★ No one could replace you till the end of days ~

I'm being emo again.
Sedihnyaaa. Perlu ka jdikk mcmni?
Terlalu cepat aku jtuh cinta dan aku benci perasaan ni *totally*
Pyahnyaa nk lupakan dia even aku dh cuba.
Aku perlu lupakan dia for others sake.
I'm not mad or piss off at her.
I'm not cuz I believe that friends is more important than BF.
But somehow, Rei sakit hati dgan keputusan Rei sndri.
Dia tktau apa2 tetibaa Rei ckap bnda bebukan.
Teruknya saya bukan ? -,-'
Skrg dh terlalu lmbt untk menyesal sbb aku dh dpat kepercayaan dia.
Aku dh bersumpah yg aku tkkan tinggalkan dia walau apa pun jd.
But apa yg aku tgh bwt skrg ni?
I'm avoiding myself to get closer to him.
I hate you Siti Nur Raihan.
You're so selfish.
Spatutnya aku kena explain dlu kt dia.
Aku tk ptut buat dia mcam tuu.
Aku tinggalkan dia dlam keadaan tertnya2.
I have hurt your feeling.
And I can't stop you from hating me.
I can't face this world without you.
Your words makes me realise that I'm not alone.
But now I've lost you.
What can I do now?
I'm crying right now.
No one understand me as you do.
No one could makes me feel better as you do.
And now, you're no longer by my side.
p.s ; I will always love you and no one could ever replace you. You're my whole heart. I'm sorry. You're my only boo. I couldn't forget you even day passing by. I'm so sorry. I felt so bad after I did the most stupidest thing towards someone that is meant a lot to me. I love you so bad. I'm sorry.
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