★ Love is fool

Love is fool. I don't even know what is it. I'm finding a words to tell you my deepest heart. I'm sorry dear heart. I know that this time, it gonna hurt you more than always. Huhh, I'm obviously tired of this but it keep haunting me. I want it to stop here. Just enough. I'm sick of you. Just leave me alone. You're bothering me again
"Okay , ni last, after this I xkan kcau you lg okey Nur Raihan ? Okay , I'm sorry cuz I keep hurting your feeling . I'm so stubborn and selfish . I hope that you'll forgive me and continue your life . Our journey together can't end here baby . Eventhough I keep hurting you , but my love towards you will never ends . You affected me by your sweet smile . When you do the hair thingy , I feel that I wanna hug you . The pair of eyes , always amaze me . You're my perfection . I thanked God for your existense in my life . You are my heart and soul . How can I live without you ? Dear Siti Nur Raihan Bt. Ahmad Zabidi , why can't our love last forever like Romeo and Julliet ? Why can't we fly to the sky like G6 ? You're the miracle of me . Think wise baby . Its just you and me sayang . This boy Tengku 'Samuel' Danial B. Tengku 'Samuel' Harith will always be there when the time you need me . Eventhough our love ends here , I'm here just for you . Winks for the preetiest girl in my life :D"
" To you, every of your words won't affect me like before. Asha Jolie, that name, hurt me badly. I'm not your baby. I don't need you at all. Stop bothering me cuz, I hate you. You're so riddiculous. 'We' won't be the same. That words, you better erase it from your thought. You ain't that gorgeous, gentle, or sweet. You're just a horrible plus pathetic. Got that douchebag? You're existense is just a burden in my life. Luckily, I'm hating you right away after I knew about you and that bitch. You and her could be a perfect match cuz both of you are prick. Both of you just talk from others back, never dare to spill it out infront of me. Goodbye, adios and Selamat Tinggal, you're my history and history won't be repeated :D".
★ You can't be me

Okay, here we go againn. Weeeeeepiiii ~ Girls, you can't be me. No matter how cool or preetayy you're. You can't be me. ( Am I talking like a hottie? ) Okay laaa, aku just nak cakap. Don't act like you know me. Even I didn't know the real me. Yeah, hampa bukan kenal aku pun. Jadi, jangan cakap apa-apapun pasal aku. Yeah, aku memang cool(?). Hahaha. Yang itu sangat silap. Hehehe.
Actually, aku nak cakap. Aku meluat bila aku suka benda apa-apa, tiba-tiba, orang yang aku tak berapa suka pun suka. Hehh. Complicated weeeeh. Hurmmm, I'm so abnormal. Macam aku suka BIGBANG, tiba-tiba, orang yang aku tak suka pun sukaa juga, siap post on FB lagi. Apa ini? Aku meluat dia dan dia pulak intrested in what I'm. Hehh, that was the meaning of the title. Hurmm
Okay, ada nmpak dak kat ataih tuu aku tulis full? Haaaa, Bahasa Melayu bahasa Ibunda ku. Kuikui. Hahaha xD
Okay, at first, I'm so fuckin' piss off sbb ada org fake aku. Kuikui2. Siap nama pun Rei. Meluatnyaa akuuuu. Pehtuu lyan BIGBANG. Pehtuu suka Dara and CL jugakkk. Hehhhh, bencinyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Okay, before things got worst, we better end it heree. Jaaaa ne :D
★ Freedom
Okay, at 11:15PM I'm done with you. There's nothing between us anymore. Finally. Heh, dh kntoi, jgan nk dalih2 lg oke? Thnk God sbb I tk ckap kt spa2 kita in a relationship. Jyeeaaah. I think that remains silent is the best :DKinda sad cuz its already about 1months. Hahaha. Oh. I hate myself for accepting you again but I hate you more than everything. Thnks for the pain you brought along. Fuck. Lepas ni, you boleh pergi mati dgan life you. Eh you know what, I don't even give a single fuck on you. Benci weh kt hg. P mati p mati. Sbb hg laa nih. Okay, mmpuih p kt hg ah la neh kn. Different path for both of us. Erghhh, since you dtg Kedah hrituu, my life was a disaster ya know. Now I hate you so much. Kau dgan si Angelina Jolie tiruan kau tu boleh terjun London Bridge sma2. I'm not upset because of being fool. Just upset cuz I've hurt myself.
Oh dear Raihan, think well before you makes some decisions. Don't be a silly bitch. Yeahh, from now on, I'll never ever accept your love. Tah laa, yeah, you love me but I'll never enough for you. Yalaaa, you nk hit sapa kn malam2? Eh, I'm not a cheap woman. Go on and have a life pervert.
Okay, kt perempuan lain, you buleh buat semua tuu but not SITI NUR RAIHAN BT AHMAD ZABIDI. I'm bloody different. Dayyuuuum, aku dh takmay tgk muka hang kt dlam hidup aku yg aman dan damai ni lgi. Yeah.
P.S ; Esk klau sapa yg bca ni tnya ka apa ka, aku tkmau jwab sbb hmpa bkannya kesah pun. Umm, Bo, sorry for didnt pick up ur call. Sorry, phone mati dude. Um, love ya. Chuu ~
★ Miaaaw ~
Wai? Semue org sihat ke? Oke anak2 serta para hadirin sekalian. Saya Raihan dan saya tak kisah pun kalau orang nak benci ke, meluat ke. Ape ke. Tah, sapeee kisah en? Okay laa, stop typing like a poyo. Wakakaka xD Okay, here we go again. Hello? Semua sihat kah di sana? Heehehehe. Put ur hands up if so. Aaaaaaaa, okay, I do miss my Kaeeee. Omaigoddd. She's my gayyyyyy. Mana awk Amani? Ops, nama tuu terlalu keperempuanan untk hg. Hehehe.Okay, tukaq bab. Aaaaa, aku bca budak ni punya blog. Why does she write like a matured person? Hahahaha. Giloo. But I DO HATE HER. Maybe sbb old time?! Bukan sebab akuu jeles kaa touching ka apa ka naih. Baik baik sket. SIKIT PNYA CNTEK MCAM AKU NK JELES KA WOI?!*okay, aku bsaqkn sket td. HAHA xD. Okay, hbeh bab perasan
Aaaa, apa lg yaa yg terbuku di hati anak dara Ahmad Zabidi ni yaa? Aaa oke, wa dh ckap balik ngn mama wa. Ceh, aku tktau psepa nahh. Dia mai ckap. Aku pun ckap. Potpetpotpet, kembali seperti sedia kala. Well, MUKA COMEL MCAM AKU SAPA YG TAKMAU CKAP?!*sorry, angin perasan bertiup kencang tdik.) Miahahaha
Ah, baiklah, straight to tha point, esk aku exam. WTF? SEJARAH MAN?!*super bsaq sbb aku kezutzutzut. HAHA xD. Yeah, aku tk bca buku. Td aku tgk laki bru aku, Sungje. Truih tk jd nk bca. Dia qeja mengelamun jaa, so aku ambik jalan mudah. Katup buku kuat2, then guling2 ataih lantai, pehtuu renyih2 bukak si pat sagi aku ni(laptop aku). Mama kata aku tekan squpa nk pecah jaa. HAHA xD. Trademark oii.
Sekian. XoXo, thnks for reading and any compliments you can call 0369852147 :D
★ Love is Ouch

Break it down now
Break it down now
This how it's goin' down
You say you love me but why
Do you keep making it so hard for me?
What is it exactly that you're upset about
Recently your increased interference
and meddling is wearing me out
Hey, like that, I've been avoiding
Your phone calls for the past few days again
I tell you what's going on
Your promise to make only me happy, boy
Tell me what's up, what's up, you've changed a lot
You're trying to overcome this easily
But it seems our time's already up,
Time to say good bye, don't pretend like you can't hear me
We were over a long time ago, now turn your head away
I'm singing a break-up song, bye my love
I'm going to fly higher to that far away place
I'm not going to be fooled anymore by sweet temptations
It's a new start, now it's time to part ways
Once again, I'm boldly making my exit
So as expected from you, I hope that you'll
Be free from me forever, this moment right now
Love is always ouch and always comes with pain
I will forget you now
Sighs that naturally come out in the middle of our increased arguments
We're doing wrong to each other, and you know this too, that I'm better without you
Whenever we fight our repetitive, guilty fights, we always try to win against the other
I hate myself when I'm like this and so I hate you more, I'm trying to erase you now
Please think of farewell as love as well
You'd drive me crazy
Being like this, I don't think I can help but hate you
Instead I'll tell you, it's over, now turn your head away
I'm singing a breakup song, goodbye my love
I'm going to fly higher to that far away place
I'm not going to be fooled anymore by sweet temptations
It's a new start, now it's time to part ways
Once again, I'm boldly making my exit
So as expected from you, I hope that you'll
Be free from me forever, this moment right now
Love is always ouch and always comes with pain
I will forget you now
Wherever I go, I will think of you
You're always next to me, always by my side
I'll pray for you, bring my two hands together
That you're happy, and that we're forever forever forever together
I'm going to fly higher to that far away place
I'm not going to be fooled anymore by sweet temptations
It's a new start, now it's time to part ways
Once again, I'm boldly making my exit
So as expected from you, I hope that you'll
Be free from me forever, this moment right now
Love is always ouch and always comes with pain
I will forget you now
Break it down now
It's almost over now
I won't forget, day and nigh
The memories I always had with you
Memories I had with you
Okay, that lyrics is so damn meaningful. I'm almost cry when reading the song. Gosh, its kinda hard for me :(
Its kinda awful if we can't be with someone that we really want to. Plus, the guy love that girl more than me. Wuawuawua. I'm so sad ya know? Erghhh, its kinda hard for me to through this alone. He used to be my BFF. Tah, somehow this feeling had changed. LALA ~
The arguments between us really makes me sad. But let the time take my sadness away. I regretted of my past decisions. Just, I miss the way you're. Now, you're freakin' busy for me. Its just your awek in ur mind. Yeah, I've made a filthy decision. Fuck, I hate me.