★ I miss you
Howdiee guys? :DTime otw aku nk p KL, kinda boring meh. And suddenly, my iPhone ringing and a strange number called me. And I picked up.
Rei ; Yo, Raihan's here.
He ; Ohhh, boleh saya bercakap dengan si Gemuk Raihan? Heheheh
Rei ; Iskkk. Ya, gemuk bercakap. HAHA xD ( ketaqq )
He ; Ohhh, hg sombong noh kt skolah. Smpai hati.
Rei ; Mna adaaa. Aku takut awek hg mrah jaaa. Dhlaa hrituu dh kna semboq. Haizz
He ; Eleh, mengada jaaa.
Rei ; Weh *I*D*U*. Nak tnya boleh erk?
He ; Aaaaaa, apo?
Rei ; Hg dh break dgan TuT TuT TuT? ( dgan perasaan yg gilo nervous )
He ; Ummm yeah. Lama dah.
Rei ; Ohh, Laaa, awat? ( Padahai happy yg amat ! Weee )
He ; Aku tak berapa suka perangai dia. Kuat jeles.
Rei ; Mcam aku?
He ; Hahahaha. Aku tk kta pun. Hg yg kata
Rei ; Ummmmm
He ; aaaaa
Rei ; Hg nk mengorat aku ka apa weh. ( terkeluaq )
He ; Erkk, eh, mcam tau2 jaa. HAHA xD Aku boreddd la weh.
Rei ; Ceh, ingtkn apa. Hahaha
He ; Raihan ( dgan suara yg lembut )
Rei ; Yeap? ( dgan suara yg gila lembutttt. terkeluaq haaaa.) (GULP)
He ; Lupakan.
Rei ; Ohhh ya.
He ; Umm, okelah. Dh hilang dh bosan aku. Bye Raihan.
Rei ; Bye. ( sora separuh nk teriak )
Hg tau dak betapa rndunya aku kt hg. Tetiba hg call. Ckap baik2 dgan aku. Warghh. I hope that moment will stop. I miss you. I never met a guy like you. Really. Ex ex aku semua tk mcam hg. Tak sabaq mcam hg. Tak blurr mcam hg. I've made a silly decision. I miss you so bad. I want you. I'm sorry boo. I'm so childlish before.
If you're mine again, I wouldn't hurt you as before. I wouldn't make you cry again. Tell me, that you love me. How can I make you mine again baby? Arghh. Aku ingt lg bila Aifa critaa kt aku yg hg simpan gmbaq aku. Aku rsa mcam gila happy. Tp time tuu hg awek org. Awek hg pernah msj aku. Mrah2 aku. Tp aku cuba paham sbb aku pernah rsa bnda yg sama.
Klau hg baca, dia tnya aku, " Raihan, hmpa nk dak klau kmi bg balik *******. Hmpa still syg dia kn?" Tp jwapan aku still yg sama sbb aku takmau hg sakit hati. Tah laaa. Aku tktau skrg psepa aku bwt mcam ni. Hurmm
Aku cuba lupakan hg. Aku kpel dgan D, Wafi, Muzz(bercnta, tk kpel), Fuzz, Ezul, and Zaky. But they didn't understand me as you do. Really. You're my bestfriend, my most annoying boyfriend. I didn't realise it. I'm sorry again. You know that I will always wait for you kan? :)
★ Thnks to them

He's one of my BFF. He's always there when I need him. He's a new friend but always makes me felt better. And he's fucking taken jd, jgan duk kcau dia nah. Bueeeek :P
Yeah, kmi share birthdate and secret. Kmi jugak slalu mengenakan malaun bernama Hazzim. Dia seekor katak yg jahat. Katak gemuk namanya. Betul2 jahat. Jgan pegang dia, dia gatal. Nnti semua orang boleh berjngkit dgan kegatalan dia. Haaa, beware dengan Teh Susu ni :)
Teh Susu ni mcam watak jahat laa dlam cerita disney. Haaaa, tp setiap kejahatan ada kebaikannnya kn. Tp, teh susu ni takdak kebaikan lansung. So, I thanked Appat cuz he always there for me to fight with this silly creature. Thnks Appat, you're my best friend. And I love youu :)
Teh susu ; Aku sayang laa jugak kt hg. Siket jaa ~
★ I am Me
Firstly, I won't change for someone like you. Never ! I am me. If you can't accept the way I am right now, its mean that you don't love the way I am. So, back off. Have a life. Yeah, I am so loud. I am rude. Thats me. Secondly, I hate it when someone is asking me to do that and that. Whatever. You can't ! Just CAN'T. No matter what, I AM ME. What is your problem? You don't know me. You said that you love me. But we're on the way for a further relationship but you ask me to change my attitude. Well, HELL-O.
Thirdly, don't ever talk shit behind me. Just talk it in front of me. Spill it out. Don't pretend that you're being fine with me. Thats so backstab.
Fourth, don't try to copy me. Just be yourself. People put their IQ down when they copy others. Just be your fuckin' self. Its good to be yourself than others. Okay?
Fifth, I listen to what I want. I believe for what I've been taught. I talk for what I want to. I wear what I want. I am me without any single bullshit of thought. I don't even care for what people talk about me. Really.
Yeah, I'm the person that can piss-off easily. So, don't try to mess up with me. I'm the last one you're gonna mess-up with bitches. I don't take criticism, seriously. I am fucking tired of your bullshit attitude. Just, don't blame on me cuz I'm too hot and you can't resist. Mind your own business. Its so tiring to care about others and yourself. Okay?
Sorry for the harsh words. I'm piss off already :)
★ I'll be missing you
I hate goodbyes. Really. This is our last year together guys. And I post this for my dearest classmates. Thanks for the trust you gave me. I don't know how to thanked you guys. This life is full of excitement and happiness with you guys by my side. I never met a classmates likes you guys. Never in my entire life. The most loudest class. Everytime I'm sad or feeling horrible, you makes me laugh and smile again. No one can replace you guys. So, I made this for you guys. I love you dear friend :)

★ This is to a Special Friend
Hello dear fellars creature. First of all, Assalamualaikum. Umm, I just, unsatistified when people makes my friend felt terrible. I couldn't accept it. Okay, kira bagus laa Muna and Pakdin dpat kwal kelas kita hat mcam pasar malam tuu. Its great to feel the silent session eventhough teacher is not in the class. But, people always said that they love to 'mengarah' others. But, I think that I DON'T EVEN GIVE A SINGLE SHIT OF what they're asking to. Its the best. You choose them for it. Okay, Me, Muna, Izzati, Afaf, Nadia, Nasrin, Shikin, Iman, Fazlina, Atika, Husna, Umi, Amirah, Nazri, Syazmeer, Pakdin, Nazmi, Zarfan, Haziq, Hamizah, and Husna MD jaa yg buat semua benda. Yg slalu balek lewat pun aku, Muna, Izzati, Afaf, Nad, Erin, Shikin, Iman, Faz, Atika, Umi, Iman, Syazmeer and Nazri jaa. Mna tugas yg lain? Bila menang, semua pkat nk mengaku.
Apa ni?! Addin is our class. We suppose to work together like a classmates. But, not you guys. Give us some help. Aku takmau kelas kita jd mcam taun lepas nah. Tolong laaa, ni last year kita bersama. Don't ruin our moments. Asyik kritik jaaa, yg ni tak kena, yg tu tak kena. Hg buat la dungu. Semua tak elok. Klau hg buat takpa jugak. Ni lansung tk buat, dh laa tk buat, malukan kelas kita lg adalaa.
Sesungguhnya, aku tk sengaja nk kasaq2 dgan hmpa. But, my patients have limit. You've already makes me piss off. Stop talking bad about Muna. Dia berhak tgoq hmpa. Pyah ka nk dngaq ckap? Org tegoq maki. Apa kejadahnya? Bila pengawas tk bg bwak henset, DONT. Klau nk bawak jugak, jgan la main dlam kelas. Have some respect dude. Jgan pkiaq hg jaa. Skrg ni, kalau sapa2 brani nk ckap bruk psai decoration kelas, SAY IT LOUD. Ustazah pun ckap elok. So, who're you to say that such of things?
★ Finally
Well, from now on. I won't cry anymore. I'm being fine already. I'm happy. Happy for what I have right now. I do have my friends. Mereka sntiasa buat aku gelak. Even aku tk brapa baik. But this incident, makes me love them more and they could know me better :)Thanks dear friend for making me laugh. A special thanks to Appat, Kae, Ajum, Umi, Sys Putry, and Addin :)
Aku tk sngka, hmpa snggup dngaq critaa aku. But Umi, aku tau hg cuba yg terbaik. But it isn't enough. If aku tgh critaa, please, jg pendengar yg setia. Dngaq dlu critaa aku, bru hg ckap critaa hg. Hg slalu buat mcamtuu. Kt sini jaa aku buleh luah apa yg aku tk suka. Just, please. Hear me.
P,S ; Sorry :(
★ Suck
Why did this should happen? I hate this situation but I hate you more. You've promised me that you won't ever leave me eventhough you're in a serious relationship. But thing have changed. You've hurt me so bad. Where're the old you? The one that always makes me happy? You're always there for me but now? It is just you in your fuckin head. Come on. Why do you have to be this way? Right now, you're always being serious with me. Do you hate me dear friend? Do you? You're not that friendly anymore. No more.
Can we have our life back? It cause me a lot of pain. I hope that I could turn back to the old time. I want to make sure everything is okay like before. I'm hoping for that. I know that you like me as I do. But you never ask for it. Never.
I'm trying to erase you from my life with prayers and tears. You've been my BFF for 1 years. But you could turns your head away from me when I need you. If that so, I'm sorry for any of my wrong doings. Thanks for the sweet temptations. Thanks for everything.
You're no longer a BFF of mine. For your own sake, please leave me and don't try to talk to me. I won't waste a single fuckin' time for you. Not anymore.
★ :(

I'm sorry That night wasn't lonely For some reason there's nothing different to the usual But the spot I prepared so beautifully for you doesn't look that happy Not even a word, But it's okay dear It doesn't bother me, I'm happy we're together Don't worry anymore I'll stay by your side and protect you forever
If only I could hold you once I wish you were my lover for just a moment Please, please, please I pray Us, us, us, us together, together Smile, please smile, you're prettiest when smiling, Cry? Why am I crying? Wipe those tears, and you have no expression You stiffen, I bring my knees to the floor, and ask you what you did wrong Endless expectations, by some possibility If it was all a joke, if someone woke me up This was all my persistence, If only I lessened my greed If I knew I'd live like this as a sinner 1-uno 2-dos 3-tres 4-cuatro It's my obsession, Don't curse me That's my obsession, Don't turn your back at me It's my obsession Don't tell me please, Don't tell me, That's my obsession That's my obsession If only I could hold you once I wish you were my lover for just a moment Please, please, please I pray Us, us, us, us together, together
★ To my dearest Addinz Family ~

Annyeong, Hello, Hi :]
This is our last year being together. Worlds is like our own opera. You guys are the hero and heroin of the story of my life. Life is like a rolling tape. Full of drama and sometimes, we do cry and laugh. But those thing makes our story became intresting. No matter what, our destination are still the same. Yeah, its so like our personal teater. It have prologue, climax and a very perfect ending. I want to live this short life with you guys cuz I know that you guys will makes my life meaningful and happier. This friendship affect me and always meant a lot towards me. Thanks a lot for giving me too much sweet memories. I want us to be happy and always. I never thought that Allah gonna gave me this kind of friendship. Everyday and everytime, I thanked God for giving me a chance to get knows you guys better and better. This is like the best-est phenomena in my life.
P.S ; They're like the Sun of my day. The stars of my night. The water of my thirsty throat. The sweetest chocolatte ever. They brighten my day. Don't ever talk bad about them. Really.