★ My super addiction

Okay, like I said, they're my super duper addiction. The most coolest girl group. They're just different from others. Totally. They produce a great song too. And, they're talented. Really. They're what they're. They wear something that is fuckin' weird. And it makes them look hot. I mean it. And, my fave is, Lee Chae Rin and Sandara Park <3. Omooo, those girls are the best. But I do love Minzy and Bom too. But I love Dara and ChaeRin moree. HAHA. Why shouldn't you love them? Cute and cool. Thats awesome. A perfect combination. Yeahh.

*Eh2, siloop :)
★ Didn't agree with it.

Okay, after half session of PMP, the girls were on the way to Bilik Kesihatan. Measuring heights, checking the tooth and etc. I think that something wrong with measuring ruler. Heh, dhlaa aku dh pndek. Pembaris tuu mengecilkn lgi angka tnggi aku. Hehhhh. When I was in grade 5, my heights was 144cm. And just now, its only 145 ?! Whatt? It can't be. No way duhh. About 3 years, the different is only 1cm? Tenenene. It couldn't be. I think that I'm about 150-152. Really. Okay done <3
★ Desire

I'll never stop from something that's already became my addiction. I just need it cuz it's like a drugs to me. No one could ever ask me to stop from horsing. That is what I am. You can't changed me. Everytime I'm on the horse, galloping, I can feel the freedom of life. The winds, that blows my hair. Never felt something like this before. It feels like a piece of heaven. It makes me forget everything. I'm always lovin' it. Every second, every miles away. Rusty always makes me feel safe. He comfort me all the time. He knew me and always makes me happy. The best horse in the world. That makes me loves him. I'm not that good, believe me. But trust and confidence makes me look good. Trust me. Nothing to be scared of. Just sit and relax. Thats all. Thanks to Mom and Dad, for trusting me that I'll give you guys the best. Dad, thanks for buying Rusty for me. I hope that we could change his name. He's wonderful. I love you daddy, mommy. I wanna give you guys the best. Victory :)
★ Ainnur Amani Rozahani
Okay, thnx to her for editing my blog. Yeah, it was so beautiful and I owe her a lot. She edited my picture. And everything. Thnks babe. You're the best. So, here's the blog, http://neverfartnever.blogspot.com/ . Okay, she posted an entry about me. Its kinda hillarious for a chic like her talkin' nice about others. Sayin' I love You is kinda hard for her. HAHA xD You should read it
To my baby ; Thnks Kae. You've helped me a lot. Kinda hard to say Thnks because it wouldn't be enough. And, you're my best friend. I love you baby. You're always being fine and funny. You know how to mix up with me. You're different from any of my BFF. You've got your own personalities. Its great and pleasure to know you. Thnk God for the meeting. You're always in my mind <3
★ Amani ~
Aaaaa, babi, hg jnji nk bg gmbaq tuu kt aku. ALALAL, aku tntut niiii ~ Heh, blog hg cntik la idiot. Suka gila bangang kot. Aku akn buat hg edit blog aku. MIAHAHAHAH. Tp kn, rmbut hg lawa jaaaaa. Mcam mcam Drew Bacon :POhhh, I loikeeeee. Mcam exBF aku ajaaa dong. Ting tonggg ~
Sayang laaa kt hg. HIHI. I sound like a retart gay. Bleeerrrh. Do I suppose to care? Ceh, lepas ni nk boh blonde plak ah. AHHAA. Benci, lmbt btoi hg menghantaq gmbaq. BENCI lah. Hehhhhhh. Okay, aku membebel sorg2. Jyeaaah. I'm so crazzaaaay. Dayyyyuuuum ~
★ Hawwwwwwt ~
Okay, sumpah. Berbie nii hot gilaaa. Uwaaaaaa. Suka suka. Kak Qis, awt tkmau kt diaa? Klau Rei jd kak Qis, sumpah mau ~ Okay, at first, mmg dh agak dh kta SEMUT. Then dh hbeh critaa tuu, on lappy and search for 'Aren Yunus'. And holyshit, its him. Gosh, she was so bloody lucky. HAHA. Whatever. Saya tkmau pun :P Saya nk kt bdak tuu. Tkmau kt Aren tuu. Tp klau Aren mau kt saya, mmg pkiaq bnyak kali jugaklah. HOHO. Hormon gatai menyerang bebeh. HAHA xD It was a good day. But after I watched him, I was screamin' and being crazy. ahaks. Cecei, mcam apa lagih. Buat terok. But, as I mention just now, I WONT HEART ANY GUY MORE THAN THAT KID. OKAY FINE? Hahahaha, mcam taufan aja aku naik bilik td. Kak Ain and Kak La pun aku tk tgoq. Siap Boy kna belah lg. HAHA. Sbb tkut lupa nama Aren tuu. Wakakaak. Dasar Fangirl. Ceit, fan kee? HAHA. Okay lahh, saya nantuk lerr. Penat nihh, bru lepash naik kudee. So, everyone loves Rusty and I'm kinda hate it bcuz, I think that Rusty will always mine. No one could ride him unless the name is Siti Nur Raihan Bt. Ahmad Zabidi. Yeah, saya bnci bila org naik kuda saya sbb nnti kuda saya rosak bila dilanyak2.
Okay, bye and love youuuuu ~
★ I have to say goodbyeee :(
You know how much I hates goodbyee? It feels like being fuck up already. Dolu2 bila on MSN jaa, msti gila2 tu akan ckap HAI SI PENDEK TINY YG GARANG GILE BABI. Tp skrg tkdk sapa nk ckap cmtuhh :(Prankstars :( I miss those guys. They said that I'm naive but sometimes I'm quite horrible. HAHA. I miss those time. The time that we're talking crap about others. The moments that you guys pranked me. The attitude of Amylia, Kamil, Safri, Jamal, Farhan, Shah, Raigeki, Nono, Babee, Abigail, Hannah, Fana, Pupui and my handsome Joey just makes my day. But, semua org dh busy. Since Aya(Amylia), Joey, Abigail and Raigeki moved to Australia. Huhu. Nono, Babee, Hannah, and Pupui semua kt Bukit Jalil. Shittt. I'm alone here.
Doing the same thing everyday. Dh takdak org nk sakitkn hati Rei laa Punjabi2 Tercinta :( Where have you been? I miss you guys so bad. Tears drop instantly. Remembering you guys sometimes makes me smile. But right now, we're too busy for each other. I've all of your blog. Even our blog. Comel, sapa yg write? Rsa mcam Joey :)
I miss you. Eventhough you're my ex Bie, but you're still the same. I miss you MAT SALLEH CELUP :(
I'm counting days for your return. Kalau balik sini, I promise I bwak you jalan2. Tp msti laa you drive :) Eh I mean, Raigeki drive. HAHA. Since he's the oldest. Oneechan, a bunch of kids bothering me. They called me bitch and its so anoyying. Couldn't face this with you guys.
Aya, aku dh minx maaf kn kt kau? HAHA. Sorry, cuz I've yelled at you that night. Sorry. Tak tau sapa weh. Silap timing bak kata Kamelia. HAHA. I miss you pretay. Sayang kau tauu. Aishiteru yo ~
Kamelia, things between us doesn't work well right? I'm sorry. I'm too ego. I couldn't forget about it. Just sick of that thing. Sorry. IMY :)
And to others, AITAKUTE. Bila lagi korg semua nk kcau aku? Pnggil aku pendek? HAHA. Hrituu Tiny on, cuma ada several of us jaa. Kamelia, Aya, Joey, Raigeki and Drew tkdk pun. Benci tauu. You guys on laa :(
A lot of stuff nk kongsi. A lil bit of problem :(
P.S. : I miss you Aizat Sukor :( Our classmates pun rndu hg. Nnti kita chat tau :)
★ Happpppppyyyyyy ~
Okay, pagi ni saya bgun sangat awal sbb sgt excited untk ke Al-Iskandari. Saya sgt gian untk berjumpak dan menunggang baby Rusty :)Okay, time first tuu dia sgt baik. Mcam angel. Tp bila dh buat 20 rounds, dia start buat prangai, agak devil disitu. Bnci tau. Dhlaa rndu kt dia pehtuu dia nk buang plak. Serius hrini tk berapa nk confidence. Haih, my confidence level sgt low. Hurrm. Hmpir dibuang oleh Rusty sebanyak lima kali. Nakalnyaaa.
Pehtuu duk qeja halau lalat smpai tk kira rider kt ataih. Abg Li ckap dia dh tk knai aku. So, dia test laa. Sbb dh lama aku tk naik dia. Sgt lama. Tp aku sgt mencintai Rusty. Sapa2 yg ttgk dia semua akn rsa dia comel. HAHA. Sbb dia dh mmg comel. *Coughh ( mcam tuan dia )* okeh, agak perasan dia situu.
HAHA, so, saya nk mndi sbb saya sudah berbau seperti kuda. Saya sgt happy dan saya rndu budak tuu. Okayyyy, what a good day :)
Rndu kt Rustyy dh punnn terungkai. Jd, rndu kt DIA tk terungkai lgiikk. HAHA xD
Dayuum, Imma so gedik aaa. Like bitch xD
Eh2, tarik balik
Byebye folks. Love you. Lots of love from meh <3

( dia ni jerit2 pnggei saya. okay :) )
★ *Cough*
HIHIHI. LMFAO. Sudah terkntoii baaa. Mcamna ni? HE knew it already. I was like 'err' 'aaa' 'haha'. Pfffth. Ni sbb buku berteraboq laa ni. Shit laaa. Pastuhhh kena ejek2. Jem aaa. HAHA xDTo that boy : You know, you're the person that I dream to be with. Chatting with you was the most incredible thing that I did. I never regret of liking and loving you. I'm always wishing you as my birthday present. Really. I pray for your happiness. I pray for your health. I'm always wondering, will you ever loved me as I do? Somehow I'm missin' you. Eventhough I don't know you well, but you did amaze me. The way you ride the horse. The way you smile. Amaze me. Huh, I'm glad of meeting you. I want to own you. Be my everything. Be my only man. Will you ever makes me smile? I want a guy that could protect me, love the way I am, be nice with me and that will never cheat on me. Can you? I don't really care about the person look. Really. Just be nice with me and love me as I do love you. Thats all. You know boy, I'm so in love with you. Really ~