★ You :')
Kau ingt lg tak dgan aku? Still remember my face? My smile? My teeth that you like the most. My very brownish pair of eyes that kau nak cungkil2 tu? Do you miss me? Kalau laa aku boleh ulang balik masa. Akan aku ulang masa kau dgan aku happy. Walaupun time tu, DIA takda lg dlam hidup aku. Aku bahagia dgan kau. Tp kau seksa aku mcmni. Kenapa kau jahat sgt? Kau tahu tak aku tak pernah benci kau wlaupun kau lempang aku hrituu. Aku tahu, salah aku. Aku tak patut punch you at tha face. I'm sorry :'(Do you remember all of your promises? Time kita kecik2 dluu. Kau janji nak kawin dgan aku time aku umur 25 if aku takda boyfriend. Oh manisnya :')
Raihan ; Kalau aku tak kawin by 25. You've to take place.
Rafeq ; Pardon me? Mcamne tu?
Raihan ; Kawin dgan aku nak? Sbb aku tau kau sayang aku. Kan? Kita kawin dua lah sng. Tak payah dah aku sibuk2 cri pkwe.
Rafeq ; Anything for you. Aku pun mcam nak single smpai mati je. HAHA. Okay, so jum janji. Kalau kau tkda BF or fiancee, I'll marry you :)
Raihan ; Muah, I love you :)
Tapi skrg, mcam hri2 jaa aku maki kau, kau maki aku. Hari2 kalau boleh kita nak bergaduh. Alasan kau, kau tak suka boyfriend aku. Rafeq, please, this is my first time being madly in love. Why does people always against me when I think thats the best for my own sake? Aku betul2 tak snggup nak hidup mcmni. Since aku umur 5 tahun, kau dah ada untk aku. So, skrg, I guess that, I shud get over it.
Bukan senang untk aku buang kau. Bukan senang untk aku lupa kau. You were then on my up and down, thick and thin. Where could I find someone like you? Someone that would die for my own sake. Someone that could always cheer me up whenever I'm not in a mood. Someone that could always tell me that I'm the most gorgeous girl alive. No one could make me feel that special. I miss you. Terribly I am. Aku kusut sgt skrg. Tlglah, bukan kau. Jgan laa mcam ni weh. Hurm :'(
'I'm just a weak me when you're not here. I'm just nothing when you're not here. If you love me, you won't be this way. I guess that its the end for our journey together :')'
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