★ Thts the truth Maniac !
Aku ceritaa sbb tuu ja cara yg bleh tgoq hg. Hg kta psai kwan kita. Hg bukak aib org. Hg ingt tk malu ka? Tuu past sins. Dia tk pernah bngga dgan first kiss dia tuu. Dia cerita untk buat teladan kt kita. Bodo laa betina ni ! Mmg ya pun aku duk ngata blkg hg. How bout hg buat critaa kt Kak Nad? Kat classmates kta sbelum ni. Kt senior2. Pueh la noh hati hg. Klau hg buat prangai elok2, mngkin ada org mau aa kwn hg. Aku tk lyan hg ka hg tk lyan aku? Hg tk critaa psai tuu kt aku. Aku sedih sgt. Kt hg, aku tk pernah berahsia. Klau hg tk critaa kt Shidi, msti bnda ni tk jd ! Hg msti ada add story sket2. Niesa tk kta apa2 kt Chekyah pun. Hg duk kalut apa? Esk p hbaq laa dkat kwan2 hg yg aku maki2 hg kt blog. Ajak semua org follow blog aku. Jgan jd daje butuh !
★ Celaka pnya biadab
Woi babi. Bila msa aku melenting time hmpa ckap psai aurat? Bila msa aku lyan hg mcam kuli? Bila msa aku memalukan hg? Bila msa aku pnggil hg bodoh secara serius? Dlu hg jgak syok bila kita melawak2 kata bodoh2 kt sma2 sndri. Tp psaipa skrg hg nk ungkit mcam aku sorg duk kta? Hg ingt kwan2 yg hg kwan tuu suka kaa hg duk mlwak2 ksaq? Hg ingt tk skit ka? At least aku kta, aku bkannya buat. Org pun dpat bezakan yg mna melwak, yg mna serius. Hg mmg buat org sakit2. Bila org buat hg mula la nk terasa. Cibai la lahanat. Hg mmg BAGUIH. Mna ada org bguih dri hg. Mmg aku jahat. Hg baik. Maklumlaa. Hg kn pkai tdung. Solat tk pernah tinggal. But, itu semua zahir. How about batin ols? Hmpa judge aku mcam aku ni jhat. How about her? Hg kta hg tk buat daje. Hg mmg buat daje. Hg post blog. Everyone buleh bca la mangkuk hayun. Mmg aku sbaq gila dgan hg. Sbaq sgt2 laa ni. Smpai hg naik kepala. Hg buleh nmpak dk kesalahan hg? Aku mmg terasa bila depa critaa psai hg and Shidi. I'm almost faint. Smpai hati hg tk ceritaa kt aku. Mmg betoi ckap org, aku cuma kwan time susah ja. So, sapa dilyn mcam spare part? Time hg gduh aku, bru hg pndai nk cri Muna, Ieda, Shikin pa suma. Pling aku terasa, hg tk sebut nma aku time hg ckap terima ksih sbb duk dngaq msalah hg. Okey laa, la ni, sapa yg duk back up hg time hg gduh? Hrituu time dgan Niesa ja dk. Sbb aku tau yg hg salah. Hg bergaduh ngn bdak2. Mmg tk mtang. Cuba jd matang sket. Hg ni tersgt mengada2. Aku tkkan tarik balik apa yg aku kta. Tkkan ! Aku dh jmpak sahabat. Dan hg tk tergolong. Hg ckap aku perasan bguih. Hg p tnya laa org. Sapa yg prasan bguih. Aku ka hg? Bukan aku yg buat dpa smua tkmau kwan dgn hg. Its their choice. Dpa kwan ngn hg sbb aku. Oke? Hg pham la kot noh. Even org yg hg rsa BFF pun hg stab blakang. Its hurt a lot aa pukimak. Babi, aku sbaq tahap gaban dgan hg. Okey, wanna fight kn? Angkt la geng2 hg. Jgan duk jd daje sgt la kot noh lncau. Hg sorg ja ka yg buleh menganjing org? Hg ingt bdak kelas kita ska ka kt hg? Dpa terpksa sbb dpa tkmau hg terasa. Stg laqi qumah pulak. Ka bunuh diri ka. Mna tau kn. Sbenaqnya, yg dgan Niesa tuu tkdk msalah pun. Hg yg pnyebab Shidi cedera. Klau hg solve nicely, bnda ni tkkan jd. Klau org start ckap ksaq, bru kita ksaq balik. Ni tk psai2 nk maki org. Cuba nasihat. Tk bleh ka? Hg pkiaq la weh. Truskn cerita psai org. Keep it on la
★ F U K I M A K !
I'm piss off. Really. You know, you're the person that I hate the most. Punya psai la hg nk buat apa pun dgan awek hg. Mcam aku mau tau ja. MAUnya aku ! Babi, p mati la weh. Suka sgt duk buat aku sedih. Aku benci hg. Aku teramat benci hg. Klau hg nk tidoq skali pun, perlu ka mai crita2 kt aku? Hg saja kn nk buat aku tk tenteram? Dasar jntan kuat kedengki. Mmg aku fed-up dh dgan hg. I've a life now. Don't bother me. Stop it. You're trying to ruin my life, AGAIN ! This is my life. I wanna be happy. Life is short. Please, I beg you. Stop it laa. I don't want to know anything about you guys. I'm not the old REI. The Rei always piss off on a simple mistakes. I don't want to be that way. I want to control my behave. I've to. I've promised him that I won't kick anyone ass, anymore. I have to quit ! I can't get mad at a simple mistakes. I've to be patient. I'm a girl. Its hard to control this thing. Its cause me pain cuz I can't stand it. I've to kick someone ass to makes me feel better. But, I've promised him about this. Even he's no longer in my life. But I know that this is for my own sake ! :)
★ You.
You told everyone that I'm not goood as before. I didn't be with you as the old days. You keep blamin' on me. Stop it lah. I'm sick plus tired of this. Really ! I never lied to you. But you've lied towards me. You told everyone about your relationship with him. But, how bout me? I'm shock when one of our friends told me about you and him. And now, you've nothing with him. How could you keep it secret from me. If I'm your BFF, why don't you tell me about this? Dlu hg ckap aku lyan hg mcm spare-part. Tp sbenaqnya, hg yg lyan aku mcamtuu. Aku sedih dgan prangai hg. Setiap hari, semuanya terungkai. Makin sedih aku. Knapa perlu tipu aku? Yg paling sedih, bila aku dpat tau hg dgan dia dri mulut org lain. Org tuu tk brapa rpat sgt pun dgan hg. Tp knapa dia tau lebih dri aku? Okey laa, mmg aku tk diperlukan dlam hidup hg yg glam terok tuu. Mmg aku ptut dgaq nsihat Greg, Zaki and others. Mmg aku ptut lupakan hg. Bila hg snang hg tk share dgan aku. Bila susah bru cari aku. Umm, smalaa dgan Uncle Fahmi. Bila dia susah bru call aku. Time dia snang kot laa dia nk msj aku. Dia lebih suka msj hg dri aku. Klau kita gduh pun, msti dia akn pksa aku p minx maaf kt hg. Hmpa semua cubalaa pkiaq sma perasaan aku. Aku syg hmpa semua. Tp apa yg hmpa bg kt aku? Knapa semua hmpa ja yg nk satistified? Aku? Pkiaq sma perasaan aku. Semua aku kna pkiaq psal hmpa. Try to appreciate me as a friend. Aku mmg ttp syg hg wlau apa pun.
★ To anyone.

★ I'm suck.
You know, everytime we're in fight, I'm the one who will says SORRY. But you tell everyone that you're the one yg akn ckap Sorry cuz aku ank dato'. Heyy, mna ada. It ain't me. Even kita gduh bsaq mcamna pun, aku yg akn minx maaf. Aku sedih sgt2. Knapa stiap kali aku yg kna jdi loser? Knapa tahap kesian aku lebih tggi dri tahap kesabaran aku? Aku benci sgt. Setiap kali hg buat salah, aku yg kna minx maaf. Walhal bnda tuu salah hg. Pyah ka hg nk minx maaf? Klau hg minx maaf pun msti tkkan ikhlas. Knapa perlu jd angkuh? Kita cuma mnusia kn? Aku mcam nk teqiak bila tau hg ckap mcamtuu kt aku. Tlglaa berubah. Aku tktau nk ckap mcamna nk buat hg berubah. Aku cuma buleh teriak bilaa org pksa aku p minx maaf. Aku bkann angkuh. Tp stiap org msti ada ego kn? Bilaa laa nsib aku akn dibela. Even org tuu pun squh aku minx maaf kt hg. Suma org kesian kt hg sbb org nmpak hg baik. Fizikal hg yg tutup aurat. Aku pulak pkai mcam bitch kn? Thts why org tk kesian kt aku. Cuba pham sbb apa aku tk pkai. Tkkan saja2 aku tkmau pkai? Hg heboh kt suma org mcam aku jhat. Suma org dh hilang respect kt aku. Ya Allah, hnya engkau yg tahu siapa diriku yg sebenar. Aku dh tk kesah psai apa yg org akn ckap psai aku skrg ni. Aku dh malas nk amik tau psai org. Org mmg dh tkkan respect aku. Tkpalaa, aku tk pernah mrah hg pun. Aku cuma sedih. Yg aku tau, aku syg hg smpai mati walaupun seteruk mna hg. Aku minx maaf sbb bnyak buat hg meluat. Aku mmg manusia keji. Siapalah aku untuk menghukum manusia kn? Aku cuma manusia.
★ Someone :D
Mohd Farhan Nayib b. Harizan. Haha. He always there when the time I'm not in a good mood. He's a new friend but he's nice. Just nicee. hehe. I lovee youu kot. No matter what. Woot. Even if that so, I don't even careee. HAHA. Tktau nk tulis apa. He's my guardian angel *lovee*
★ I'm a piece of shit :)
Umm, nice one. I thought that tonight could be a wonderful night. But hell no. It ain't wonderful night. Its a crap. Yeap, you fit her. I'm not preety as her. I'm not gorgeous and skinny as the way she are :) I'm just a fat ass. I'm a hideous creature as what you said and I'm totally agree. You cause me for a lot of prob. You leave me without a note. You treat me like a shit. I just want to kick your ass. Both of you. But someone change my mind. He changed the way I'm gonna solve this mess. I can't face this. I'm crying right now. It hurt me. Hurt me so bad. The person that I love the most treat me this way. What am I? Please don't do this. I hate this. I can't say goodbye. Totally. I wan't to forget everything about you. I can't be this way. This is not the cheerish Rei. This isn't me. You spread rumors about me. Everyone said that I'm a bad person, a slut, a bitch. I hate this. I love you so bad but you did this. You called me while yelling at me. I don't even know why. Remember this?Kau begitu sempurna
Dimataku kau begitu indah
Kau membuat diriku akan slalu memujimu
Disetiap langkahku
Kukan slalu memikirkan dirimu
Tak bisa kubayangkan hidupku tanpa cintamu
Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa
Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku, kau begitu
Sempurna... Sempurna...
Kau genggam tanganku
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku
Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu menghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa
Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku
Lengkapi diriku
Oh sayangku, kau begitu
Sempurna... Sempurna...
Kau genggam tanganku
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata dan hapus semua sesalku
Our song kn? Hurm. You've take one of my BFF away from me. He's the most important person in my life. Don't you get it? He's someone to me. Because of you guys, dia dh jeling2 klau jmpak aku. Psaipa ni weh? Kalau hmpa nk bercinta, go ahead ah. I don't even give a fuck. I meant this. You ain't shit dude. Syed Mohd Rafique Adha b. Syed Mohd Kameil, I miss you so bad. Aku rndu sgt2 kt hg. Hg ja yg buleh buat aku gelak. Aku tk perlukan jntan tu. Aku perlukan hg. Aku syg hg. Aku nk hg mcam dlu. Aku dh tk buleh mcamni. Aku perlukn hg. I miss you so bad. I'm going crazy if you're being this way. You know that I don't tell lies right? Don't be this way aa.
★ Them.
They help me to through the hardest part if my life. I don't know how to thank them. I would do anything just to make them feel better. This is what I meant when I said friendship. Siti Nurnadzurah, Wan Nadia Atikah, Umi Fatimatuz Zahraa, Muna Aqila, Siti Nuur Ajriah, Nur Nasrin, Nur Shahida, Farhan Harizan ( New buddy ), Syed Ali Wafi, Haslinda Bahdot, Hazman Bahdot. They're my everything. Oh God, don't take them away from me. None of them makes me annoyed. Thnk God cuz I met them. After I heard that he kiss her. I think that I can face it. But freako named Farhan knows how to make me laugh again. Thnks weh. I owe you one smile. HAHA xD I'm still tired cuz I just got back from the stupid swimming pool. Bhahah xD. I can't stop laughing. I think that the chef put something on our fries. HAHA xD We laugh a lot. Even its raining, it can't stop us from having fun. I love all of you but too bad cuz the most loudest bestie of mine didn't join us ;( Aaaa, that kiddo is soo noisy lol. I love her to death. She always makes me laugh as hell. I think that she is my laugh gas. Every single jokes that is from her makes me laugh and I can't stop it =.=' She's preety, stylish, superb, kindest, cutest and funniest friend ever. Her name is Chekyahh.
Umi, she's the most gedik-ness. haha. I lovee you panjang. HEHE. She's my BFF since we're in form 1. hehe. She is nice but sometimes she anoyyed me =.= ' But I still love her. She's cute, preety, athlete, gedik, noisy, love to laugh and she's my BFF .
Nadia, she's just cute as her name :) The most weirdest BFF of mine. She makes me laugh and she's my neighbour. When teacher is teaching, we start to 'kutuk' anyone that we hated. HAHA xD We never pay attention. She is nice, sweet, chubby, cute, tallest, and I love everything that is about her.
Erin, this girl is sweet. She loves to play the boys heart. She is kinda nice and she love to talk about something dirty. HAHA. She have the sweetest smile ever. I love the way she blink and wink her eyes. Woahh, I adore this girl quietly.
Muna Aqila, she's my personal ustazah. HEHE. I love this cute girl so badd. She always makes me feel better. I trust her and she always help me through everything. She helped me a lot. She changed me. I love her and don't try to makes fun of her. I gonna kick your ass.
The preetiest pair of eyes owner, Nur Shahida. She is the most cutest BFF I've ever had. The only tomboy in our group. HEHE. She's cuteeeee. Freakin' cute but she's too fiercee aaa. Sometimes she scared me. Hehe. She's my neighbour and she loved to sleep in class lol. HAHA. She's my partner. Her smile could melt the iceberg. But when she mad, SMKBBD could burn up laa. HAHAH xD
He's the only BFF that have the diff sex. His name is Syed Ali Wafi but he's kinda ignoring me right now. I don't know why but what I know is, our friendship mcam ada jurang sikt. I don't why but I miss the old you hunn. I miss you. Totally missin' you as hell. When I'm in trouble, you're the one that I'll call or text cuz I trust you a lot. But now, I couldn't do that anymore. It seems like you hate me. I feel so awkward Wafi. I hope that you notice that. Are you ashamed of being a friend of mine? Is it embarassing you? When people said that we're a pair of couple, you're just mad and mad. I'm sorry. I know that we shouldn't be this close. Sorry eh.
I love all of them. They're the rockest schoolmates and classmates ever. No one could replace them even you. No one could take them away from me.
★ Shitto, Shizzit, Shitness.
Don't pretend that you're good enough. You act like you're damn great. Everything that's about you just makes me sick. You ruin my life. You makes our family turns upside down. What the hell? Bodoh. I'm not that bad laa. Don't judge me if you don't even know me. You're no onr in my life. Not even any shit. You ain't nothing in my life. So, whats the fuck-up? Who're you to control my life? You've no rights to control me. You ask my own cousins to follow me and my sis cuz you don't even believe us. Weh, tkpayah la duk kcau hidup aku. Jgan duk bwt mcam hg kesah. Babi. Frankly I'm sayin' I don't even like you and I hate youu so bad. Jgan jd babi untk kalut2 dlam life aku. Hg tkdk hak. Even abah aku yg knai aku 14 thun pun boleh percaya aku. So, hg sapa? Hrta bnda dlam rumah tu suma hak abah aku. Hg tkdk hak untk guna sesuka butuh hg. Aku tk pernah berkiqa smpai mcmni tp aku dh besabaq lma dh ngn hg ni. Aku cukup meluat bila org duk guna bnda kesyg-an abah aku. Aku meluat sgt. Hg kna la respect sma brg2 org. Suma hg main bntai ja. Pukimak la hoi. Hg ingt rumah aku tuu rumah bela org pemalas mcm hg ka? Get a life aa stupidass. BABI ! Hg jgan duk ingt aku diam tuu kira aku nk kena mengekoq hg ! Aku bkan bodo mcam depa2 tu.
★ New life? *wink*
Haaa, idk with the title broh. Haaaa, love? It'll sound like a lies if I told you that I never been in love. Ceh, buhung la tuu. Mesti penah jugak kan? Haaa, yeap. My first love, Syed Muhd Adi. Goshh, missing you a lot. Time bercinta, Rei ada betul2 perasaan cinta dgan mereka ; Adi, Kazori, Danial Harith, Firdaus, Muzz, Fazun (?). Yg betul2 Rei syg, ofcoz laa Adi, Pdot and Muzz. Hehehe. Tktau laa psaipa. But the baddest thing is, I miss my Syed Muhd Adi so bad. Gossshhh, its freakin' long time I didn't talk to him. Last night was the freakiest day everr. Tkmau dh p Mentaloon lma tuuu. Sumpah mimpi pelik2 smalam. Haduiii, menakutkan laa. Still tkleh lupa bnda yg berjalan tepi Wandi tuu. Pstuhh yg p tuu suma mcam rencak smacam jaa. Gilooo >,< Dh laa dkat2 12 mlam. Pstuh bulan di atas sna pulak pelik. Sbelum msuk tuu, Hekal nmpak kilat panah kt Mentaloon tuu. Tp depa still galak nk msuk. Haihh >,< Lupakan3. Tkmau ingt dh. Byebye ols
★ You ain't a leader !
Bullshit, its not about you dammit. Stop acting as you're the leader. Hey bodoh, I hate the way you mess my life lah. You've a BF, appreciate him as a BF please. You treat him as a fool. As a guy that have no pride. He's a guy and he should mad at you. But he didn't. Once ago, I hated him. But not anymore. He's just okay. He's nice. You torture him. You makes him sad. He didn't eat, he cried everyday and its like 24/7 he did that, he live worries. Reply his message and answer his calls. If you want to dump him away for your life, solve it nicely. It didn't cause hell as this. Stop it la. I hate you cuz you act like fool. You're a fool. Really.
★ *sigh*
Yo fellow, there's no need to copy others to look cool. There's no need to copy me to be me. You can't be me cuz you're not me. I'm not a fashionista or something. I'm a person, a human, a student and a daughther. Seriously, you ain't me. You can't be me cuz I'm me. Stop copying me. I hate it dammit. You've to be you. Cuz, being someone is just makes you look bad after all. You copy the way I'm typing/ texting, the way I mixed up the clothes, the way I walk, the way I talk, my intrest, and everything about me. I'm sicked of this bullshit yo ! Its my life, it ain't yours badass. Enough of sayin'. Keep on livin'. Wake up and open your eyes widely. KTHANKSBYE
★ Ouchie, its raining darling ~
Ignore the title, stupido. I'm single and I hate it a lot. But sometimes I do loveee it :) I'm bored to death. But when I watch 2NE1 new MV. Woahh, its freakin' cool. They're the best-est girl group everrr. I loveee 2NE1 so bad. Their 1st album is totally stunninggggg. I'm busy and Go Away totally makes my heart stop beating for a sec. Those two are my faveee. Heee ~ Their weirdness makes me lovee them more and more. CL is preetier than before. Minzy look matured than before. She look girly with long hair. Bom, she's freakin gorgeous with red hair. Daraaa, always the preetiest. She's totally lovely plus stunning and she's my fave. I love them all. They totally rock my world. They look awesome the way they're. They're different then others. They're the most coolest, weirdest, freakiest, hillarious, cutest and preetiest ever !
★ You make my life turns upside down.
Whats with the title? Haa, I wanna a BF. I mean, a long lasting relationship. Truthfully, I want to face this kind of thing. I want a boyfriend that can be a the sword and shield when I'm in a battle. I want all of those thing. I want to through the though time with someone that can lend me a shoulder. I want him to warm me when I'm freakin' cold to death. I want someone that can tell me a joke. That guy could call me everynight. That can convince my parents that he's the one for me. That can protect me from any harm situation. Ohh God, when will the guy shown up? A guy that can bright the way out. A guy that makes my life worth. I wish that. I need that guy.
★ She's someone.
Hah, this is for Ainnur Amani Rozahani. I love to being crap with her. She's the most funniest girlfriend I had ever had. I love her to death. She'll always be there in the time I need herr. She's cute but she loves to talk shit about others. HAHA xD Sometimes she's a weirdoo. This girl makes me happy all the time. She taught me about something I didn't even know. Sometimes dia nasihat aku untk jd baik. Dia tkut aku jd liaq. Aku rsa dia kwan yg baik mcam MUNA tp gilaa yg teruk ! HAHA. I lovee youu samdol !
★ I've turn into a funny zombie
Gahh, I had a fever right now. Its suck ~ Vomittttt ! Erggghhh, I hate this a lot. Sorry untk sesiapa yg kena fire. HAHA xD Bdan ni pnas and jlan pun dh lelong2 dh. Haiyaaa. Sorg ja yg tk kena fire. Nama dia Hazzim. Budak pelik dri Mars. Aiyaaa. This boy is really crazieee. Ajummm, budak kecik kenet. Aku nk p cri hg kt skolah. Aku nk sakat hg balik. Yeahhh babyyy ! HAHA, aku suka kwan dgan hg. Hg rock gilaa. Hg hensem tp hg tk mcam lelaki hensem yg lain. Hg baik dan sentiasa buat aku gelak. Hg ajar aku untk meng-happy-kn diri aku. HAHA. My baka-chan is my sunshine. He's my hero. He shine my dayy. He's suck at loves. He didn't have any first love. BHAHAH xD I almost die laughing when he told me that cuz its fuckin hillarious ! Thts why I like you. You're a weirdo. You're different. I know that you won't break my heart even kita kwan. Aku tau hg bkan type tuu. Wahh, hg hebat. Last words, I love you and our friendship :)
★ WTF?
Ini sgt bodoh. BHAHA xD Kemarin Rei nk on MSN. And suddenly, I forgot the pass. Setelah sekian lama men-try, then bru teringat. But still tk buleh guna pass tuu. But its the real one. Ceh, rupanya aku terbesarkn tulisan. Smpai nk treyak kot. HAHA. Pstuhh chat dgan Abb, Farhana, Gabby, Khairul, Afuan, Hadi and syg sayaaa. HAHA. This is kinda hillarious. Muka cuak menjadi kot kemarin. Then kmi webcam. Pstuhh kmi mengutuk sesama sndri. Dh lamaa tk mcam ni wooo. Rndu kalian kot.Hurmm, smalam saya tidur lmbat. I slept at 3a.m. HAHA. Bangsat2 tuu laa buat gua tidur lmbt. Pstuh gelak sorg2. Tetiba jaa rsa meremang bulu roma. Menakutkn.And, time nk tidur tuu, ada org gedik tuu call. Ckap mrah tp duk call org jugak. Aiyarks ~ Rei mna pndai pujuk you. Rei bkanlaa terer memujuk. Ben suka merajuk kenapaa? Pujuk ahh diri sendiri. Saya tk terlibat. Eleh, kononnya nk berlakon dgan Mon. Lakonan yg pling terukk ~ You tau tk, at first I risau but I tau yg you bukan merajuk betul2. You mengada jep. HAHA. Youu laa laki pling gedik I pernah jumpak. Azwan Ali's wannabe? HAHA. Jokeee weeehhhh. Hurm, mlam nnti you kena on jugak MSN. Or I'll kick your ass. Haihhh. You dgan Mon suka sakat I. I ckap dgan Mummy Hana and Daddy Abby. Hah Gabriel Farhan or known as Gabby , jgan duk bersengkokol dgan Khana. Hmpaa suma suka crik psal jaa. Aihh. Okayy, I've to rest cuz I had a fever. Uwaaa :'(
★ Everything is okay?

I miss the old time so bad. Hurmm, I felt lost. I think that I've to talk to you about this. I'm missing you as hell. I can't smile without you. You're my heart and my soul. I love the way you're. The way you smile and laugh. Ohh, I'm missing you. I love the way you called my name. But you leave me without any fucking reason. Hellz yeah. This is a burden. Dayyyuuuum, I can't live without you. But I've to forget you cuz you've found the one. Gosh, it hurts me. I've to promised myself that I won't fall for anyone. Not anymore. Everyday I cried cuz this feeling makes me crazy and overreacted. I waited for your call. You've steal my heart and you've break it as well. You promised me that you'll take a good care of this little heart. But? Please don't pretend that you care about me. You didn't cared about my feeling at all, aight? This feeling hurt me from inside. I can't swallow my meals. I can't stop crying. Life is as hell. Please go away. Please stop it. I can't be with you. When I woke up in the morning, I'll pray that today will be a better day without you. You appear in my dream everynight. Its a nightmare. Don't cha think so? I'm worrying about my own health. I can't swallow my drink and meals. I can't sleep like before. I'm wasting my time with erasing the memory of us. I stayed in my room like 24/7 on a school holiday. Is it normal? Am I a emo scene girl? They said that they missed the Crazy Rei. But I think its better this way. Hurm. I've to forget you for my own sake. Siti Nur Raihan, forget him cuz this is no worth.
★ What a day :)
Ha, I'm feeling better than before. Thnks to Mr Nama Pendek Ajim. HAHA. He's a maniac. They said that he's handsome and cute. HAHA. Who cares? He's fuckin' crazy and sometimes nice. HAHA. Gilaa. Bru ja kenai kot. Tp mcam rapat pulak. Asyik gelak2 ja bila chat dgan org tua perasaan muda ni. Baka-chan, thnks ah lot :) I'm almost turn into an emo scene girl. You've changed my mood after all. This is an appreciation certification for cha. IDK. Its a joke joke joke. LOL at my joke. Wehaaa. Hg bnyak buat aku gelak org tua. Maseh Ajum. Hg bkan Ajim tp hg Ajum The Arse. I was like 'WTF?' at your sill Britain Joke. HAHA. Lovee you Kule-Kule. Nickname hg yg aku bg ; Ajum The Arse. Bakano Baka-chan. Kule-Kule. Spendersman. And aku lupa. Wakakaka :)