★ The you
Perkataan awak yang menikam jantung saya. Perkataan awak yang menghentikan degupan jantung saya. Perkataan awak yang membuat saya rebah ke tanah. Perkataan awak yang menyedarkan saya hanya seorang Raihan.Yeah, you killed me. You tortured my feelings. You just don't give a damn about me. Saying that you really miss your ex. Saying that you got two girls in your heart. Nothing could hurt me even better than you. The most person that I love. The one that makes me smile. The one that gave me hopes. The one that also broke my heart into pieces just now. That makes me cry even hard than losing someone. You just don't know how much I felt right now. What are you? Why are you being this way? Why don't you tell me earlier? Why are you doing this to me and you don't even regret of it. I'm so down right now. I really do. I makes me think that I'm a slut, whore and useless bitch. Say it right to my face. Call my name and say that you didn't even mean for what you've told right now - that you missing her. How could love be so thoughtless so cruel? Just lemme live. Lemme breath. Give me some space. Give my heart a break. Not a heartbreaking useless fcking assy saucy shitness mess~
Earlier I've told you that I'm willing to sacrifice my feeling/love/emotion for you. If leaving me and be with her is the best. Then do it. I'm okay. I'll be fine. I know I will, someday. I'll forget you. I'll move on and praying you the best with her. I'm the type of person that really care of other's happiness even by sacrificing mine. Even sacrificing my love towards you. You meant the world to me. You're everything. But somehow, you didn't feel the same way. As what I did. I'm just me. I'm just this useless Raihan. The one that is fat, short, ugly, bastard and whatever shit on Earth. I'm nothing like her. I'm no one. And that is why I don't really mind if you say those words again. Cuz who tha fuck am I to make you forget her? I'm nobody after all. Unlucky me.
So now, please, decide the best and live on. I won't say those words. I won't dump you. I've promised you that I will always love you and would never say a goodbye. I'll keep my words. I'll do it. So if you don't love me. Come on, just leave me. And I'll try to move on. I promise you. And baby, I won't change my facebook's password. Saya cuma akan tukaq bila saya dah boleh lupakan awak. Okay?
I've been waiting for this day, the day that you realize,
that you deserve a better girl to rule your
heart. This day is real somehow.
I don't deserve you at all.
I'm the pathetic me :')
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