Where you can find me :)
Okayy, header takdak kena mengena :)

Seriously, most of my friends didn't know how to make sure that I will be fine. They talk so so so damn sukahati sukababi. Okay, serious. Why can't you take a good care of this little piece of feeling? Why can't you? I am your bestfriend, is it that hard? Talk in a motionlessly, talk in a good way. Be more appreciate. Aku pun ada hati okay?

What I hate the most when people talk about aurat and stuff. This is fucking betol meh. You know that I'm not wearing tudung but you said that 'orang tak pakai tudung memalukan Islam'. WTF? Is that necessary? Well, think twice before you spill it out. Yada Yada, you're my BFF but lately, you keep hurting me deep inside. What a moron have you been? I can't accept this shit lagi. I am a normal humann that have ambition and heart. But makin berlembut makin menjadi. Okay, I'm not like an angel like you. I am truthfully not. Even a piece of it. I can't beat you when it comes about akidah. You know that, but you let keeping me down. Always. Tah laa, aku nak pindah. Seriously, no one would care.

You always talk like you're good. You always put the blame on other macam you're an angel. Okay you tutup aurat and sembahyang penuh but if you keep hurting you friends, still didn't NICE. Cuz God have said that the people who respect others are real NICE. So skrg, jgan slalu pkiaq kita baik sbb kita baik dgan Tuhan. Tapi dgan kawan-kawan? Macamna pulak kan? Pkiaq laa, jgan main hentam keromo lepaih lepaih. Okay it ends here

' Lets befriend till 12. Lets leave this shit here and start a new life :)'



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