What the heck?
Far and D, I'm sorry. Sbb I you guys bergduh. D, Far tuu sesuai untk you aa hunn. Far, jgan laa jeles sbb I and D just kwan. Mybe I suka pnggil dia syg, tp tuu tk bermksud apa2 okee? He's my ex BF laa. How comee nk bercinta balik? Mna boleh. D, lupakan past. Past is past. Don't talk about past cuz past is about you and me. HOHO. Far tuu okayy what. Kecomelan tnpa make up dude. Klau I jd you, fo sho I tkkan lepaskn Far. Dia gilaakn youu bodoh. Dia sygg you. Last night dia kol I, dia menangis sbb you. Why are you being so childlish? Farhanah Najwaaa, I'm sorry sbb tuu. Tht was a silly jokee aa. I melawak jaaa laaa. Don't take it too serious. No way that me and D, together. Mcam hillarious terrrookkkk. Nnti klau I turun KL, I call you eh? HEHE. Far, I loveee youuu. Jgan percayaa kt D sbb dia slalu ckap bohong. HEHE. Tp yg psal dia lovee you too betul2 aaa. Both of you, if ada apa2 prob, Siti Nur Raihan akn sntiasa adaa. Ceritaa sajaa. Jgan nk malu2. Umm FYI Far, D agak galak. HEHE. Mklumlah, org tuu bru nk kenal dunia. Hekk :P Farhanah Najwa and Danial, I lovee youuuu bottthh. Jgan gduh2 lg sbb I tk suka tgk you berdua gduh. Lots love from Rei ~



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