernah cuba nk paham hg. Asyik hg jaa paham aku.From this day, I promised myself that I won't leave you and I'll always be there with you no matter what. I'm gonna appreciate you. I'm gonna love you for the rest of my life. I'm gonna be your friend forever (BFF). I'll always love you no matter how and what. I'm gonna trust you more than anybody. Wafi, eventhough I'm dead, I'm gonna love you cuz my love towards you will never end. You're the best best friend of mine. So people, he's not my BF. He's my best friend.
Aku bukan puitis. Yg ni jaa yg terbaik. HUHU. Sorry again. I love you :)
★ Ainnur Amani Rozahani :)
I love this girl you know :)Shes freakin cool to death. Oh God, I hope our friendship gonna last forever :)
I never met someone like her. Someone cool, nice, crazay, religious and preetaaay plus damn cute :)
She's always makes me laugh. She knows me better than I do. What can I say? Shes one of my BFF. I love you kiddo. I loveee youu !
★ Hate it. Dislikes ~
Why are you being this way? Why can't you just leave me alone without any single fucking words? I'm bored of this. I just wanna be happy as others. Your lies makes me hate you more. You want her? Just go. GO ! Go away please. Please respect me and my private life. I'm not Mrs You again. So, don't bother anything that I'm gonna do. I'm being emo becuz of you. Whyyy? I'm not stupid. I'm not blind. I'm a human and so do you. I can't be this way cuz it ain't me. You ain't somebody in my life. You ain't nothing. You pernah buat I bahagia. You pernah buat I menangis. You pernah buat I gelak. You pernah buat I mrah. You pernah buat I gila. Our time together had passed. You're hurting me again. I felt empty. Tears and sadness are part of REI. You wore the shirt that I gave you on your date. She said " You've a great taste in picking shirt syg ". WTF?
★ Its you again.
Okay, ni kali yg ke 109 aku minx, Please stop it again. Please stop knocking my heart. You came across my mind again. I hate it. Seeing you and her happy together. Sayang2 lah. Cinta, baby, bie, hunny. Arrgh, kenapa you pnggil dia hunny bunny? Its mine. You dh buat I percaya kt you balik. Buht, you leave me without any fucking single reason. Why should you do that? Why can't you just leave me alone? I on phone td, and my phone beeping. Your name on the screen. I read the msg. You ckap "Baby girl, jgan la merajuk. I syg you lah. Rei? She's no one in my life. She's just a piece of memories. I couldn't hate her. I can't say that I hate her cuz I'm not. Please, you're my only one. You've to understand. I'm not happy with her. Just stop it already. Enough lah. You pun dh ckup. I tknk jd bodoh mcam yg you ckap. Ikut2, dgan Rei. Okay? Muah, syg you lah biy." And si Elia pulak, " Kau better jgan dkt dgan BF aku or aku report dgan abg aku. Jgan jd bodoh la perempuan. If a guy doesnt want you, it mean, Over ! Okay? Jgan nak hegeh2 dgan balak aku eh? Kau ingt ni ye jalang. Jgan smpai aku sipak pepek kau. " Eh tak psai2. Takdak angin tkdk ribut. Psaipa? Nahhai, bguih betoi noh mulut hg. Hg bru drjah 6. Respect me lah perempuan. Okay lah, keep on mengata aku. Bye
★ Danial Harith
Okay, why are you still in my mind eventhough I want to forget about you? Errrgh, I'm feeling so lost. I have to find the way back. I miss you. I can't stop thinking about you. Its like 24/7. I never love someone as I love you. I leave him cuz he's not you. Tk boleh ka klau you mcam dluu? Bila I on ms or fb, a person who named Danial Harith akn ckap Hi syg. I miss you gilaa. I love the way you call my name. It makes me smile. Tak boleh ka if you call I mlam2 mcam dlu? Bila I angkt phone, you akn jerit2 kt tlinga I smbil berkata NURRR RAIHAANNNNNN ! Mmg I perlukan you. You're my everything next to Allah. I tried to forget you. I tried to erase you from my memories. It cause me a lot of pain. You and her. Together, it makes me sick after all. I hate the way you treat her. I wish that I'm her. I'm not feeling well. I'm not happy as before. I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of everything that is about you. I bg you second chance. And and and, you ada skandal dgan Elia. Sakit hati yg teramat. Pedihh. Apa yg you tau? You pham ka? I'm terribly hurt by you. I don't even know why am I giving you a second chance. Mmg sbelum2 ni salah I. But I've changed. I'm not the old me. Bila I dh berubah, you pulak yg buat hal. Being with you is the most happiest thing ever. You selalu buat I senyum. I wanna be yours again. I sedih sbb bila Elia maki I, you bela dia. Walhal you bru ja knal dia. You tk pham ka yg I sakit hati? Why cant you treat me as dulu2? Klau you nak sgt dgan dia, pergi mampus la. Malas aku nk amik port. Erggh, sorry for the harsh words. I'm not in the mood to smilee. Apa2 pun. I'm gonna love you eventhough you never cared about it. Mmg I tkkan bg kat you another chance. I'll never regret of it. I'm sorry for everything. I selalu maki2 you kn? Mmg patut ah you buat cmtu. Okeee. Byee. *Aaaa, ex aku ada dua org yg bernama Danial Harith. So so so, klau awk baca, awk rasa awk tkdk kena mengena, mksudnya, tuu DH sorg lg aa. Okay? :)
★ A Big Thnks :)
Wahaaaaa. About 90 people(s) wishing me happy birthday. Auwwwh, thank you :)1st ; Syed Ali Wafi
2nd ; Umi Fathimatuz Zahraa
3rd ; Hasliani Bahdot
4th ; Vee
5th ; Hazzim
6th ; Chekyah
7th ; Org yg ada kt rumah
8th ; Afifi Rozaini <3
9th ; Nanad Ariff
10th ; Facebookers ;)
Okay, thnks semua. I'm glad sbb ada org wish. And to my beloved Azwan Adnan, thnks for the bunny. He's freakin cute :) Yami ~ Terima Kasih bnyak2 sbb menghabiskan masa terluang untk wish kt saya. Thnks to my peeps, Umi, Ajriah, Nadia, Wafi, and Zakwan for the super duper damn cool hang out. BHAHA. And Muzaffar, hari jadi kita sama. Taun dpan smbut sma2 aaaa. :) Muzz, thnks sbb kol :) Saya bnyak menyusahkn awk. Tp aku snggup kol saya. DH, okay, Im sorry. Jgan cari aku lg? Oke? Kau boleh pergi mati bwak Merc kau tuh. I dont even give a shit ~ Jgan cri aku dh. Aku meluat sgt2 kt kau. Babi. Okay, thnks jugak sbb wish. Okay lah. Mau overnight katanya mlam ni :)
Weheeee, thnks. And kejadian membaling tepung tuu tk cool okay? Hbeh rmbut aku keraih. Haraaaaam. Depa heret aku keluaq. Paihtuu baling tepung. Kn dh kna flying kickk. Sorry to Ma and Angah. HAHA. Okay, love you all. Thnks FANS. Eh2, thnks friends :) Muah <3
★ Love?

Wewewwe. What is love? I'm a person who doesn't know anything about love. I'm stupid at it. I never been in love for serious. Cinta beruk adalaa. BHAHAH. Umm, its kinda sad to never be in love. Love colours our daily life. Umm, never been in love doesn't means I'm not intrested in it. Just, I always being a fool about guys. Being cheated. Ummmm. I'm totally boreddd. I need a boy? HAHA. Tatau tatau. Saya bukan hottie. Saya tk secantik kwan2 saya. Thts why mereka ada BF. Saya biasa aja. HOHO. I'm waiting for it. Patiently. Umm. Mcam best ja to be inlove. Aku tgk org2 kt sekeliling aku mcam bahagia jaa dgan psangan depa. And sesetgh blog tuu, sweet gilaa. Siap wish birthday, letak gmbaq sma2, writting quotes and etc. Nanak laki yg shuuuwweeet. HEHE. ZOMG. Why am I talking about love? Uwaaaa.
Aku tk gduh ngn hg pun la pmpuan. Jgan duk buat mulut tirih sgt nah? Aku tk crik psai ngn hg pun. Jgan duk ingt hg bguih sgt. Jgan duk blajaq jd kuang ajaq sgt. Tk psai2 stg mkan kasut. Aku meluat untk post bnda maki2 cmni. Tp disebabkn aku SUKA hg, aku terpaksa post. Ni. Jgan duk ingt hg hebat sgt. Kot stg aku p tabuh hg tk psai. Daje
★ Counting days.
Hewwwwyhcyuuw,I'm counting days right now. Weheee, Imma gonna be a birthday gurl. MIAHAHAHA, gila gewdik. Tp serius happy kot. HAHA. Sbb aku dh nk jd teenagers. And I wanna makes a wish. HEHE. A perfect life wouldn't be so cool without my friendzzz. Life is short. I wanna be happy and I wanna be a good girrrrl. And and, I've to stop eating. HAHA. Gilo mu. Mna bleh stop mkan. Mati weh. HOHO. Dear friends, thnks for keeping me accompany in the time I need someone, cheering my day, makes me smile, makes me cry, makes me more matured, makes me laugh to death, kesah psai aku, and paham aku. Serius aku tkleh hidup tnpa hmpa. You makes me feel hot. HAHAH. Tudia tudia. Bila aku sedih, hmpa dngaq aku. Bila aku tkdak mood, hmpa buat aku gelak. A big thnks to, My Family, Ainnur Amani Rozahani, Umi Fathimatuz Zahraa, Wan Nadia Atikah, Muna Aqila, Nur Shahida, My classmates, Syed Ali Wafi, Hazzim, Adam Syafiq, Aida Amalina ( Sbb slalu buat aku gelak ), Azwan Adnan, Haikal Asraf and Amy :) Babeeee, thankkkyoouu ~
★ Bad habits of mine
Tenenene. Hello guys :)Ummm, I hate my new habits. Bukan korek hidung la Afiq. Shit aaa youu. Okay-okay, my new habits, chewing nail? HAHA. Tak2. Gigit kuku. Bukan masukkan dlam mulut. Yg tuu over gross. HAHA x) Benci gila kot. Tetiba jaa duk gigit2 kuku ni. And right now, Im ewwww-ing at myself. BHAHAH x) LMFAO ! Totally. Mcam bodoh ja kan? Aish. I'm watching Ice Age :) Comel jea. Mcam nk gigit jaaa. Aum aum :P
Okayyy, aku gila bapak lapaq. Lapaq sgt2. Dan aku malas nk mkan. Stg Adam dgan Ajim ajak p tibai bulu ayam kt DGCC. Alaaa, malaih kot. SUKA nya aku nk main menatang apa tu? aaaa. aaa. Aaa, badminton. Ish, saya terlalu mencintai lemak-lemak tepu saya. Auwh. Thts too hard. Okay laa, aku admit aku tk pndai main bnda tuu. Slalu missed jaa. Benci gila kot. Imma stupidass at it. AHAA x) Nk p ka dak? Nk p ka dak? Aduihh. Pyaaaahh >,<
Woah. Perlu mkan cuz perut is already singing RING DING DONG ~ Okay fellars, byebye. Muah muah muah. Thnks fer readin' :)
★ Tenenene x)
Hello and Hi ,Okay, tahap kekarutan saya sgt hebat skrg. Tp tp tp, someone dh buat aku tkdk mood. Daje. Miahahaha. Ada ka pnca. Dia ajak aku kluaq then dia ckap mau bwak awek dia. Miahahaha. Klau aku COOL dgan awek dia, thts okay. Umm. Alaa, konon aku nk jeles la ni? Miahaha >,< Wehhh, this is Siti Nur Raihan [ Apa kena mengena(?) ] la. Bhahaha xD Okay laa, jeles a lil bit? Tp tk sgt laa. Just meluat sbb all the promises yg you dh buat. But thts just okay cuz that time dh past kan?

TAEMINNIE ! *shouting.
Why do I lovee you so bad? Whyy? I wanna my heart backk ! You makes me smile all the time. Thinking of you just makes me happy. You're in my mind like 24/7. Marry me pls? I love you so bad :( You're damn precious. Baby, you're so perfect. Your cuteness makes me look bad. You've melt me. OMAIGOD. You're damn smexi. <3
★ Homoo baby.
HAHA. Suka suka suka :)Ahaaa, sapa tah yg ckap AidaAmalima bnci aku. HEHE. Dak punn laa. Syook gilaa. Akhirnyaaa. Dpatt jgak kwan ngn dia. She's just nice. Gotta love that HOTTIE. Hg HOT. Kita HOT. Kami HOT ! HAHA. Hrini topik psai hot jaaa.
Topik kedua, kutuk org pkai bedak melepung. HAHA. Mcam lawak. Mcam2 plakk kn? Ni msti dosa berjambui ni. Miahahahah x) Aduhh, buleh jd gila if 24/7 aku ckap ngn dia. Mcam2 jaa bdak2 ni.
She's nice. She's rich. But she's not that type of person yg akn sombong dgan org. That is what I like the most about her ;) So, jgan laa ckap bebukan lg psai dia :) " Down to earth ". Dia kta aku mcmtuu. Wahahahaa. Qasa hott :) Weeeheee.
Dear fellow creature, ada nmpak itu smiley tk? Hrini aku happy :) Tktau aa psai apa tp aku mmg happy la. Bkan sbb bnjit aa. Ni sbb nnti aku nk minx belackberry kt bapak aku. HAHA. Klau dia MAU bg laa. Klau dia tkmau, no offense bebeh. Tp aku tau, msti ada deal2 pnya laa. Kena sain hitam puteh dlu laa. Bru aci kelia. Weheee. Aaaaaa, babyyyy, I've to go. Byebye ;)