★ Ahmad Muzaffar :D

Hewhew, oh hey people :3
My ass is gettin bored T______T whatever k :)
Ah, that guy. He's my miumiumiumiu BOYFRIEND. Sorry Tasha sorry Mon sorry Bobo sorry semua I lied. I told you that I'm dating nobody. I'm sorry. I hope that this one lasts. So sbb tuu nak rahsiakan duluu. Tunggu 3 bulan lebih2 baru nak hihih isytiharkan. Biasalah, artis kan. What to do kheeeen? Hihi so again, I'm sorry. I really am! :')
Before I met him. I don't trust in love and that such of things. I believe that there's no such thing as love and even worst, I believe that being faithful is boring and out of fashion. Giving your mate full of commitment is blerghh, stupid -..- My life was great cuz I'm so good at breaking guy's heart. I really am good at it ! But I realize that my life is meaningless in another word, LIFELESS, HOPELESS and HEARTLESS. But whatever. I never ever want to be in love. I need no one. Not even one guy ever pass that such of level. I don't really give em hopes. But they're hoping me to give them love and that such of thing. Fuck, its so cheap. You can't believe people that easy man. You don't know me so please don't blame me for breaking your heart.
But it was before I met him. Things completely changed when he was dumped by his ex-girl. We spend a lot of time together. Acting foolishly, being crazy, yell to each other, comfort each other and even went for a night out together. But don't get me wrong. We went out with my sibs and sister's friends. The double the trouble. HAHA, seriously, it was fun. Kacau pondan, kacau orang, tak balik rumah. HAHA, so crazy. I never knew that I'd fall for someone that is very JERK, ANNOYING, HARSH, SHORT, SIMPLE, HEARTLESS AND EVEN WORST HE GOT NO MERCY. Everyday is like a war ! WE FIGHT and FIGHT but lastly mestilah baik. HAHA xD I never been this long with a guy. Seriously. I get bored easily. But when it comes about Muzaffar, its different. Really. He's the first guy that ever makes me cry out loud. He could even makes me smile for no reason. He could makes me giggles for a silly joke. He's nothing like my ex-BF. Nothing sweet, nothing rich, nothing cool. But seriously, he's the best that ever happen in me. The one that I won't ever regret to be with. I want to grow old with you ! I'm not joking when I told you that I really need you. You're like the air that I breathe. I pray for you, for us and for our future. Maybe I'm nothing that good if compared to your ex. But baby, can't you see that I'm trying my best to give you my all? Seriously, you're perfect to me. You completed me. I thanked God for giving me such of time to meet you, to laugh with you, to cry with you, to cuddle with you, to hug you and to kiss you. I wish for nothing. I wish for no one. But I'm wishing for you, all the time.
Maybe all of you will say that its wasting time to fall for someone at this age but seriously, he inspired me to be a better person. Just to prove him I can be better. I'm trying my best in everything. He taught me how life works. He taught me to appreciate people. He taught me how could love be so thoughtless, so cruel. He gave me hopes to keep on living and his existence always reminds myself to be faithful to each other. I need nothing more than I need him. He's like my morphine. I'm getting addicted and the addiction kept growing.
Maybe you don't realize this.
But you're,
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