★ Divingg :P
Hello. Todayy, saya ponteng sbb tk berapa sihat. Uhuk uhuk :PHri Jumaat tuu, diving dlam kolam dlu. Sbb sesetengah tuu tk amik lesen lg. Rmai gila. Yg bestnyaa sbb ada si Kecil Farish. Dan si cantik Farisha. Farish mmg ckap bnyak dan bising. Penghibur :)
Hri Sabtu, bgun pkul 6. Bertolak pkul 7.15. P Kuala Kedah sbb nak naik boat. Hoho. Mengantuk gila. Dhlaa naik bot nelayan. Penat gilaa kot. HAHA. Bila dh dekat nk smpai, Me, Farisha, Farish and Amira buat countdown. HAHA. Pstuhh Farish jerit kuat2 "Muka dia mcam lembu laa Kak B." HAHA. Dia kata kt Kaklong dia. HAHA. Pstuh kakak buat2 merajuk. Then dia pujuk "Alaaa, muka mcam lembu yg cntik kn?" HAHA. Ada2 jaa awk ni. :P Budak ni mmg excited lebih. Actually,abah plan untk buat 2 dive. Tp plan tk menjadi sbb kakak pengsan. Lembik terus. Smpai balik dia lembik. So, we've to cancel the plan. We've to go for plan B. Umm, we're also behind time. So, impossible laa kn? Tp serius best. Then, nmpak ikan pauh dri jauh. Uwaaa, serius comel. Nmpak splash sikit2. Thts why terperasan. Aigoo, cntik laa dlam pulau tuu. Ohoo.
Then hrini, saya ponteng sbb pening sedikit. HAHA. Gila best kot. Syiok terok. Dgan budak2 yg bising. Uwh,mmg cool bebeh. Heee, pgi2 td dh tgk dk ceritaa koreaaa. HOHO.
Eyh babe, gotta go. :)
Loveee <3
★ You want hell? Nah, take it.
"oh my god ! wah hebatnye ang..ang ckp kwan ak mula2 ckp kasar pastu ckp baek plak ngan ang..ape nie..yg ang tu depan ckp gila babi muka mcm ta innocent langsung..mai blakang ckp kemas nak mampoih..haih ajak jumpa muka ang ketaq ta hbes kot!..erghh jgn la men tulis at blog nie..ang engt ang sorng ja ad blog,ak pon ad gak ak rsa...p la ckp face to face ngan M**..nie dak dpn buad bek mai blakang ckp ta supa bikin kot!dah tau balak org..gtai p kacau..tadak OTAK ka wey ?ang nak sedih buad pa la..bkn ya ang ,, balaknya di rampas tp ang yg mrampas balak org!..taw la femes pon at jitra nie..[ta la sngt]..harghhh!! ta yah la and duk men nama Allah..kalu pkaian pon srupa mcm anak babi ja..Allah nak engt ka kat ang kalu ang ta engt ka Dia..wey smyang lu wey..ak tau ak pon bknya perfect g.tp mayang la wlaupon ta penuh..pelan-pelan la ang buad..ang tudiaaa la ckp ta kena gaya..and FYI ! actually ang tu prasan hot !.."Okay, first of all. Who start it first? Second, nk gduh psai laki ka? Third, kenapa hg perlu kcau aku? Aku tk gduh ngn hg kn? Fourth, ta innocent means bersalah. Innocent tuu muka kesian. Fifth, hg spa untk aku ketaq? Sixth, dh dia ckap baik dlu. Tkkan tetiba aku nk maki dia kot? Seventh, aku tk kcau BF dia. BF dia yg start dlu. Eight, aku tk sedih cuma terkilan.
Hg tau mna aku tk smayang? Hg tuu sapa untk kata mcamtuu? Kira klau hg pkai tdung hg smayang la? You cant judge a person by its cover la meng. If I'm showing off my aurats, its doesn't mean I'm preety much like hell. Mak aku ckap, sejahat mna pun kita, solat jgan tinggal sbb tu tiang agama. Aku sedih hrituu sbb aku tkleh nk balas balik apa yg hmpa kta. Aku tk bleh balas sbb kakak aku tk bg. Tp, bila hg ckap mcamni. Aku jd meluat. Aku meluat sgt. Psepa hmpa ja yg bleh maki? Life is like a wheel. Aku tk pernah perasan hot. Ada aku kta aku hot? Melainkn hmpa yg rsa mcamtuu. Aku bkan jenih bitches yg perasan tk kna tmpt. If you don't know me. You better shut the fuck-up. You ain't shit. Hmpa tk sehebat mna. Remember, HE knows everthing. Hg jgn ingt hg hebat sbb nnti, kita cuma akn dimamah tanah dan cacing. Tk bermksud hg pkai tdung hg dh baik. Klau hg asyik beribadat tetapi mengasari insan lain. Hg sma jaa. Kita tk ptut label seseorg tu berdasarkn penampilan diri dia. Mcamna klau org yg hg ckap tuu betul2 innocent? Mcamna klau hg maki org yg innocent tuu and finally hg realized yg dia betul2 innocent. But in that time she'he had leave us forever? Mcamna nk minx maaf? So, sapa2 saja laa yg meluat aku. Aku minx maaf. Tulus ikhlas aku ckap. Aku cuma manusia biasa. Aku buat salah. Aku bukanlah sapa2 kt dunia ni tnpa hmpa. Stop hating even God hates it. We're no one. So, stop it while we've time. Assalamualaikumm.
★ JongHyun is in a relationship :D

Jonghyunnie Oppa, I'm happy for you. And I'm sorry cuz the SHAWOLS is being rude to her. They shouldn't do that. They've to respect your private life. And Antis, stop bashing her. Dear SHAWOLS, you should be happy to see him smile widely like that. You should be. You've to thank her for Jonghyun's wide smile. Why should bashing? Stop it laa. You're too jealous cuz you're not choosen to be his GF. You guys are totally unmatured. Oppa, cheer up. A lot of SHAWOLS happy with this news. We'll always supporting you baby. And Thnk God cuz Taemin is still single. Aahaaa. I'll always love JongHyun :) Hwaiting SHINee :P
★ November :D

I'm gonna be a birthday girl. HEHEH. Its already Oct, so, welcome Nov :)
Aummmm, I loikeee. I'm waitingg fer it. Guys, nk birthday present. Yg duk jauh tuu, post gna FEDEX. Aku tggu :) Yg dkat2 tuuu, aku akn tuntut. HAHA. Umi, bg BF sorg kt aku untk birthday aku. SEPUPU HG :) Auww. Hrap2, dpat buat bnda best. MAMA and ABAH, B gonna tuntut B pnya hadiah aaa. HEHEHE. Dhlamaa kot tk bg hadiah yg spesel. HAHA. Joke2, I don't really cared about present, wish pun dh cukup. HHEHEHE. Azwan Adnan, nnti balik tauu. Aku menunggu hadiah jaa. HEHE. Auuuuummmmm. Jgan lupaa aaa. Klau tk, aku bkal boikot hg. HEHE. Lwak jaa. HEHE. Aku tk pksa pun :)
To Umi Zahraa ; Aku nk tuntut sepupu hg as a gift
To Nadya and Chekyah ; Belanja aku !
To Wafi ; Sing me a lullaby :)
Weh, aku teringin dpat kol at 12. Siap ada org menyanyi. Mcam dolu2 ;(
★ Your choice.
I hate this type of feeling. It just makes me sick. All the time. It leaves nothing besides wounds and heartbreak. I'm not a person who are really awesome when it is about loves. I'm nobody. I'm just normal. I'm me. So, nothing cool about me. It makes me sick cuz you're with her. Before this, you promised that you won't leave me. I thought that you're the right choice for me, its wrong. I don't wanna be an emo slut because of this shitt-ness. You know what, I hate you. You're the type of guy that will never says sorry. Hanif, you've promised me that you won't treat me as you treat others(girl). What is this all about huh? I don't get it. Bloody hell. It makes me sick. You and her? No wayy. She's not your type. I donno. I don't want to know anything that is about both of you. Its better this way. I don't even care aaa. Pergi mati pun tapaaa laa. Susahh betoi dgan hg neh. Suma slah aku noh. Hg buat cmni tkpa plak. Okelaaa. Suka hati anda lah. Saya mlas nk amik tau dan kesah. Auhhhh, KESAHnya saya. I don't need you aaa. Bojan !
★ Frienship.
Money, comes andgo. Boyf, comes and go. Happiness comes and go. Sadness comes and go. They're not forever in my life. But I hope that my girlfriend(s) are forever. Amani Rozahani, Syed Ali Wafi, Muna Aqila, Nadia Ariff, Umi Zahraa, Ajriah Sanusi, Shahida Arshad, Aida Syafiqah and 2 Addin are my heart and soul. You guys are my inspiration. I'm equal to zero without all of you. I love youu damn much girlf. I hope that you won't leave me as my BF, Money, Happiness and Sadness. Even today is the shittest day ever, but, you guys makes me happy again. Well, I miss you eventhough its only 1 day we're not being together. HAHA. I don't need a BF at all if I had you guys. You guys are someone in my life. This is the list ;1 God
2 Prophet Muhammad
3 Islam
4 Parents
5 Family
6 Lee Taemin
7 My girlfriend(s) and boyfriend(s)( F. R. I. E. N. D. )
8 Niece and nephew
9 Animals
10 Myself
11 2NE1
12 SHINee
★ Clap your hands.
Nahhai, congratulations. You've screwed us up. I'm PROUD of you. Totally. Bcuz of cha, they blame us all. What with you? Don't you feel responsibble of all this? Why are you acting this way? You've embarressed us all. How could you do that? Thts mean. I believe that you gonna changed for your own sake. But all of my thoughts about you are damn false. You're trying to ruin your life. Your stupidity makes us in trouble. Its all about money. You can't buy love. Everyone loves you before this damn thing happen. They didn't believe us anymore. I hate you. Rilek ja kn td hg turun dri tngga dgan jalan supa nakharam smbil qenyih2 angkt peace. Yg org pkat mrah. Yg hg rilek jaa. Weh bodo, ckgu kt skolah tuu dh meluat kita. Pham? Ckgu2 yg ajaq kita ckap "Lbih baik ajaq budak klaih bodo dri ajaq budak klaih pndai yg tk reti nk bersyukur bila org bg kepercayaan kt depa" "Saya tk sngka yg klas Addin yg dipandang mulia buat mcamni" "Saya percayakn kamu semua sbb kmu klas Addin" "Saya dh tk percaya kmu semua !". It leave wounds. No one could heal this. When someone gave us trusty, you should be glad. Hg ambik kesempatan dgan kepercayaan yg diberi. What kind of humans are you? The stupid one? The good one? Aku sedih sgt dgan bnda ni. Aku ingtkn bnda ni tkkan terjadi lg. Tgk2, jd jugak. Knapa hmpa perlu curik duet org yg mengajaq hmpa? Org yg berkorban masa untuk mendidik hmpa? Org yg ambik berat psai hmpa? Org yg menyuluhkn jalan kejayaan untk hmpa? Stupid person like you can go to helll. I hate youu so bad. This is my first time to hate someone that I called a friend. But 2 Addin, I'll always stand by your side no matter what. Even they give me hell, 2 ADDIN is still the one for me. I love all of you. If we're together, we're strong. We could makes something impossible into possible. Believe me. I won't let you guys dissapoint. I love you. You're my true love. There are a lot of memories of us. I won't let you down. You can count on me.AFK :)
★ Its like 24/7
Hey-yo, bitches. If you don't even know me, stop talking crap about me. I don't give a flying fuck on each of your statements about me. You ain't someone in my life. You better step back cuz I don't even know you. Haters makes me famous. I believe in that quotes. Believe me, I don't even need you at all aa biatch. The rumors you spread isn't cool at all. The lies that you told just makes me famous like Paris Hilton. I know that you're a little P*ss*. Thts why you spread this rumors, kn? If you've guts, why don't you talk this shit infront of me? Why? You've ruin my life. I swear that I'm gonna kick your fucking ass into pieces. Your preety face can go to hell. You've to admit that I'm far way hotter than you. And thts why you're hating me right now. x) It ain't jokes. You better ask for my forgiveness cuz you're gonna face a lot of trouble in the future. Trust me babe. I'm arrounded by cool people so don't mess up with me. I'm the last person you gonna mess up with ! I'm not like you. I'm not. I'm not that such of person that gonna involve others in this matter. I'm not that person yo slutt. Your sluttish attitude makes me hates you more. Enough is enough. You're my senior and how come you're acting like a kiddo. Weh, grown up please. Your gedik-ness makes you look hot. I don't even care about that. From now on, learn english cuz your english sucks. Yucks ! Don't use it if you're stupid at it. Have a shame on urself ass. Nightio.Sorry cuz its kinda harsh. My appology is for the end. NIGHTIO Amigos :)
★ 1.5
HAHAHAH. Yeappi. I lost my weight about 1.5 kg. Guys, sorry cuz I lied. HAHA. Bkan 2kg aa. HEHEHE. Soryy dudess. Alhamdullilah. HEHE. I'm happy and I'm moshingg around my room. Kinda stupiddd. HAHA. Gilaaa happy aa Amy. HEHE, thnks for the advise kiddo. I'm missing you a lot. Hoih, gila rindu kau laa babi. Ops, sorry. I mean, oink. hehe. And Amani Rozahani, I'm missing you like hell. Terribly missing you aa dammit. Bilaa lg laa nk buleh gossip2? Menggatai? Flirting each other? Pekena org? Really missing you. Hell. Weh pandai, taun dpan jum tusyen ngn aku laa. Kita blajaq sma2. Disbbkn aku bodoh, hg pilih aa tusyen. HAHA. Pstuh kita buat2 pndai. HEHE. And Alhamdullilah again cuz everything is kinda cool now. Nad, Umi and Chekyah dah cool. Dayyyuuumm, this is cool. And hrituu kmi lepak. Nad kluaq ngn Z kesygan. Umi tgh break time tuu. Chekyah dgan Pakcik. Both of them are sweet. I mean those cute couple. Nad and Z, Chekyah and Pakcik. Kinda sweet. Tp, congrats to Umi cuz dia dh kpel balik. HAHA. Mcam best. Tp, woot woot. Rei is better if single. HAHA. Bru laa boleh kcau BF org. Hat mna yg aku bnci tuu, sbaq sat nah. HAHAH, joke2. Aku dh tkmau mainkn prasaan org sbb aku dh terkena. HAHA. Menyesal sbb duk buat jahat dlu2. HAHA. Skrg, I don't want to involve in this matter, AGAIN (!)My true love are only for God, Prophets, Religion, Parents,Family, Peeps, Horse and Me. Alhamdullilah for everything.
★ Addiction :D
Dudududududadada,Sukaaaaanyaaaaa. HEHEH. 2ADDIN, BIGBANG, 2NE1 and Friend(s) makes me happyy. Weheeee. I loveeeee youuu guys the most. I'm willing to do anything for all of you happiness. aaaaa, kwan2 angah pun okee. Cukewwnyee.
Them( BFF )
1. Amani Rozahani- My hunnehhh :D
2. Umi- Crazaaayyy babayy
3. Nanad- She's damn rock.
4. Muna- My personal ustazah
5. Aida Syafiqah- My baby breeze
6. Ieda- My neighbour.
7. Chekyah- Pembising
8. Shikin- Cutiee piee
9. Fazlina- My bubulina
10. Iman- Str8 serius.
11. 2 Addin.
Geng DUNGU ( kata KUTU(k) )
1. Haikal Asraf- Abg keteww kembareww
2. Siti Nurnadzurah- Akak itewww yg cengeyy
3. Azwan Adnan- Boifren angah yg gileww enceemm tuyhh
4. Najwa- Kutu wannabe. ( dia lawa :D)
★ Goodbye.
Hurm, it hurts a lot when a person that we didn't even know talks crap about us. If you don't even know me, don't talk about something that isn't me. Yesterday was better than today. You drag me into a world of pain. Didn't you realise that I hurt a lot? She talk crap about me. We're totally over boy. Eventhough I'm piss off, but I've promised my deary sis to remain silent. All I have to do, cheer up :)Eventhough I'm crying, but someone really makes me laugh again. HAHA, 2 Addin, I love you guys more than anything. Thnks for keeping me smile. No one could replace you guys in my heart. I hope that we're together :D I couldn't live without you guys. You guys know the real me. Thnks again. I've to erase you from my mind, my memories, my heart. Goodbye.
★ I love you so bad.
You can do anything that you want. You've cause me pain. I'm crying so hard. But you couldn't hear the noise that I make. I need you. I just want you to help me, is that hard? I felt empty. You can do anything that you want cuz I'm tired of everything. I hate it a lot when you told me that you're not in the mood. But you could reply their wall post. How could you? Don't you need me as I do need you. Whatta heck? Get the hell out of my mind. TQ
★ You..
I thought that you gonna help me to frget him. I thought that you need me. I hope that I'm gonna be the person that always on ur mind. I was wrong. I need you so bad. But, I cant forget D. I mean, I'm otw to forget him. Too much pressure. I hate this. Single? Ouh, I miss tht time. I couldn't be this way. You said that you're not in the mood. Tp, kt wall you boleh jaa you lyan org lain. Okay laa if that so. Berhnti contact dgan I. I buat you risau kn? Sudah laa. Umi, aku bnci diri aku. Betui2 aku ckap. I'm a loser right? Hurm, dear GOD, you're my only one till ends of days.
★ What the heck?
Far and D, I'm sorry. Sbb I you guys bergduh. D, Far tuu sesuai untk you aa hunn. Far, jgan laa jeles sbb I and D just kwan. Mybe I suka pnggil dia syg, tp tuu tk bermksud apa2 okee? He's my ex BF laa. How comee nk bercinta balik? Mna boleh. D, lupakan past. Past is past. Don't talk about past cuz past is about you and me. HOHO. Far tuu okayy what. Kecomelan tnpa make up dude. Klau I jd you, fo sho I tkkan lepaskn Far. Dia gilaakn youu bodoh. Dia sygg you. Last night dia kol I, dia menangis sbb you. Why are you being so childlish? Farhanah Najwaaa, I'm sorry sbb tuu. Tht was a silly jokee aa. I melawak jaaa laaa. Don't take it too serious. No way that me and D, together. Mcam hillarious terrrookkkk. Nnti klau I turun KL, I call you eh? HEHE. Far, I loveee youuu. Jgan percayaa kt D sbb dia slalu ckap bohong. HEHE. Tp yg psal dia lovee you too betul2 aaa. Both of you, if ada apa2 prob, Siti Nur Raihan akn sntiasa adaa. Ceritaa sajaa. Jgan nk malu2. Umm FYI Far, D agak galak. HEHE. Mklumlah, org tuu bru nk kenal dunia. Hekk :P Farhanah Najwa and Danial, I lovee youuuu bottthh. Jgan gduh2 lg sbb I tk suka tgk you berdua gduh. Lots love from Rei ~
★ Hello
HOHO, there's nothing to writee. I'm just freakin' bored cuz I don't know what the hella she's talkin' about. HOHO. I hope that she didn't read this. They're watchin' Mr Bean. Daayyuumm. I hate Mr Bean. He's not funny at all. Girl, you're causing a lot of trouble to everyone. You better stop it cuz they're mad at cha. Watch out aa. Woot Woot, I'm happy. Hee ~ I loveee youu, boy. I'm goin' crazy fer one more timee. HOHO. You are the only one for my okay? ~
At 17.16 on 300910. Taken. HOHO. I loikeeee itt. I have to delete that post cuz its kinda embrassing. huehue. Memalukan bila Hekal yg bca. Dhlaa duk p jaja kt org. Babi laa. Najihah, I lovee you.
★ Sungguh Babi !
Ish, hmpa ni buleh berhenti gduh2 dak? Aku meluat gilaa. Awt hmpa nk kna backstab? Ingt bguih dhlaa buleh2 gduh mcam tuu? Tlglaa jgan duk buat ceritaa and bukak aib org. Hg ckap mcam hg baik sgt. Sudah aa weh. Sbenaqnyaa Nad dh nk oke ngn hg time hri Khamis tuu. Tp kna hg buat mcamtuu? Act, dua2 keras kepala. Tp Nad mngkin bersebab. Umi, tlglaa berubah. You're still the same. You ain't shit without us ! Ya know? Stop pretending that you're good. We're the same. Repent, thts the best fer ya. Stop this right now, or Imma gonna stop it by myself * i sound like a nigga