★ New Oppa !

Annyeong ! His name is Hongki-oppa . He's from FTIsland ! He's cute of course ! I think I love Taemin more than I love him ! Maybe ! Huh , I don't know . This place is boring ! And this blog always cheer me up ! xD hehe . Hongki-oppa is only oppa ! And forever ! ILOVEHIMSODAMNMUCH ! His cuteness melt me ! ^^
★ Miss
Wahh , Rei rindu bangat sama bdak2 klas 1 addin lahh . Syazmeer juga : D ngehh ~ ! Walaupown dya seorang yg pendiam , but I do miss him the most . Takda maksuda apa2 oke ? Dya hanyalah ketua darjah yg cool sahaja oke ? xD Rindu sama Tsuki , Yui , Haz Hanikey , Eyza ! huh , sgt merindui lahh ! Takdaa bnda nk bwat niyhh . Lebih baik membebel kat sni ! haha . Ninja assassin , wait for me yahh ! Oke , thats all for now : D Chow : DD
★ Politics
gahh , i'm so mad at Namewee ! Semua sama ja . Melayu yg komen pown cam pa ja . hishh . Kurang aja lahh . x patot dok kat Malaysia . berambos . Bkan Namewee ja salah . Org Melayu yg bangang2 pown sama jeahh ! I'm a kid . But I know what right and wrong*Heechul pnye ayat : D*I don't know what to say about those maniac lahh ! GTG !
★ A day with niece : D

I love my niece so muchh : D Najihah , Amni , Arifah ! Mereka dtg ke rumah rei time diorang cuti jah : D wahh , they make me happy everytime : D But , ddiorang stay jauh laa . Thailand nun ! haha : D ngee ~! thats all for now . nothing to write . my brain turn blank lahh ! sayonara and oyasumi ne ~!
★ Holiday !

yay ! cuti2 . buhsan la jgak . but , utk menghilangkan buhsanku yg mendadak ni . rei tgk video lahh ! youtube amat membantu ! Semestinya video pasal Korea : DD ngee ~! x pe ! nanti rei bwat benda yg berfaedah sket : D Aish , td I'm worrying about Taemin health . But now I'm happy sbb SM ckap Taemin dh recovered dr H1N1 ! Wahh , I'm so happy : D okey : D byehh !