★ Lelaki Idaman

Okay firstly, lelaki yang chinese look a like. Hurmm, the one yg tk suka marah2. Yg agak tinggi lampai. Suka senyum and always ada bila aku susah. Heeee, yg penting, jgan duk curang and klau blehh, GD or Seungrii !
Owwwwww, I would love it. Kehkehkeh
Everyone want the best right? So am I. Kekekek, you have to be mine. Fosho !
And yes, a lot of people didn't know the real Siti Nur Raihan Bt. Ahmad Zabidi/Raihan Zabidi/ReiBD(agk lma tk guna nama ni!) So, yada yada. Here we go !
Firstly, I'm the one that always talk too much. I'm terribly suck at Math. I'm kinda lazy sometimes. I wash my hair about two times a week. I also wanna be a pro-horse-rider. (kekeke) I'm freakin' single. I didn't hang out for a silly reason. I talk for what I want. If I hate it, I'm gonna say it LOUD. I hate when people judging me without knowing me first. It aint right yo! I'm inlove with BIGBANG and 2NE1. I hate posers and copycats too. I'M NOT A TYPICAL MALAY. And yes, my mom's mother is Siamese. So, I'm mixed with Melayu, Bugis, and Siam = ME. Kekekeke. I'm kinda rude sometimes. I mean it. But I'm no longer that rude cuz Pmr is coming real fast. I couldn't be rude anymore. If I want something, I'm gonna make sure it'll be mine! G-dragon and V.I are ma man! I hate it when people ride my RUSTY cuz obviously, my dad bought him for me. Its mine, not yours. So, Rusty is my only horsieeee. I love animals and I support PETA. My bestest peep are Amani Rozahani, Nadia, Ashikin, Cityah and 3 Addin. If I love you, I'll always love you unless you make me hate you. And sometimes, I could turn into a emo bitch too. Akakaka. Okay, jaa nee.
★ Se7en Madness !
Ahhh, seriously, I'm so fucking happy. Hehehehe, Choi Dong Wook, the first man I've ever touched. Weeeee, you've to marry me, OMAIGOD. Dayuum, after I've shake his hand, I was like going to FAINT ! Well, for serious, I've thrown away my sadness after that. He had made me happy again. Woah, thnks to HELLO cuz bring him hereee. Weeee, okay laa, aku pun dh taktau aku nk kongkiang apa. Mcam dh running out of words jaaa.Well, here my top hotties <3
Well, fosho Kwon Jiyong ! Then Narimiya Hiroki, Lee Seunghyun, Choi Seunghyun, Choi Dong Wook, Kang Daesung, Dong Youngbae, Ueda Tatsuya, Eli, Kevin Woo, Matsumoto Jun, Masaki Aiba, Mizushima Hiro, Ikuta Toma, Mir, Cheondung, Dongho, Sungmin, Kim Heechul, and Ninomiya Kazunari. Okaiii, aku sayang depa semua. Laki laki aku. Haaa, semua tuu calon lah ehhh extra, LEE TAEMIN ! HEHEH, babai !