★ Tenenene x)
Hello and Hi ,Okay, tahap kekarutan saya sgt hebat skrg. Tp tp tp, someone dh buat aku tkdk mood. Daje. Miahahaha. Ada ka pnca. Dia ajak aku kluaq then dia ckap mau bwak awek dia. Miahahaha. Klau aku COOL dgan awek dia, thts okay. Umm. Alaa, konon aku nk jeles la ni? Miahaha >,< Wehhh, this is Siti Nur Raihan [ Apa kena mengena(?) ] la. Bhahaha xD Okay laa, jeles a lil bit? Tp tk sgt laa. Just meluat sbb all the promises yg you dh buat. But thts just okay cuz that time dh past kan?

TAEMINNIE ! *shouting.
Why do I lovee you so bad? Whyy? I wanna my heart backk ! You makes me smile all the time. Thinking of you just makes me happy. You're in my mind like 24/7. Marry me pls? I love you so bad :( You're damn precious. Baby, you're so perfect. Your cuteness makes me look bad. You've melt me. OMAIGOD. You're damn smexi. <3
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